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Bilderberg Group & Bilderbergers
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★ Bilderberg Group & Bilderbergers

Every year the Bilderberg group meets for a few days in five-star accommodation amid ten-star security.  The Bilderbergers held their first meeting in 1954 in a small Dutch town in the Bilderberg Hotel.  Since then their annual meetings have attracted many of the most powerful men and women on the planet.  Illuminati: Our Secret Master



The Treaty of Rome which brought the Common Market into being was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings.  George McGhee, former US Ambassador to West Germany



The aristocracy of purpose: a very small and very powerful small clique of the leading individuals of the Western Elite who try from behind the scenes to manage the planet.  Daniel Estulin, interview Coast to Coast, author The True Story of the Bilderberg Group



Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands … David Rockefeller … Henry Kravis … Richard Perle … Donald Graham of the Washington Post … Vernon Jordan … Richard Haass … Representatives of the most powerful corporations in the world … Richard Holbrooke … Paul Wolfowitz …  Daniel Estulin, lecture Alternative View conference IV, ‘The Bilderbergers’


To create what they call an aristocracy of purpose.  ibid. 


120 people: meetings start on a Thursday morning, they go through Saturday afternoon.  ibid.


Chatham House rules means that none of the information that’s being presented there can be divulged to the public.  ibid.


A meeting of people that represent a certain ideology … It’s about corporations giving orders to governments.  ibid.



It wasn’t secret, it was private.  We didn’t want the press there because we wanted people to be able to talk freely.   But of course every now and then some journalist would find there was a conference, and sometimes try to get in, and of course he was thrown out.  And of course there were people of utter unimportance.  Dennis Healey, former founder & steering member, televised interview



To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated but not totally unfair in the sense that those of us in Bilderberg really felt that we couldn’t go on for ever fighting one another for nothing, and killing people and rendering millions homeless.  So we felt a single community throughout the world is a good thing.  Dennis Healey, televised interview



Of all these meetings, the most valuable to me while I was in opposition were the Bilderberg Conferences ... They were the brain-child of Joseph Retinger, a Pole who had settled in England after the Great War ... he organised the Congress of the Hague, which launched the European Movement.  Convinced of the need for a similar forum to strengthen unity between Europe and North America, he approached Hugh Gaitskell, General Colin Gubbins, who had commanded SOE during the war, and several leading politicians and businessmen who were concerned to strengthen Atlantic cooperation.  They asked Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to act as Chairman, because they rightly thought it would be difficult to find a politician whose objectivity would be above suspicion, and who could call Cabinet ministers from any country without causing offence.


I was invited to the first meeting and later acted as convenor of the British who attended ... The Bilderberg conferences inevitably aroused jealousy because they were exclusive, and suspicion, because they were private ... I wrote a paper for most conferences ...


My years at the Bilderberg meetings also brought me many contacts in the financial world which now proved of great value.  David Rockefeller, whom I had known since the very first Bilderberg meeting at Arnhem, was now head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and particularly active in the international field ... I still managed to get to several Bilderberg meetings as Chancellor.  At Mégève in April, 1974, I met Helmut Schmeit, who was now once again my colleague, as Germanys Finance Minister.  Denis Healey, The Time of My Life, 1989



Tony Blair attended a Bilderberg meeting before he became prime minister.  Bill Clinton attended a Bilderberg meeting before he became President of the United States.  Before.  They’re vetted to be allowed to become the leaders of their nations.  They decide who will go to war.  Where the wars will be.  How long the wars will last.  Who will finance the wars.  Gaylon Ross, televised interview



After World War II the Nazi Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands continued the plan to build a royal-German Superstate.  He presided over the first meeting of the Bilderberg Group.  The Bilderberg Group continued Hitler’s plan and created a royal-Germanic European Superstate.  Chris Everard, The Illuminati III



Every year since 1954 the secretive Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel they first met in the Netherlands) comprising elite powerbrokers from Europe and North America, has met to discuss, and influence, the changing global, political, economic and social landscape.  Secret Societies of the Illuminati NWO: The Hidden Power of the World



At the Bilderberg meeting at Baden Baden on June 6-9th 1991 which saw the debut of Bill Clinton, who was virtually unknown at this time outside of Arkansas, had spent three days with the Rockefellers and the elite, and then barely two months later he had been nominated as presidential candidate for the Democrats.  And another sixteen months later he was president of the United States of America.  Talk about corruption.  Keith Thompson, Exposing the Satanic Empire



This hotel was owned by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who was ... an enthusiastic member of the SS.  He was an SS officer.  And so he was the guy that started the first meeting.  Now, it’s interesting Wikipedia censors any of the references – or at least it did up to a few weeks ago – to the SS being involved with the forming of the first Bilderberg meetings.  Tony Gosling, The New World Order, Alternative View II conference



And then the last meeting to happen here in Britain was in Turnbury in Scotland, a big hotel and golf course in 1998.  And that meeting was organised by a guy called Andrew Palmer.  Andrew Palmer was the personal assistant to the Duke of Kent.  The Duke of Kent is the Grandmaster of World Freemasonry.  Tony Gosling, On the Edge with Theo Chalmers and Martin Summer



It’s the most powerful lobby in the whole of the western world really.  It’s rooted in Nato … ‘making a difference between war and peace’.  Tony Gosling, interview Buzzsaw 2016


David Rockefeller … he’s stopped going to these meetings over the last couple of years.  ibid.


Bring the politicians on board [for] the corporate programme for the future.  ibid.



Mike Pompeo has been doing this grand world tour trying to get people behind his attack on Iran … An attack on Iran is all over this meeting.  Tony Gosling, Bilderberg 2019: What Do We Know So Far, Youtube 35:29, interviewer Jason Bermas



Clinton, Pope join Bilderbergers – secret meeting of global movers, shakers in Portugal.  Worldnetnews article 26th May 1999



I’m Jim Tucker.  I’ve chased Bilderberg for thirty years.  I’ll never give up the chase.  Bilderberg’s plans for the whole world is nothing less than world government.  They are the elitists.  They feel they should run the world for their own selfish interests.  We are the unwashed multitudes ... Bilderberg is making great progress towards a world government and only an educated form of public can stop them in their tracks.  Jim Tucker



Bilderberg’s motivation is to control the entire world.  They’re drunk with power.  And they see themselves as masters of the globe.  It’s their plantation.  We’re their slaves.  Jim Tucker



When we discovered that the obscure governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, had attended his first Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden, Germany, in 1991 we were able to anticipate a political future for him.  Jim Tucker  



If a hundred and twenty film stars or a hundred and twenty NFL football players met behind locked and guarded doors in a remote location for three days you’d try very hard to penetrate and try to find out what those movie stars or football players are doing.  Why no curiosity at all when a hundred and twenty of the world’s most powerful financial leaders and political leaders meet for three days at a remote location behind armed guards and a complete black-out?  Why no curiosity?  Jim Tucker 



In my experience especially in Europe quite frequently the military itself is deployed.  Jim Tucker



It is our duty to expose these criminals.  It’s a criminal act under federal law for federal officials to have private meetings to discuss world policy with non-federal workers. Every newspaper, every broadcaster, has a patriotic duty to expose these scum and the evil they project.  Jim Tucker, interview The Obama Deception



I don’t think a hundred and twenty of the world’s most powerful men get together and play pea-knuckle.  Jim Tucker  



You got the Bilderberger Group founded by the former Nazi Prince Bernhard of Holland, you’ve got the Trilateral Commission ... The way in which they make policy and rule is that they are a polycentric oligarchical system ... Bankers rule and the bankers set up these institutions ... This is how they make policy.  Webster Tarpley, historian & author



They’ve funded both sides of almost every war, and of course they’re getting the interest off of the loans that they’ve given the various governments of the wars that they’ve actually helped stimulate and create.  Dr Michael Coffman



What we do hear coming out of those meetings is incredible – about the plans of the New World Order to consolidate power  political power and economic power coming together at the highest level.  But what I call the lapdog media ... the silence is deafening.  Dr Larry Bates, economist and author



Rockefeller at first introduced the idea of the Commission at an annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group – this one held in Knokke Belgium in the spring of 1972.  Rob Bedard, Elucidation: Exposing the New World Order 2010