Fawcett was also deluded by fake artefacts. ibid.
There were large settlements in the Upper Xingu, Brazil … A lot of the Amazon was occupied by people who were farmers. ibid.
Blowing us away with how large these populations were – that’s one of the main things that come from these LIDAR surveys. ibid.
We do care about astronomy! ibid.
I’ve been exploring the possibility of a lost civilisation in prehistory for more than 30 years. Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e1: Chapter I, Netflix 2024
One of the most striking places in North America: White Sands, New Mexico … Forcing a rewrite of the history of the pre-Americas. ibid.
These fossilised human footprints must have been made in the time of the mammoths and the giants sloths. At least 11,500 years ago. And there are thousands of them. ibid.
‘At least from 21 to 23,000 years ago.’ ibid. scientist
The timeline of history keeps receding with every new discovery. ibid.
Where astounding secrets of the human past are now beginning to be revealed: this is the Amazon. ibid.
Giant geometrical shapes as much as 1,000 feet across … spread across an area the size of West Virginia. ibid.
Ancient raised roads connecting the geoglyphs. ibid.
These enormous in the Amazon point to a monumental human endeavour. But how many of them are there? Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e2: Chapter II
Rock Art are in the Americas: known as pictographs … When were these images painted? … Art work created during the last Ice Age. ibid.
Most compelling to me are the hand-prints … a message to the future. ibid.
Brazil: These paintings push the date back future - to more than 25,000 years ago. ibid.
The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis … Evidence may be present etched into these walls. ibid.
2015: They found that members of certain Amazonian tribes share a specific DNA marker with people from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. ibid.
This DNA signal is not found anywhere in North America. What’s more, the DNA signal is very old: at least 10,000 years. ibid.
Easter Island: ‘In this study of the different food we have, the result came with the banana. They found the banana on the island three thousands years ago.’ Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e3: Chapter III, expert
The plants are helping us push the timeline back. ibid.
More evidence of Veracocha’s legacy … More than 11,000 feet above sea level: this is Sascayhuaman. This is one of the world’s most extraordinary ancient sites and one of the most mysterious. The vast hilltop site is filled with archaeological wonders crafted from stone. ibid.
Incas: A civilisation that flourished across the high Andes. ibid.
The Inca warriors made their last redoubt from behind these walls. ibid.
We did see something like this back in Rapa Nui. ibid.
Temple of the Moon, Machu Picchu: Are we looking at the work of someone else, an older culture? Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e4: Chapter IV
Q’Enqo: Translates to labyrinth … A complex network of sculpted tunnels, subterranean galleries, and what appear to be altars carved out of the bedrock, all seemingly leading to an amphitheatre. ibid.
A civilisation that pre-dates the Inca. When I look at Sascayhuaman, I think I’m looking at the fingerprints of a lost technology. ibid.
Hidden beneath the jungle canopy there are more cities. Many more. ibid.
This super-powered soil has been found all across the Amazon. ibid.
‘Many of trees were have here – Brazil nut, many palms, are semi-cultivated and even cultivated and even domesticated.’ ibid.
Ayahuasca: I believe it’s use pre-dates the Inca. Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e5: Chapter V
It suggests that Ayahuasca was being used 13,000 years ago. ibid.
I couldn’t help wondering whether these geometric earthworks might have been influenced by Ayahuasca. ibid.
Ohio: They’re called the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks. Attributed to a civilisation known today as the Hopewell culture, that thrived in the Great Lakes region around 2,000 years ago. Massive ditches and embankments in precise geometrical array. ibid.
The Badlands of the south-western United States … Home to some of the most important archaeological sites in North America. Dozens of ancient man-made structures are scattered for miles across the valley floor … This is Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. ibid.
The Maya civilisation thrives. It was a culture that expressed its genius in many ways. ibid.
Palenque [Mexico] is an absolutely breathtaking place. With its awe-inspiring architecture and engineering, it has all the hallmarks of a classic Mayan site. Soaring pyramids, a ceremonial ball court, a looming palace, and temples filled with intriguing imagery. ibid.
Maya, Mexico: ‘Ancestral worship in Palenque was depicted in its architecture and in its modified landscape.’ Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e6: Chapter 6, local expert
Could we be witnessing a legacy handed down by a far older civilisation, one that left traces of its advanced knowledge throughout the Americas? ibid.
[Mail online]: Were Aborigines the First Americans? Native tribes in Amazon found to be closely related to indigenous Australians: Genetic study finds three Native American tribes share more DNA with Australian Aboriginals than any other present-day population. Beyond Ancient Apocalypse lecture Graham Hancock, Logan Hall, Youtube 2024
‘Currently no-one has a good explanation of the Australo-Melanesian signal.’ ibid. Professor Willerslev
None of it is in North America. ibid.
New evidence from the Americas threatens to overturn the paradigm that places the origins of civilisation in the Middle East. ibid.
Rather abruptly around 11,500 years ago the Ice Age came to an end, and the whole fact of the Earth changed. ibid.
The Clovis culture were supposed to be the first inhabitants of North America. ibid.
Migration mystery: Who were the first Americans? ibid. New Scientist article 2013
The Clovis Police was a real real thing. ibid.
‘Rather than launching a major new search for more early evidence, the finds stirred fierce opposition and a bitter debate: ‘one of the most acrimonious – and unfruitful – in all of science’ noted the journal Nature … Today, decades later, the Clovis first model has collapsed. ibid. Smithsonian online
But the study also raises serious questions about the effect of the bitter decades-long debate over the peopling of the New World. Did archaeologists marginalise dissenting voices on this key issue? Smithsonian 8th March 2017
A few archaeologists were saying it but the majority were ganging up on them with the forces of the Clovis Police. ibid.
The Clovis First Theory is put to rest at Paisley Caves. EurekAlert! online article
We have still not got rid of that zombie yet. ibid.
‘Academic discussions of first people in the lands we know today as the Americas continue to be framed in agnotology, defined as ‘how knowledge has come to be’ and ‘how ignorance is produced through neglect, secrecy, suppression, destruction of documents, unquestioned tradition, and sociopolitical selectivity’. Educational materials framed in agnotology support colonization of the mind, teaching people to think in ways acceptable to the nation-state and not to question so-called scientific authorities.’ ibid. Paulette F C Steeves, The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western World
‘After more than a century of professional archaeological investigations, we find no archaeological evidence to support the existence of an ‘advanced, global Ice Age civilisation’ of the kind Hancock suggests.’ ibid. Society for American Archaeology 2022
That changed completely with Gobekli Tepe, which is a deliberately buried site, buried 10,600 years ago … The story of Gobekli Tepe is just beginning. ibid.
Baalbek: Each of these three blocks weighs 900 tons … built into a wall and raised 30 feet above the ground. ibid.
Evidence of much earlier megalithic construction is hiding in plain view. ibid.
The Sahara Desert was green during the last Ice Age. ibid.
Gunung Padang, Java, Indonesia: This site originated more than 20,000 years ago. ibid.
I’m suggesting the possibility of a remote common source. ibid.
This theme of Seven Sages keeps coming up. ibid.
The myths speak repeatedly of the coming of the sages in context of a great cataclysm, a derangement of the heavens, cosmic serpents, a global flood, a time of cold and darkness. ibid.
There is only one epoch in the lifetime of anatomically modern humans that fits the bill. ibid.
The Younger Dryas – from 12,800 to 11,600 years ago. ibid.
What happens on Earth begins in the Sky. ibid.