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★ Behaviour

The medication has side effects.  And some of them are serious.  ibid. 


Bigger and bigger doses are required to achieve the same effect.  ibid.



How safe are our streets?  The problem behaviour causing sleepless nights.  What’s being done to stop it?  And the communities fighting back … In some areas an old problem is on the rise again.  Since lockdown began last March police have reported a sharp increase in anti-social behaviour with incidents plaguing towns and cities.  Tonight: Antisocial Britain: Trouble on the Streets, ITV 2021



Diagnoses of mental disorders in children and adolescents are increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in the USA where the number of manic depressive children has gone up by 4000% over the past ten years.  The most widely used treatments are psychotropic drugs.  Panorama: Kids on Pills, BBC 2000


In Europe different medical terms are applied to psychiatric irregularities in children ... The bipolar profile fitted a mere 7% of patients.  ibid.


ADHD is currently the most frequent mental illness in children.  ibid.


Using psychotropic drugs to treat children is a very recent science.  ibid.


The tendency to reach out for pills is increasing in Europe too.  ibid.



The Bible, a book that glorifies behaviour you abhor.  Emmet F Fields



It was far easier for you as civilised men to behave like barbarians than it was for barbarians to behave as civilised men.  Star Trek s2e4: Mirror Mirror, Spock to Kirk & McCoy



24,121.  I can find no reason for the Captain’s behaviour except possibly we’ve been on patrol too long without relief and diversion.  (Star Trek & Behaviour)  Star Trek: The Enterprise Incident s3e2, McCoy



The Civil War brings everything into a sharper focus with heightened colour.  Anytime you want to study human behaviour, it is well to study the Civil War, because in that you study human behaviour under terrific pressure and heat.  So that men show what they are for good or bad more readily than in ordinary times.  Shelby Foote 



Monkey see, monkey do.  And we emulate what we see.  Especially when its done in a typical hero and heroine form ... The formula of human behaviour is just a science.  Alan Watt, How the Media Controls Your Mind



Human behaviour flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.  Plato



Perhaps most disturbing is the suggestion that ADHD is nothing more than the invention of pharmaceutical companies who have used clinical trials to create a disease that can be treated with their drugs.  Mail on Sunday article 27th November 2007, ‘The Scandal of Kiddy Coke’



Most bad behaviour comes from insecurity.  Debra Winger



You come up with some incentive scheme that you think is the precise one to entice the behaviour you have in mind.  Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner, Freakonomics, caption, Sky Atlantic 2010; viz also tome


Can a 9th Grader be Bribed to Succeed?  An Experiment.  ibid.  Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady


No matter what the real estate says, I would rather wait a week and pick up the extra ten thousand dollars.  The agent wouldn’t.  ibid.


Incentives matter.  ibid.


As best as we can tell from looking at data of actual parents and children along these dimensions, none of that stuff really matters.  It just doesn’t make your child better ... Those are not causal elements [museums music etc.].  ibid.  



We associate truth with convenience, with what most closely accords with self-interest and personal well-being or promises best to avoid awkward effort or unwelcome dislocation of life.  We also find highly acceptable what contributes more to self-esteem.  John Kenneth Galbraith  



Economic and social behaviours are complex, and to comprehend their character is mentally tiring.  Therefore we adhere, as though to a raft, to those ideas which represent our understanding.  John Kenneth Galbraith  



Do you know, I believe we should all behave quite differently if we lived in a warm sunny climate all the time.  We shouldn’t be so withdrawn and shy and difficult.  Brief Encounter 1946 starring Celia Johnson & Trevor Howard & Stanley Holloway & Joyce Carey & Cyril Raymond & Everley Gregg & Marjorie Mars & Margaret Barton & Alfie Bass & Wallace Bosco & Sydney Bromley et al, director David Lean



Study after study has shown that human behaviour changes when we know we’re being watched.  Under observation, we act less free, which means we effectively are less free.  Edward Snowden



In Europe alone 30 million people suffer from rare diseases; nearly half of these are undiagnosed.  Medical Mysteries: The Woman Who Smells of Fish, Channel 5 2016


We meet a boy whose behaviour was terrifyingly transformed overnight.  Plus a woman giving off an unpleasant odour.  And an athlete whose love of exercise is endangering her life.  ibid.


Cameron: a cocktail of drugs is masking the symptoms of a mysterious illness which has transformed him.  ibid.  



We have to reduce the environment that produces aberrant behaviour.  Jacques Fresco, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, 2011



Your personal information is gathered and stored everywhere, all the time.  Every single thing you do with your cellphone and your computer is registered and analysed by companies like Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter to name but a few.  All this personal data forms the heart of something called Big Data … This makes all your information very valuable.  The Real Value of Your Personal Data, VPRO 2013


All this data reveal things about you.  ibid. 


Six months ago the American whistleblower Edward Snowden first revealed how the NSA has access to personal data stored with internet companies like Google and Facebook.  In fact as it turned out, these companies actively cooperate in sharing your data with the authorities.  ibid.


‘The frontier of accuracy is yet to be determined.’  ibid.  expert  


Businesses can also use your personal data to predict your future behaviour as an individual even better than you can.  ibid.


Having all this data also provides power to who controls it.  ibid.


‘It’s a new kind of power that's very sneaky and gradual.’  ibid.


Will our data be used for less positive purposes too?  ibid.



It all started with a hijacking in November 1972.  I was flying home to Mexico City from an anthropological conference on the history of violence when suddenly a group of terrorists took over the flight.  It was too good to be true.  Storyville: The Raft, BBC 2019


All my life I had wanted to know why people fight … I realised that if I could create a similar situation it would be the perfect laboratory to study human behaviour, but where can you isolate a group of people and expose them to danger?  Then I had the idea …  ibid.


May 1973 Las Palmas Spain: Tonight the ten volunteers arrive in the Canary Islands.  It was the first time they met.  Ten brave strangers who are about to spend the next three months together isolated on the raft.  ibid.  


Captain Maria is the only professional sailor on board.  ibid.    


43 years later there’s only 7 of us still alive.  ibid.  survivor


The roaring noise of the ocean took over.  Finally we are at sea.  ibid.


Is violence something that is built into our genes or is it something we learn?  ibid.  


Instead, we witness a clear example of crowd frenzy, people no longer act as individuals but as part of a dangerous collective.  ibid.    


The most important question of our time: can we do without war?  ibid.       


He was a master manipulator.  ibid.  survivor


I feel completely misunderstood.  ibid.     


I realised that the only one who has actually showed any kind of violence or aggression on the raft is me.  ibid.   


Stepping ashore was a very strange feeling.  It was 101 days that we had been at sea.  ibid.  survivor    


We started out them and us and became us.  ibid.   



Prison is about submission and compliance.  This is no place for teenage defiance … They blasted her cell with pepper spray.  It’s just another day in the life of inmate Ashley Smith.  (Mental Health & Behaviour & Suicide & Prison)  The Fifth Estate: Ashley Smith: Out of Control, CBC 2007


It [video tape] exposes just how kids with mental health and behavioural problems are treated behind bars in this country.  ibid.


By Grade 8 Ashley was failing and she was regularly getting expelled for being defiant, disrespectful and disruptive.  ibid.


She managed to accumulate 800 documented incidents.  ibid.