The Drake Equation tries to answer the question how many other planets with intelligent life could exist in our galaxy? Phil Plait’s Bad Universe: Alien Attack! Discovery 2010
Maybe space travel is just as hard for the aliens as it is for us. ibid.
If alien bacteria could make their home on a rock in space, could they even survive the trip? ibid.
What if we’re alone in the galaxy? What if no other intelligent life has ever glimpsed the beauty of a star rising over a planet’s horizon? For many years this question was asked not by scientists but by philosophers and theologians. But then fifty years ago an astronomer came up with a mathematical equation that changed everything. The equation estimated the number of intelligent civilisations in our galaxy, and it gave the possibility of their existence a scientific legitimacy. The Search for Life: The Drake Equation
In 1960 Dr Frank Drake was a leading light in the new field of radio astronomy. ibid.
Thousands of years ago when our forefathers were still Stone-Age people some extraterrestrials arrived. Erich von Daniken, author Chariots of the Gods
In Europe lines, sometimes thousands of kilometres long, exist from antiquity. In Europe they are called Ley Lines. All the antique places are linked together. Every point is on one line, it’s an archaeological point, and every town has the same core of the word – the word is always star. Erich von Daniken
Valhalla: It might have been some type of an orbiting space- station. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
We’ve always been their pet project. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The story of the Ark of the Covenant is one of the most fascinating and unexplored stories of the Bible. The Ark of the Covenant had some very mysterious powers. Giorgio Tsoukalos
It was a storage container that housed some type of nuclear device. Giorgio Tsoukalos
Our ancestors thought they were visited by gods – when in reality they were visited by none other than ancient aliens. Physical beings. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
Ancient texts talk about the fact that whoever visited the Earth in the remote past – the gods – thought that Earth women were quite beautiful. So on many occasions we find stories where those visitors essentially mated with earth women. Giorgio A Tsoukalos, Legendary Times magazine
What is evidence is the fact that visitations occurred from before recorded history all the way to today. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
All these descriptions of sophisticated weaponry sounds almost like science fiction. But is it really? Because we have those weapons today! And I think it merely a reinvention of history that all this stuff we have has been around before, and our past is not science fiction but science fact. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
One day these gods will return. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
One of the main tenets of ancient astronaut theory suggests that a long time ago extraterrestrials changed our genetic make-up through a targeted mutation of our genes essentially in the lab. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
Our ancestors misinterpreted extra-terrestrials as god because that was the only way they could explain away what they had witnessed. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
According to legend, this Stargate was activated by the help of a golden disc. And this golden disc fell from the sky. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The Ancient Astronaut Theory tries to establish whether or not extraterrestrials visited Earth in the remote past. Giorgio Tsoukalos
A long long time ago extraterrestrials came here and through a targeted mutation of our genes we became human. Giorgio Tsoukalos
In our development all of a sudden we’ve made a quantum leap where we’re sitting in caves munching on bananas and the next things we’re doing is building pyramids. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
There are many ancient legends which suggest that some of the monuments were built with the help of acoustic levitation. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
Ancient legends are a bridge to finding what truly happened in our past. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The whole idea or concept of Satan is based on a misunderstood visit by extraterrestrials in the remote past. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
We should finally come to grips with the idea that extraterrestrials had something to do with our development. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
In ancient Greece we have a number of myths which describe islands – bronze gleaming islands – that fell from the sky and landed in water. I don’t think that Atlantis therefore was an actual stationary physical island. Atlantis according to Plato disappeared in one night. With a lot of fire. And a lot of smoke. I don’t think Atlantis sunk: I think Atlantis lifted off. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The Dogu a long time ago descended from the skies and taught the Japanese people. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
Ever since Plato wrote about it in the fourth century BC Atlantis has captured the imagination of adventurers and academics alike obsessed with finding out its location. But what if this classic story is nothing that anyone expects? What if the accounts of Atlantis having incredible advanced technology and then mysteriously disappearing is actually a description of an extraterrestrial culture that existed here on Earth thousands of years ago? Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e1: The Hunt for Atlantis
I’m exploring the medieval city of Silves in southern Portugal with British author Peter Daughtrey. ibid.
Roswell, New Mexico which is ground zero for modern-day UFO researchers … I’m headed out in search of the Roswell Rock. In Search of Aliens s1e3: Rock of Roswell
A small triangular-shaped rock of brown colour; it has this design on top of it that isn’t etched into the rock but actually protrudes from it. ibid.
Sightings of the legendary lake monster are once again on the rise ... similar descriptions all over the planet ... All of these mysterious creatures appear in early folk lore. Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e4: Loch Ness Monster
A portal ... Maybe as some people claim an alien craft ... There it is again – quartz ... The shared geology of these lakes ... It is intriguing to speculate ... Space-Time rifts … ibid.
I’m on my way to Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula which is one of the world’s most active areas for Bigfoot sightings ... Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e5: Searching for Bigfoot
Could there be another and more incredible connection? ... What if Bigfoot is what humans would be if aliens had not intervened on this planet? ibid.
Malta: it was here that a prehistoric society built megalithic structures using massive stone blocks. These blocks were arranged into complex designs, and are now considered by scholars to be older than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e6: The Mystery of Cyclops
There are stories that say Malta was once home to giants, and even a race of legendary one-eyed creatures known as Cyclops. ibid.
Could there also be a connection with ancient astronauts? ibid.
These weird [elongated] skulls that were apparently found at the hypogeum a hundred years ago. ibid.
Bolivia: where the Incas say mankind was created ... The mysterious ruins of which feature magnificent megalithic blocks. Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e7: The Mystery of Puma Punku
Cut with some advanced technology – but what? ibid.
‘The giants jump out from the lake.’ ibid. Bolivian bloke
‘That bowl has two forms of Sumerian writing on it.’ ibid. Childress