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Banks & Banksters (III)
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★ Banks & Banksters (III)

In the mid-1980s, the giant investment house, Merrill Lynch, contracted two different firms to clean and guard their headquarters in New York’s financial district .... They held credit cards with which they could enter any financial institution and withdraw $52,000 on any one occasion, no questions asked.  The Nigerian cleaners and night watchmen busied themselves for several months photocopying all these details on the company Xerox, before transferring the information onto blank credit cards in preparation for one might spending spree.  ibid.


One night the Nigerians let down their guard and left one of the photocopied pages by the machine.  ibid.


Having created its own in 1974, El Banco de los Trabajadores, the Cartel bought into banks elsewhere in Central and South America that had close ties to banks in Miami and New York.  ibid.


Japan’s legal and illegal worlds were steadily becoming indistinctible, and nowhere was that distinction more fuzzy and impenetrable than at the Sumitomo Bank.  ibid.


Itoman [subsidiary of Sumitomo] squandered about half a billion dollars of its capital, and police estimated that about half of this ended up in the coffers of the Yamaguchi-gumi.  ibid.


Japanese taxpayers underwrote the excesses of the bubble period, subsidising the obscene money-grabbing in which both the zaibatsu and the yakuza had indulged.  ibid. 



I’d like to know if there’s a good way of beating a bank.  Thunderbolt & Lightfoot 1974 starring Jeff Bridges & Clint Eastwood & Geoffrey Lewis & Catherine Bach & Garey Busey & Jack Dodgson & Gene Elman & Burton Gilliam & Roy Jenson & Claudia Lennear & Vic Tayback & Dub Taylor & Bill McKinney & Gregorey Walcott et al, director Michael Cimino



I thought this is who we are – what we do … Old-age pensioners living in our manor getting all their life savings nicked off them – bankers.  And I was thinking maybe we should teach them bankers a lesson.  No, I want to really hurt them.  We Still Kill the Old Way 2014 starring Ian Ogilvy & Alison Doody & Danny Boy Hatchard & Chris Ellison & Lysette Anthony & Tony Denham & Red Madrell & Nicky Henson & Stephen Berkoff & Danni Dyer & Adele Silva & James Cosmo et al, director Sacha Bennett



Distribution [graph] that 92% of Americans think of Ideal Distribution of Wealth; [hockey stick graph] What Americans think the Distribution is; [stalagmite graph] Actual Distribution of Wealth in the US.  Illuminati Plans: Anunnaki Truth, viz Youtube, 2016


Money offers an illusionary form of social validation … The accumulation of money is therefore an accumulation of social and psychological power.  And those who control the creation of money controls this power at its source.  So why controls the creation of money?  Well in the case of the US dollar it isn’t the government.  ibid.  


If all money is created through loans, where does the money come from to pay the interest?  ibid.  


A construct of belief: our chain are the chains of the mind, and the path to freedom must also begin in the mind.  ibid.


Chapter 4 Blood Money: Petrodollar: the largest financial con in recorded history.  ibid.


You dont need us to tell your gas prices are on the rise.  ibid.  ubiquitous clichéd US news introduction  


Nations Largest Cocaine Importer Revealed: The DEA.  ibid.  Next News Network     



By the end of the 1980s the scandal concerning the Bank of Commerce and Credit International was making the headlines.  The BCCI was accused of laundering drug money and financing terrorist operations … George H Bush had blocked the investigation.  Secret Agenda of the Illuminati and New World War III, Youtube 2015



Only the government has the power to issue Fiat money but banks can create it through lending … The Supply of money has grown exponentially.  The Four Horsemen, 2012


So far, they’ve [Goldman Sachs] got away scot-free with this massive heist.  ibid. 



What we know: two suspects dead, one suspect arrested, six officers injured, witnesses interview, no hostages taken.  Situation Critical: North Hollywood Shootout, news, Youtube


9 a.m. Bank of America is open for business … 9.17 a.m. Two masked men entering the bank  it is a rare but fortuitous moment  they call for backup.  ibid.


Both gunmen continue to spray the perimeter of the bank with deadly fire.  ibid.


9.28 a.m. The first Swat team get ready for battle.  ibid.



Groups of private individuals are in private control of institutions which literally create the money.  Private unaccountable citizens have the power not only to create this money literally out of thin air, but then, through the miracle of fractional reserve banking lend out this money many times over.  The Corbett Report: Central Banking is a Hoax, James Corbett online 2007 



The locus of economic attention is shifting toward Eurasia.  The Corbett Report: Nomi Prins Explains the Bankers’ Game of Thrones, James Corbett online 2016


The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style.  ibid.  Nomi Prins online article   


‘The Fed clings to status quo.  Other central banks are vying to knock it down, or at least loosen its grip on them.  But the Fed behaves as if it has no idea there are other powerful central banks that want to grab and harness its power’.  ibid.



In our post-Lehman, post-subprime, post-banksta-bailout world, Goldman Sachs is a synonym for evil.  The Corbett Report, ‘Meet Goldman Sachs the Vampire Squid’


‘They’re pathological.’  ibid.  F William Engdahl


‘The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells of money.’  ibid.  article  Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone magazine


‘How Goldman Sachs basically created, did the great crash of 1929.’  ibid.  Thom Hartmann show 2009, cited Galbraith


Goldman’s contribution to the subprime meltdown of the previous decade …  ibid.   


‘So for Goldman to get into the ten billion dollar cheque for bailout they had to go from a gambling house, an investment bank, into a nice commercial bank.’  ibid.  Greg Palast, interview Democracy Now


The tissue of wanton criminality that permeates the very fabric of Goldman Sachs history.  ibid. 


‘Doin’ God’s work.’  ibid.  Lloyd Blankfein


When Goldman Sachs becomes Government Sachs … well who is going to stop them and how?  ibid.


Save this company, don’t save that one  who’s making those decisions?  Oh that’s right, Hank Paulson, ex-Goldmanite.  ibid. 


Wait  did he say drain the swamp or to fill the swamp as quickly as possible with as many members of Goldman Sachs as can possibly be stuffed into it?  ibid.  



The 1990s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act leading through the housing bubble of the early 2000s into the sub-prime meltdown of 2007, the collapse of Lehman in 2008 and the global financial crisis.  The Corbett Report, The Truth About Glass-Steagall, James Corbett online 2017


‘To reinstate Glass-Steagall, to separate commercial banking from speculation.’  ibid.  HR790 February 2017


I recently came across a provocative headline … to the effect that Glass-Steagall was completely irrelevant to the global financial crisis.  ibid.  


The real of those two sections … Absolutely zero.  It was absolutely irrelevant.  ibid. 



UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces Green Plan to Transform the Global Financial System [viz Whitney Webb online].  The Corbett Report: Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero, James Corbett online 2021



To the banksters you are only a human resource.  Like a disposable battery.  The Nazi Banksters’ Crimes: Ripple Effect, 2011


This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarreled.  Wherever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at its games somewhere near the region of the disturbance.  ibid.  The Labour Leader 1891  


How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power.  ibid.  Guardian online article


Perpetual commerce through perpetual war.  ibid.



Goldman Sachs is just plain evil

They are evil as can be,

Goldman Sachs are such a liar

They say one and one makes three

When the funds they sold their junk to

Tanked, they went on a spree

Goldman Sachs is just plain evil

They are evil as can be.  Joe Crow Ryan, song Youtube 2010 



Welcome to the Iron Bank.  Please ... sit.  What can we do for you, Lord Stannis?  Game of Thrones s4e6: The Laws of God and Men, Tycho Nestoris, HBO 2014



I must say, I don’t think the Iron Bank has ever had a debt of this magnitude paid in a single instalment.  Game of Thrones s7e4: The Spoils of War, banker



The only bank prosecuted for mortgage fraud meltdown: a family business caught up in a national crisis.  And fighting to survive.  Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, PBS 2016


‘Today we are announcing the indictment of 19 individuals on charges including mortgage fraud, securities fraud and conspiracy as well as the indictment of Abacus Federal Savings Bank.’  ibid.  Cyrus Vange, New York County district attorney


‘Almost laughable.’  ibid.  Mr Sung


‘How we deal with a certain kind of offender vs everybody else … about as easy a target as you could possibly pick.’  ibid.  critic  


Not guilty.  ibid.