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  Aardvark  ·  Aaron (Bible)  ·  Abaddon & Apollyon  ·  Abbey  ·  Able & Ability  ·  Abortion  ·  Abraham (Bible)  ·  Abroad  ·  Absence & Absent  ·  Absolute  ·  Abstinence  ·  Abu Dhabi  ·  Abuse (I)  ·  Abuse (II)  ·  Abyss  ·  Accident (I)  ·  Accident (II)  ·  Accountable & Accountability  ·  Accountant & Accountancy  ·  Accusation  ·  Achievement  ·  Acting & Actor  ·  Action  ·  Activism & Activist  ·  Adam & Eve & Lilith  ·  ADD & ADHD  ·  Addiction  ·  Address  ·  Adult  ·  Adultery  ·  Advantage  ·  Adventure  ·  Adversity  ·  Advertising & Advertisement  ·  Advice & Advise  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (I)  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (II)  ·  Aesthetics  ·  Affair (Romance)  ·  Affection  ·  Affliction  ·  Afghanistan & Afghanistanis  ·  Afraid  ·  Africa & Africans  ·  Age & Ageing  ·  Age & Ages (Eon)  ·  Agenda  ·  Agnostic & Agnosticism  ·  Agreement  ·  Agriculture  ·  AIDS & HIV  ·  Air  ·  Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden  ·  Alabama  ·  Alarm  ·  Alaska  ·  Albania & Albanians  ·  Alcatraz Penitentiary  ·  Alchemy  ·  Alcohol & Alcoholic  ·  Alexander the Great  ·  Alfred the Great  ·  Algeria & Algerians  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (I)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (II)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (III)  ·  Allergy  ·  Alliance  ·  Almas & Almasty  ·  Alone  ·  Alter Ego  ·  Alternative Medicine  ·  Altruism & Altruist  ·  Alzheimer's Disease  ·  Amateur  ·  Amazon & Amazon River  ·  Ambition  ·  Amen  ·  Amish People & Culture  ·  Ammonites  ·  Amoeba  ·  Amphetamines  ·  Amphibians  ·  Amsterdam  ·  Amusement  ·  Analogy  ·  Anarchy & Anarchism & Anarchist  ·  Ancestor & Ancestry  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (I)  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (II)  ·  Ancient Egypt (I)  ·  Ancient Egypt (II)  ·  Ancient Greece  ·  Ancient Israel & Israelites  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (I)  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (II)  ·  Ancient Rome & Romans  ·  Angels  ·  Anger  ·  Anglo-Saxons  ·  Angola  ·  Anguish  ·  Animal Mutilation  ·  Animal Sacrifice  ·  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Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  
  Aardvark  ·  Aaron (Bible)  ·  Abaddon & Apollyon  ·  Abbey  ·  Able & Ability  ·  Abortion  ·  Abraham (Bible)  ·  Abroad  ·  Absence & Absent  ·  Absolute  ·  Abstinence  ·  Abu Dhabi  ·  Abuse (I)  ·  Abuse (II)  ·  Abyss  ·  Accident (I)  ·  Accident (II)  ·  Accountable & Accountability  ·  Accountant & Accountancy  ·  Accusation  ·  Achievement  ·  Acting & Actor  ·  Action  ·  Activism & Activist  ·  Adam & Eve & Lilith  ·  ADD & ADHD  ·  Addiction  ·  Address  ·  Adult  ·  Adultery  ·  Advantage  ·  Adventure  ·  Adversity  ·  Advertising & Advertisement  ·  Advice & Advise  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (I)  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (II)  ·  Aesthetics  ·  Affair (Romance)  ·  Affection  ·  Affliction  ·  Afghanistan & Afghanistanis  ·  Afraid  ·  Africa & Africans  ·  Age & Ageing  ·  Age & Ages (Eon)  ·  Agenda  ·  Agnostic & Agnosticism  ·  Agreement  ·  Agriculture  ·  AIDS & HIV  ·  Air  ·  Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden  ·  Alabama  ·  Alarm  ·  Alaska  ·  Albania & Albanians  ·  Alcatraz Penitentiary  ·  Alchemy  ·  Alcohol & Alcoholic  ·  Alexander the Great  ·  Alfred the Great  ·  Algeria & Algerians  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (I)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (II)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (III)  ·  Allergy  ·  Alliance  ·  Almas & Almasty  ·  Alone  ·  Alter Ego  ·  Alternative Medicine  ·  Altruism & Altruist  ·  Alzheimer's Disease  ·  Amateur  ·  Amazon & Amazon River  ·  Ambition  ·  Amen  ·  Amish People & Culture  ·  Ammonites  ·  Amoeba  ·  Amphetamines  ·  Amphibians  ·  Amsterdam  ·  Amusement  ·  Analogy  ·  Anarchy & Anarchism & Anarchist  ·  Ancestor & Ancestry  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (I)  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (II)  ·  Ancient Egypt (I)  ·  Ancient Egypt (II)  ·  Ancient Greece  ·  Ancient Israel & Israelites  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (I)  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (II)  ·  Ancient Rome & Romans  ·  Angels  ·  Anger  ·  Anglo-Saxons  ·  Angola  ·  Anguish  ·  Animal Mutilation  ·  Animal Sacrifice  ·  Animals (I)  ·  Animals (II)  ·  Anne, Queen  ·  Anorexia & Anorexic  ·  Answer  ·  Antarctic & South Pole  ·  Anthrax  ·  Anthropic Principle  ·  Anti-Christ  ·  Anti-Semitism  ·  Antibiotics  ·  Antimatter  ·  Antiques & Antiquities  ·  Ants  ·  Anunnaki  ·  Anxiety & Anxious  ·  Apathy  ·  Ape  ·  Apocalypse  ·  Apocrypha  ·  Apology & Apologise  ·  Apostles  ·  Appeal  ·  Appearance  ·  Appeasement  ·  Appetite  ·  Apple  ·  Appointment  ·  Apprehension  ·  Aquarius  ·  Arab & Arabia  ·  Archaeology & Archaeologist  ·  Archery & Arrow  ·  Architecture  ·  Arctic & North Pole  ·  Area 51 & Area 52  ·  Argentina  ·  Argument  ·  Aristocracy & Aristocrat  ·  Arizona  ·  Ark of the Covenant  ·  Arkansas  ·  Armageddon  ·  Armenia  ·  Arms  ·  Army  ·  Arrest  ·  Art (I)  ·  Art (II)  ·  Art (III)  ·  Art (IV)  ·  Art (V)  ·  Art Deco  ·  Art Nouveau  ·  Artefacts  ·  Arthur, King  ·  Artificial Intelligence  ·  Artists: Abramovic, Marina  ·  Artists: Aitken, Doug  ·  Artists: Andre, Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  

★ Anthrax

Anthrax: see Bio-Chemical Weapons & Vaccine & Iraq & 9/11 & Germs & Poison & Chemistry & Terror

Ring of Power 2008 - Fabled Enemies - Washington Post - Who Killed John O'Neill? - Ring of Power - Colin Powell - Neil Z Miller - 9/11 Connections: Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime - Anthrax War 2009 - Frontline: The Anthrax Files TV - Empire of Oil: The Hidden History of 9/11 - George W Bush - Conspiracy Test TV - The Corbett Report & Graeme MacQueen - A Very Heavy Agenda 2015 - Graeme MacQueen - House of Cards TV - The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All TV - The Anthrax Attacks: In the Shadow of 9/11 2022 -




t has since been proven that the Anthrax came from a US Army lab and was never mailed by Muslims.  Ring of Power, 2008  



After 9/11 a climate of fear was created in order to shut down any opposition to the Bush Administration’s new agenda.  A week after 9/11 Anthrax began appearing in the mail.  The letters were made to look as though they were the work of Muslim extremists, claiming Death to America and Allah Is Great ... When the FBI tested the Anthrax it was highly refined and weaponised.  Colin Powell would go on CNN and deny these allegations ... The Anthrax used in the attacks ... led the investigation to Fort Detrick.  Fabled Enemies documentary



Genetic fingerprinting studies indicate that the Anthrax spores mailed to Capitol Hill are identical to stocks of the deadly bacteria maintained by the US Army since 1980.  Those labs can trace back their samples to a single military source ... Fort Detrick in Maryland.  Washington Post article



Hauer worked in 1999 with Steven Hatfill, the prime suspect in the anthrax attacks at the Scientific Applications International Corporation  the SAIC.  This company, the SAIC, was awarded a huge bio-defense contract after 9/11.  Hatfill, a well-known friend of Jerome Hauer, was working on the military-grade anthrax program at USAMRIID at Fort Detrick Maryland.  Who Killed John O’Neill? 



Anthrax letters killed five people, and were clearly worded to throw the blame on Muslims ... It has since been proven that the Anthrax came from a US Army lab and were never mailed by Muslims.  Ring of Power



Less than a teaspoonful of dry Anthrax in an envelope shut down the United States Senate.  Colin Powell, address to United Nations



He has had three anthrax shots.  I was shocked to discover that his hair is suddenly very thin on the top back of his head.  Also, he has been getting stomach aches, something he never did before, and a bad headache every few weeks.  He is only twenty-two, and I haven’t any idea why his hair would be thinning as he always had extremely thick hair.  He also had some rashes.  Neil Z Miller, Vaccine Safety Manual p423



Dick Cheney’s staff were ordered to begin taking the antibiotic Cipro ... weeks before the first Anthrax attacks began.  9/11 Connections: Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime



It came through the mail just weeks after 9/11.  Noon terrorist attacks, first in Florida, then New York and Washington.  Anthrax.  It spread fear and panic through the nation.  Anthrax War, 2009


The US bio-warfare programme was born here [Fort Detrick] during World War II ... The spores of weaponised anthrax are processed into a fine aerosolled powder.  ibid.


In the wake of the anthrax letters an important lead seems to have been overlooked.  The Baltimore Sun reported US army scientists in Utah had been making weapons-grade anthrax and shipping it to Fort Detrick.  The anthrax spores were virtually identical to those mailed to Congress.  ibid.


Fort Detrick scientist Frank Olson was a liaison between the two facilities [Portland Down and Fort Detrick].  On November 28th 1953 Olson fell thirteen stories from a New York City hotel room.  Was his death part of a pattern of mysterious deaths of bio-weapon scientists, including that of Anthrax Letter suspect Bruce Ivins also of Fort Detrick?  Did all three scientists [inc David Kelly] know too much?  ibid.



In October 2001, just weeks after 9/11, there was a chilling new wave of attacks.  Five deaths, attacks in Florida and New York, tens of thousands of Americans were given antibiotics.  The nation’s capital was hit.  A massive FBI criminal investigation would soon be underway.  Frontline: The Anthrax Files, PBS 2011


All of them came from a single strain of Anthrax – the Ames Strain ... The anthrax of choice for the US Army’s bio-weapons vaccine programme.  ibid.


Just days after his suicide, the government made its case against Bruce Ivins.  ibid.


In a carefully worded statement the National Academy of Sciences questioned the FBI’s assertion that Ivins’ flask was the murder weapon.  ibid.



The evening of September 11: White House staff are placed on a regimen of the antibiotic Cipro, which can defend against Anthrax affliction.  One week later: US Army Anthrax-laced mail that targets Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy is first sent.  Daschle and Leahy oppose the White House ‘Patriot Act’ prior to being targeted by Anthrax-laced mail.  Empire of Oil: The Hidden History of 9/11   



The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop Anthrax, and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade.  George W Bush



Many Vets report the toxic exposure alarm sounded so often that some military commanders decided to ignore them as a matter of routine.  At the same time the military was using vast quantities of insecticides, and soldiers were being inoculated with an Anthrax vaccine that was not in common use, the alarms, the vaccines, and medicines, the smoke from burning oil wells, jet and rocket fuel, the leaking of Iraqi chemical weapons after Coalition air strikes are all cited in what’s called the Toxic Soup Theory.  Some US vets believe the US military’s own munitions posed the worst hazard of all.  Conspiracy Test: Gulf War Illness



What terror scare was dominating the media headlines in the weeks and months following the September 11th attacks (?) … Several letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to various media outlets and also to two senators … five people were killed … and seventeen others were infected.  The Corbett Report, 018 Whatever Happened to the Anthrax Investigation? James Corbett online 2007  



This was something of an academic scholarly page-turner … The case for a domestic conspiracy but not the lone nut Bruce Ivans that the FBI ultimately concluded was responsible for the attacks.  Dr Graeme MacQueen, author The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, interview The Corbett Report: Graeme MacQueen Reveals the Anthrax Deception, James Corbett online 24 September 2014, James


Demand for Anthrax Vaccine Soars.  ibid.  The Washington Post 30 September 2001


Feds Sued Over Anthrax Documents: Legal group wonders why White House took Cipro before attacks.  ibid.  WND headline


Al Qaeda didn’t have Anthrax spores; Iran didn’t have Anthrax spores … There was no intelligence for this … It was fraud and the advanced knowledge indicates that there was quite a large body of people that knew these attacks were in fact happening.  ibid.  Graeme


The forgotten terrorist attack of 2001.  ibid.  James


Around September 17th or 18th … envelopes containing notes, that is a little bit of text, as well as spores of the bacteria … were put in the mail, and the first wave of them went out to news agencies.  ibid.  Graeme 


It was weaponised Anthrax … a weapon of mass destruction …  ibid.  



26 days after the first diagnosed case of anthrax, widely reported as a possible 2nd wave of terrorism, October 31st 2001, Robert Kagan appears on C-Span … ‘Are we going to create people who are angry as a result of our bombing?  Yes.’  A Very Heavy Agenda I: A Catalyzing Event, 2015


‘It could well require the use of American military power in multiple places simultaneously.  It is going to resemble the clash of civilizations that everyone has hoped to avoid.’  Robert Kagan newspaper article


President Bush eventually called the anthrax mailings ‘terrorism’, which caused the media to speculate on a link to 9/11.  ibid.    


A handful of influential and loyal neoconservatives surrounding the administration took on the task of speculating publicly.  In frequent media appearances, Bush’s neoconservative allies continued to assert connections between 9/11, Iraq and the anthrax mailings.  ibid. 


August 6 2008: The FBI announces that the anthrax letters originated from a US bio-weapons lab in Maryland.  ibid. 



Quarantine: there’s white powder in the mail.  House of Cards US s2e4: Chapter 17, Netflix 2014



Two more anthrax-laced letters bearing the same Trenton New Jersey postmark arrive at the senate.  The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All II, National Geographic 2017 



The thing that makes Anthrax a exquisite biological weapon isn’t because it kills at a high frequency, it isn’t because it is communicable like Covid  you get that from your neighbour  it is because it has a spore; the spore form can exist for decades.  The Anthrax Attacks: In the Shadow of 9/11, Paul Keim, anthrax scientist, Netflix 2022


It has to kill in order to survive.  It has to kill to complete its life cycle.  ibid.    


Anthrax would not be a good death.  You’d spike a high fever, you’d feel terrible, then you’d crash and die.  ibid.  


Anthrax Here.  ibid.  Daily News front page      


September 2006: The most expensive investigation that the FBI ever carried out.  ibid.  Keim  


Those all trace back to a single flash … that Bruce Ivins had created for his experiments.  ibid.     


We more we investigated Bruce, the more things that came to light.  ibid.  FBI investigator  


152,270.  Ivins died in an apparent overdose.  ibid.  TV news