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Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  
  Aardvark  ·  Aaron (Bible)  ·  Abaddon & Apollyon  ·  Abbey  ·  Able & Ability  ·  Abortion  ·  Abraham (Bible)  ·  Abroad  ·  Absence & Absent  ·  Absolute  ·  Abstinence  ·  Abu Dhabi  ·  Abuse (I)  ·  Abuse (II)  ·  Abyss  ·  Accident (I)  ·  Accident (II)  ·  Accountable & Accountability  ·  Accountant & Accountancy  ·  Accusation  ·  Achievement  ·  Acting & Actor  ·  Action  ·  Activism & Activist  ·  Adam & Eve & Lilith  ·  ADD & ADHD  ·  Addiction  ·  Address  ·  Adult  ·  Adultery  ·  Advantage  ·  Adventure  ·  Adversity  ·  Advertising & Advertisement  ·  Advice & Advise  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (I)  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (II)  ·  Aesthetics  ·  Affair (Romance)  ·  Affection  ·  Affliction  ·  Afghanistan & Afghanistanis  ·  Afraid  ·  Africa & Africans  ·  Age & Ageing  ·  Age & Ages (Eon)  ·  Agenda  ·  Agnostic & Agnosticism  ·  Agreement  ·  Agriculture  ·  AIDS & HIV  ·  Air  ·  Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden  ·  Alabama  ·  Alarm  ·  Alaska  ·  Albania & Albanians  ·  Alcatraz Penitentiary  ·  Alchemy  ·  Alcohol & Alcoholic  ·  Alexander the Great  ·  Alfred the Great  ·  Algeria & Algerians  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (I)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (II)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (III)  ·  Allergy  ·  Alliance  ·  Almas & Almasty  ·  Alone  ·  Alter Ego  ·  Alternative Medicine  ·  Altruism & Altruist  ·  Alzheimer's Disease  ·  Amateur  ·  Amazon & Amazon River  ·  Ambition  ·  Amen  ·  Amish People & Culture  ·  Ammonites  ·  Amoeba  ·  Amphetamines  ·  Amphibians  ·  Amsterdam  ·  Amusement  ·  Analogy  ·  Anarchy & Anarchism & Anarchist  ·  Ancestor & Ancestry  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (I)  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (II)  ·  Ancient Egypt (I)  ·  Ancient Egypt (II)  ·  Ancient Greece  ·  Ancient Israel & Israelites  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (I)  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (II)  ·  Ancient Rome & Romans  ·  Angels  ·  Anger  ·  Anglo-Saxons  ·  Angola  ·  Anguish  ·  Animal Mutilation  ·  Animal Sacrifice  ·  Animals (I)  ·  Animals (II)  ·  Anne, Queen  ·  Anorexia & Anorexic  ·  Answer  ·  Antarctic & South Pole  ·  Anthrax  ·  Anthropic Principle  ·  Anti-Christ  ·  Anti-Semitism  ·  Antibiotics  ·  Antimatter  ·  Antiques & Antiquities  ·  Ants  ·  Anunnaki  ·  Anxiety & Anxious  ·  Apathy  ·  Ape  ·  Apocalypse  ·  Apocrypha  ·  Apology & Apologise  ·  Apostles  ·  Appeal  ·  Appearance  ·  Appeasement  ·  Appetite  ·  Apple  ·  Appointment  ·  Apprehension  ·  Aquarius  ·  Arab & Arabia  ·  Archaeology & Archaeologist  ·  Archery & Arrow  ·  Architecture  ·  Arctic & North Pole  ·  Area 51 & Area 52  ·  Argentina  ·  Argument  ·  Aristocracy & Aristocrat  ·  Arizona  ·  Ark of the Covenant  ·  Arkansas  ·  Armageddon  ·  Armenia  ·  Arms  ·  Army  ·  Arrest  ·  Art (I)  ·  Art (II)  ·  Art (III)  ·  Art (IV)  ·  Art (V)  ·  Art Deco  ·  Art Nouveau  ·  Artefacts  ·  Arthur, King  ·  Artificial Intelligence  ·  Artists: Abramovic, Marina  ·  Artists: Aitken, Doug  ·  Artists: Andre, Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  

★ Apple

Apple: see Trees & Fruit & Food & Eat & Appetite & Garden & Garden of Eden

Thomas Hardy - Mark Twain - Adrienne Haythornwhite - Joan Corke - J D Salinger - Martin Luther - Carl Sagan - Paul Cezanne -




‘Did you say the stars were worlds, Tess?’




‘All like ours?’


‘I don’t know, but I think so.  They sometimes seem to be like the apples on our stubbard-tree.  Most of them splendid and sound – a few blighted.’


‘Which do we live on – a splendid one or a blighted one?’


‘A blighted one.’  Thomas Hardy, Tess of the dUbervilles  



Adam was not human – this explains it all.  He did not want the apple for the apple’s sake; he wanted it only because it was forbidden.  Mark Twain, Puddnhead Wilson, 1894



I was awakened by this strange noise, and then I heard it on top of the roof.  Thudding, a frightening thudding noise ... All these apples was coming down.  As far as I can see they were coming straight from the sky ... It wasn’t windy that night or rainy.  Adrienne Haythornwhite, Accrington Lancashire



Apples!  There seemed to be thousands of them.  They were in her garden, but only in her garden.  There were Bramleys, there were Coxes, some were whole, some were embedded.  Joan Corke, neighbour



I’ve never seen such a bunch of apple-eaters.  J D Salinger, Nine Stories



Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.  Martin Luther



If you wish to make an apple-pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.  Carl Sagan, Cosmos



With an apple I will astonish Paris.  Paul Cézanne