Carl Sagan - Richard Dawkins - James Lawless - Eric Hoffer - Matthew Hurley - Chris Everard - In Search of … TV - In Search of … TV - The Outer Space Connection TV - The World’s Strangest UFO Stories TV - Ancient Astronauts TV - Chariots of the Gods 1970 & Erich von Daniken - Mike Bara - Giorgio A Tsoukalos & In Search of Aliens TV - Bill Birnes - Michael Cremo - David Childress - America’s Book of Secrets TV - Robert M Schoch - The World’s Strangest UFO Stories TV - Extreme Universe TV - Zecharia Sitchin - Jim Marrs - Your World is Changing - Richard D Hall TV - Ian R Crane - Arthur D Horn - Bruce Rux - Hartwig Hausdorf - Richard Dolan - Codes and Conspiracies: Ancient Astronauts TV - The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976 - Jonathan Gray - Matt Ball & Ancient Blood Conspiracy - Alien Files Unsealed TV - UFOs: The Lost Evidence TV - Buried Worlds with Don Wildman TV - Extraordinary: The Revelations TV - Sirius 2014 - Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked TV - William Shatner: Mysteries of the Gods 1976 -Prebunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse season 2 in the Americas with Professor John Hoopes - Graham Hancock TV -
That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times. I also hope for the continuing popularity of books like Chariots of the Gods? in high school and college logic courses, as object lessons in sloppy thinking. I know of no recent books so riddled with logical and factual errors as the works of von Däniken. Carl Sagan, foreword to The Space Gods Revealed
The question arises, Might there have been a visit to the Earth in historical times? ... It’s a kind of modern dress for old-time religion ... You can’t exclude the possibility but there is not a smidgen of evidence that is compelling. Professor Carl Sagan, interview In Search of Ancient Astronauts, 1973
I wouldn’t be too unhappy with the idea that an extraterrestrial intelligence intervened at some point … [but] would had to have evolved itself. Richard Dawkins, with Michael Shermer at Skeptics Society Conference Caltech May 2015
Now it has been suggested by other people that maybe life on Earth was brought here by a visitor from another planet. While this possibility is remote it certainly can’t be excluded on the basis of the results we have found. Dr James Lawless, In Search of Ancient Astronauts, 1973
I have always felt that man is a stranger on this planet. A total stranger. I always played with the fancy maybe a contagion from outer space is the seed of man. Eric Hoffer, writer & sociologist
Throughout history, looking at many cultures around the world, we often hear of beings coming down from the sky. And we often read of imagery of UFOs. They would have arrived in their ancient spacecraft. They would have had an unusual appearance. They would have spoken with a lot of wisdom and knowledge, so primitive man would have been overwhelmed by these experiences, and fell into the trap of worshipping them as gods ... We have depiction of UFOs in artwork. Matthew Hurley, The Alien Chronicles
If you study the legends of the North American shamans, the mythologies of ancient Europe, the creation histories of the Australian Aborigines, or the ancient Vadic texts of India, and especially the Sumerian clay tablets from ancient Iraq, we find that all great civilisations on the face of planet Earth tell one similar story: that is in the distant past people from the stars visited planet Earth and displayed fantastic technology. Sometimes they genetically engineered humans. Sometimes they directly interbred with humans. These so-called sky-gods always visited in spectacular flying vehicles.
These pearls of the sky are mentioned in ancient Tibetan scriptures. More than one leading Tibetan author suspects that these spherical UFOs are actually alien probes monitoring the evolution of mankind. Chris Everard, Secret Space II
Beings have invaded planet Earth many many times. All over the United States ancient oral traditions of sky-gods or aliens persist. At conferences organised by American shamans legends of aliens who gave mankind knowledge of genetics are spoken about openly ... Shaman elders speak of beings from the stars called the Bak’Ti who invaded planet Earth before dinosaurs existed. ibid.
The Ohio Serpent Mound is a symbolic representation of sperm fertilising an egg in the womb ... Who gave shamans knowledge of genetics centuries ago? ibid.
According to Shaman legends the ancient Bak’Ti genetically manipulated animals and created mankind. The Bak’Ti aliens told early man that they were here to control the development of civilisation and that there were many other aliens who wanted to invade planet Earth. According to American shamans the Bak’Ti aliens have been known both as gods and devils throughout the evolution of man. ibid.
Shamans teach that the Bak’Ti were gods of the stars who have often destroyed evidence of man’s real history in order to keep mankind ignorant and controllable. The oral traditions of the North American Indians teach us that the Bak’Ti star-gods eventually lost control of planet Earth to another race of aliens who were vicious reptiles with faces of dragons. ibid
Ancient Aboriginal rock-art shows many examples of alien-type beings which are known as Wandjinas. Every year Aboriginal tribes-people travel to remote parts of Western Australia and repaint the outline of the Wandjinas, who are known as the creator spirits of the Aborigines. ibid.
The depiction of people with European facial features in ancient Aboriginal art is mirrored on the opposite side of planet Earth in Peru. Again we see depictions of bearded European people at a time and a place when no such Europeans should have existed. ibid.
3,500 years ago during the reign of King Thutmose III ancient Egypt was invaded by spherical UFOs which were described as circles of fire. According to ancient papyrus these spherical UFOs filled the sky for several days. In his fascinating book British author Matthew DeLois shows photos of strange alien reptiles some with the bodies of apes and heads of lizards. These can be found on the walls of the Temple of Hathor. ibid.
Sumerian Cylinder Seal c.3,700 B.C. Shows reptilian star-god and flying vehicle. ibid.
All over planet Earth, archaeological evidence of alien invasions exist. None more so than in ancient Iraq. The country that gave birth to the Sumerian and Babylonian empires. 6,000 year-old clay tablets tell of aliens invading from the stars who enslaved and genetically modified mankind. These alien gods were called the Anunnaki. Sumerian records claim the Anunnaki genetically created homo sapiens. The Anunnaki were reptilian bipedal beings who sometimes appeared as lizards with beaks and snouts. ibid.
Sumeria is known as the cradle of civilisation. It was here that white-skinned people from the Caucasus Mountains spread a world-wide cult of blood-ritual and magic. ibid.
According to figurines and legends in ancients Iraq the Anunnaki were reptilian humanoids. They are depicted in ancient Sumerian art as suckling human babies to their reptilian breasts. ibid.
These clay tablets told the history of the Sumerian empire; an empire which was formed by invading aliens called the Anunnaki ... The Sumerian clay tablets described the Anunnaki aliens genetically manipulating mankind and creating a hybrid race of alien-reptilian-humans who became known as the Nephilim. The Nephilim are also known as the Elohim in the Bible. This was a genetically-created race of rulers which had their human DNA mixed with that of the invading Anunnaki aliens. References to this race of alien-hybrid rulers can be found in ancient texts from around the planet. ibid.
Reptiles have always been associated with a race of hidden masters. Many occult traditions which are related to the birth of freemasonry speak of the hidden masters. Some occult historians and authors claim that a group of hidden masters control world international freemasonry. Ancient Masonic texts suggest that these hidden masters are in actual fact alien spirits from another world. Some Masonic texts say that the secrets of how to control and influence society and politics from behind the scenes was passed to the elite of freemasonry from a race of reptilian aliens who invaded planet Earth and landed in ancient Iraq more that 12,500 years ago. ibid.
The Anunnaki alien star-gods were often shown holding pine-cones. The Vatican’s most famous icons also hold pine-cones acknowledging the Anunnaki brotherhood ... The Vatican uses Ancient Anunnaki and Babylonian symbolism in all its ceremonies ... Britain is full of symbols of the Anunnaki reptilian brotherhood. ibid.
A royal document dating back to the seventh century states that the first seven Tibetan kings came from the stars. ibid.
In the 1970s the sceptical magazine Fortean Times claimed a man had faked an archaeological artefact which had supposedly been discovered in Nepal. The famous Lolladoff Plate is meant to be nearly nine-thousand years old. And shows a disc-shaped craft with a small alien-type creature standing beside it. This controversial item is either a fake or one of the most obvious warnings from the past that aliens have visited the Himalayas. ibid.
Small skeletons with oversized skulls have been found. The tribes in the Baiyun Mountains have a detailed mythology involving star-beings crash-landing space-ships in the distant past ... Jade figurines have been found in this area which display a remarkable similarity to the grey aliens reported worldwide by millions of people. ibid.
The small skeletons with alien-shaped skulls were discovered in 1938. The skeletons were in graves on the floor of caves which had walls covered in star-map pictograms. The graves were laid out in geometric lines. Amongst these graves hundreds of circular stone plates were discovered which had spiral etchings on them. Each stone disc was approximately nine inches in diameter, and had a fine groove spiralling out from the centre to the rim. Making each disc look like a prehistoric version of a modern vinyl record. In all 716 stone plates were found. These became known as the Dzopa stones. ibid.
The Mayan dynasties of ancient Mexico built pyramids aligned to the stars. Just like the ancient Egyptians the Mayans also mummified their dead. The Mayans claim their vast knowledge of astronomy was given to them by a reptilian star-god. Many Mayan artefacts feature reptilian motifs and tongues of lizards. Many Mayan figurines hold buckets known as Situlas. They hold the DNA in the ‘Water of Life’. Some carvings show humanoids with elongated skulls like aliens. Just like ancient Egyptians, the Mayans buried their elite in Sarcophagus enclosures. ibid.