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★ Bohemian Grove & Bohemians

Three days after David R Gergen, a presidential counselor, vowed to retain his membership in the secretive all-male Bohemian Club, the White House today said that he planned to resign.


Dee Dee Myers, the White House press secretary, insisted that Mr Gergen’s decision had nothing to do with the uproar this week over his membership.  She said that ‘in keeping with White House tradition’, he was resigning from every board, commission and social organization to which he belonged.  The New York Times article 11th June 1993



The Bohemian Society meets in California on the last two weeks of July of every year.  I have pictures showing all of the presidents – all of the living presidents excluding the new one but all of the living presidents – at Bohemian Grove in Northern California, and they are all wearing red and black Ku Klux Klan dress type of regalia ... That’s quite a sight to see presidents dressed like Ku Klux Klan members.  Jordan Maxwell, Illuminati I



We have colour pictures of the presidents of the United States – all living presidents today – dressed in black robes with pointed head-dresses like the Ku Klux Klan ... and worship the Owl.  Jordan Maxwell, Lucifer 2000 



I have colour pictures of all the ex-Presidents of the United States at the time, standing in unison on a platform, which I understand now is a professionally designed stage-set, before a bonfire, with a large – approximately twenty-five to thirty foot high owl with each one of the Presidents in a cape similar to what you would see at a Ku Klux Klan gathering.  This is a specific fraternal order that they belong to and support – to worship an owl as the symbol of wisdom.  They do this at twelve midnight.  Now, I have to ask you, what are ex-Presidents of the United States such as Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush doing there?  These are all living Presidents standing there in unison the whole line of them in uniforms looking like Ku Klux Klan members in front of a great bonfire, worshipping an owl.  And of course, weve all seen the owl which overlooks the front side of the dollar bill, upon its perch in the upper-right hand corner.  Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power



The Bohemian Club is a private all-male club which is headquartered in the Bohemian Building in San Francisco.  It was formed in 1872 by men who sought shelter from the frontier culture or lack of culture.  The Club has evolved into an association of rich and powerful men mostly of America ... The membership list has included every Republican US president as well as some Democrats since 1923.  Rob Bedard, Elucidation: Exposing the New World Order



The owl is in his leafy temple.  Let all within the Grove be reverent before him.  Lift up your heads, oh ye trees, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting spires.  For behold, here is Bohemians shrine, and holy are the pillars of this house.  [bong!] Weaving spiders come not here! [bong! satanic procession] Hail, Bohemians!  With the ripple of waters, the song of birds, such music as inspires the sinking soul, do we invite you into Midsummers joy ... [screaming & raucous laughter]  Fools!  Fools!  Fools!  When will ye learn that me ye cannot slay?  Year after year ye burn me in this grove, lifting your puny shouts of triumph to the stars; when again ye turn your faces to the market place.  Do ye not find me waiting as of old?  Fools!  Fools!  Fools to dream ye conquer Care! ... [satanic priest] ... Say, thou mocking spirit, is it not all a dream?  We know thou waitest for us when this our sylvan holiday has ended.  We shall meet thee and fight thee as of old, and some of us prevail against thee.  And some thou shalt destroy.  But this too we know.  Year after year within this happy grove our fellowship bans thee for a space; thine malevolence which would pursue us here has lost its power under these friendly trees.  So shall we burn thee once again this night, and with the flames that eat thine effigy we shall read the sign.  Midsummer sets up free! ... [Care] ... Ye shall burn me once again?  [screaming & raucous laughter]  Not with these flames, which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign.  Ye fools and priests!  I spit upon your fire! ... [satanic priest] ... Be gone, dull Care.  Fire shall have its will of thee.  Be gone, Dull Care!  And all the winds make merry with thy dust.  Hail fellowships eternal flame!  Once again, midsummer sets us free!  Cremation of Care Ceremony on opening night of satanic festival of fire



The Bohemian Club – Elite members of this secret order (that includes most US presidents) meet at a time when the sun (Aton) is at its highest point during the year – at the summer solstice – June 21st.  The summer solstice was adopted by Hitler and his Nazis as their most important day of ritual and celebration.  It was the most sacred day in the Nazi calendar.  Michael Tsarion; The Irish Origins of Civilization II



There is a conspiracy theory that a shadowy elite of bankers and media moguls are ruling the world from inside a secret room.  The theory goes that these elitists plan a new world order.  Secret Rulers of the World: Bohemian Grove, Alex Jones & Mike Hanson, Channel 4 2001      


These shadowy elitists  men like Henry Kissinger and David Rockerfeller  are rumoured to attend a bizarre annual summer camp in northern California called Bohemian Grove.  ibid.


His [Alex Jones] planned infiltration of Bohemian Grove will be his most daring mission of all.  ibid.


‘They sacrificed something to an owl-god … I think they’re sacrificing in the real world too.’  ibid.        



The list of Fourth Estate bigwigs who have been members or guests is extensive.  The Corbett Report, 42 The Bohemian Grove, James Corbett online 2008



65 miles north of San Francisco each summer a thousand or more very important persons – VIPs – the decision-makers and opinion-moulders of the Western world meet in mid July to relax, attend lectures and debates and enjoy themselves for three weeks.  And they do more than that.  They have some very peculiar pagan religion ceremonies.  William Cooper, broadcast #809 Hour of the Time 22 February 1996


Herbert Hoover called Bohemian Grove ‘the greatest men’s club in the world.’  ibid.  


Urinating on the trees is one of the big things.  ibid.


It is for the in-crowd of the Illuminati.  ibid.



It’s a playground for the powerful.  It’s a place where wealthy men from all over the United States gather to relive summer camp.  William Domhoff, sociology professor



You come upon it suddenly.  One step and its glory is over you.   There is no perspective; you cannot get far enough away from one of the trees to see it as a whole.  There they stand, a world of height above you, their pinnacles hidden by their topmost fringes of branches or lost in the sky.  William Henry Irwin