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★ Bible (II)

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:


And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.


And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  Genesis 1:14&16&19 



And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.


And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.  Genesis 1:20&23 



And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.  And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.  Genesis 1:24&27&31 



Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.  Isaiah 34:16



According to interpreters Newtons papers show that his first step into Biblical decoding involved passages that described the Temple of Solomon.  The temple prophecies are a critical clue to all of Newtons doomsday calculations, and how he arrived at 2060 for the date of Armageddon.  Nostradamus Effect s1e5: The Apocalypse Code, History 2009



The Bible begins the plagues thus: the River shall be turned to blood.  According to Exodus, the Nile River turned blood-red for seven long days, killing every living thing in the water.  Can science explain this mysterious first plague?  Red tides take place in rivers and oceans when green algae accumulates and blooms like a flower, turning red; it then emits a powerful toxin.  Biblical Mysteries Explained: Exodus s1e1, 2006


Frogs: in Egypt millions of Nile River frogs leave the water and infest the land ... With no food to eat, the frogs quickly died causing the next two plagues.  ibid.


According to the Bible there were gnats upon man and upon animals.  ibid.


God says I will send swarms of flies upon thee and upon thy servants and upon thy people.  ibid.


And then the fifth plague turns deadly: the Bible states upon the horses, upon the masses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, upon the sheep, shall be a deadly pestilence.  The deadly livestock plague was a result of a pathogenic virus, spread by the biting gnats.  ibid.


In the sixth plague, the flies spread disease to humans.  The Bible states - festering boils shall break forth upon man and upon beast.  Boils, infected puss-filled open sores, may have been the result of deep bites and open wounds from disease-carrying stable flies.  ibid.


The seventh plague comes out of nowhere: a hailstorm of massive proportions.  The Bible calls it the worst storm in the land of Egypt.  ibid.


Locusts: As they still do today, 3,000 years ago in Egypt veracious desert locusts ... ate everything that grows, quickly causing famine and starvation.  ibid.


The ninth plague is terrifying and seems unconnected to the others: the Bible says God sends three days of darkness.  ibid.


The Bible says all the firstborn of the land of Egypt shall die.  And all the firstborn beasts.  How could this happen?  At the hand of God or natural phenomena?  ibid.


If the [Merneptah] Stele is correct, then it establishes that Hebrews were living in the Promised Land – the land of Israel – by 1211 BCE.  Therefore the Exodus must have taken place prior to this date.  There is no other mention of Israel or Hebrew slaves in the Egyptian records.  ibid.



One of the most compelling tales of all the twenty-four books of the Old Testament concerns two ancient cities located by the Dead Sea: Sodom & Gomorrah: The Bible says they are so wicked that God destroys them dramatically, raining down fire and brimstone out of Heaven.  Biblical Mysteries Explained: Sodom & Gomorrah s1e2


In 2008 an artefact from ancient Sumeria was translated for the first time.  And it seems to provide startling correlation to the story of Sodom.  ibid.


Could this ancient Sumerian disc provide the astronomical data that proves the Bible story of Sodom?  ibid.


God decides to spare Lot if he can.  God sends two angels disguised as men to visit Lot in Sodom and warn him of the impending destruction.  ibid.


While they are fleeing, Lot’s wife breaks the one command of the angels: she looks back, and the Bible says she was turned into a pillar of salt.  ibid.


The ruins of an ancient church built in the 7th century BCE.  The tiles in the ruins directly label the church as the Sanctuary of Holy Lot.  And archaeologists found one other fascinating detail: the cave seems to match the Bible’s description of Lot’s refuge.  ibid.


Since the 1970s archaeologists have uncovered four different Bronze Age cities that eerily match the four cities the Bible says God destroyed with Sodom.  And the city that corresponds most closely with the Biblical city of Sodom is Bab edh-Dhra, on the shore of the Dead Sea, fifty miles from Jerusalem.  ibid.


The earliest burials date from approximately 3,000 BCE.  The enormous number of tombs suggested an ancient Sodom-like catastrophe.  And there is other tantalising evidence of fiery destruction.  ibid.


Its date: June 29th 3123 BCE ... New evidence has recently emerged, and it’s not come from fire but ice.  ibid.


An asteroid three-quarters of a mile wide would have created a debris plume and cloud of ash that would encircle the entire planet, blocking the sun for months and causing a massive world-wide climate collapse.  ibid.



New Gospels, lost Gospels, emerge from numerous archaeological digs.  The Gospel of Thomas.  The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.  And even the Gospel of Judas ... The Gospel of Peter claims to reveal the facts behind the resurrection of Jesus.  Biblical Mysteries Explained: Lost Gospels s1e3



This Stele is what the Egyptians would have called a Triumph Stele, a Victory Stele ... The text reads ... ‘Israel has been shorn.  Its seed no longer exists’.  Donald Redford, Pennsylvania State University



The Bible started to be written down around two thousand seven hundred years ago.  Simon Schama, The Story of the Jews I: In the Beginning, BBC 2013


The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek.  ibid.  



Why did the Hebrew authors of the Bible omit all of the important historical names of Egyptian pharaohs?  Why did they mix up historical fact with myths and legends?  The big question is, What did they have to hide?  Researchers of both Bible and Egyptian history have concluded that the Hebrew authors of the Bible covered up the fact that the Hebrews and Egyptians shared the same royal blood-line.  But why?  Why the cover up?  Ring of Power 


They worshipped Egyptian gods.  Followed Egyptian laws.  And violated Jewish-Hebrew laws.  This meant they had to hide their Hebrew identity, not just from the Egyptian people but from the Hebrew people as well.  They had to keep their royal Hebrew-Egyptian identity and their worship of Ah-men hidden with royal power circles and secret societies, just as they’ve done to this day.  ibid.    



A thorough reading and understanding of the Bible is the surest path to atheism.  Donald Morgan



The Bible gives advice on how you should keep your slaves.   Julia Sweeney, Letting Go of God



Its imagery, its language and its influence have been felt right round the world for the past four hundred years.  It also claims to be the living word of God.  John Rhys-Davies, The Book that Changed the World, Discovery 2015


James’s reign was growing increasingly established and ever more popular ... The English Catholics were losing patience.  ibid.


These divided men had learnt at last to work together.  As the date of publication drew near, James took an increasing interest in the final presentation of his book.  ibid.


The King James Bible finally began to take over the world.  ibid.



When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.  Oscar Wilde



Jerusalem 1963: Tudor Parfitt is just a nineteen year old student ... What hooked Parfitt was an extraordinary idea – after thousands of years in exile, wave after wave of Jews were returning to the Holy Land ... ‘I was imbued with ideas of the lost tribes’.  Secrets of the Bible s1e5: Tudor Parfitt and the Lost Tribes of Israel ***** Yesterday 2015


Parfitt is invited to Johannesburg ... The Lemba: the claim to be a lost tribe of Israel.  ibid.


DNA tests are done on the Lemba ... ‘Much more like those found in Semitic populations ... from the Middle East.’  ibid.  Dr Karl Skorecki


Can he trace their DNA? ... Are the Lemba actually Jewish? ... More than half of Lemba men share the exact same Cohen DNA markers - there can be no doubt ... The Lemba are from a long lost time of priestly Jews.  ibid.