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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Building 7
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Building 7

What we know for sure is that these buildings were pre-wired for demolition, and that the plane hits were simply created as a distraction in the way a magician distracts you ... Building 7 is obviously a controlled demolition.  Professor Kevin Barrett



Obviously it was the result of controlled demolition.  Obviously.  Jack Keller, Emeritus Professor of Engineering, Utah State University



We were watching the building actually cos it was on fire ... We heard this sound that sounding like a clap of thunder ... It looked like there was a shockwave ripping through the building ... About a second later the building followed after that.  Emergency worker interview NYC News Radio 10.10 a.m. cited The Destruction of Building 7



Molten metal pools under both Towers and Building 7.  Now Building 7 wasnt even hit by a jet, yet it comes down and its got this molten metal underneath.  Professor Steven E Jones



The final convincing was this molten metal ... Building 7 wasnt even hit by a jet and yet it come[s] down and it has the molten metal underneath.  Professor Steven E Jones



How is it that a third building fell five hours later? ... How could this building just implode into its own footstep five hours later?  Jesse Ventura, author Dont Start The Revolution Without Me, interview Alex Jones April 2008



As the WTC command centre, was it the hub for the 9/11 plan?  Also, in six and a half seconds lost for ever were thousands of SEC case files on corporate fraud, including those relating to the notorious activities of giants Worldcom and Enron.  9/11 Coincidences



This building was a 47-storey steel-reinforced concrete structure which collapsed into its own footprint in six and a half seconds, seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed.  Core of Corruption: In the Shadows


Number 7 World Trade Centre was also the New York office of the Central Intelligence Agency.  The CIA ordered the building surrounded by FBI agents shortly after it collapsed.  It housed the offices of the Securities & Exchange Commission, the Joint FBI/CIA joint terrorist group that ironically tracked bin Laden.  ibid. 


Prior to WTC7 collapse a foreign military personnel states the building is going to collapse.  ibid.



It [Building 7] also happened to be New York Citys number one spook house and operational centre.  It housed the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue Services, the Security & Exchange Commission, the largest Secret Service office in the world, the largest CIA office outside of Virginia, and New Yorks Office of Emergency Management.  Fabled Enemies



But why does total collapse take place?  And why does it occur at freefall speed?  Building 7 and the Twin Towers share one utterly bewildering similarity: the presence of molten metal found in the debris of all three buildings.  Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



A 47-storey skyscraper Building 7 folded neatly in six and a half seconds  a text-book descent right into its footprint.  9/11 Mysteries



In my opinion the building at World Trade Centre 7 was with great probability professionally demolished.  Hugo Bachman, Emeritus Professor, former chairman Department of Structural Dynamics



But the likelihood of that failure dragging the entire building in such a fashion that all the columns would fail at the same time is an impossibility.  Kamal Obeid, interview cited Core of Corruption: In the Shadows



At 11:34 a.m. then after they were rescued, Michael [Hess] is half a mile away being interviewed on European News, New York ... Yet NIST in its report ... mentions these two city officials who were found in Building 7 and ... rescued between 12:10 and 12:15 ... Why so late?  Because they had to cover up the idea that this was an explosion.  David Ray Griffin, New 9/11 Evidence



Its collapse remains so impossible to explain except as controlled demolition that the 9/11 Commission Report did not even mention it.  As if the collapse of a 47-storey building was not worthy of comment.  And it only had fires on floors #7 & 12.  David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Fraud



Building 7, not hit by a plane, does not have the big fires in it that the Towers did for a while ... There would have been no reason for people at the scene to think the building was going to come down unless they had inside knowledge ... They physically moved all the firefighters from the building ... These were really trivial fires ...  David Ray Griffin, The Peter Collins Show 29th September 2009



Building 7 is the smoking gun of 9/11.  Richard Gage, fonder Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth



No steel-framed high-rise building has ever collapsed due to fire and we have over a hundred examples from which to choose.  Richard Gage, interview BBC Conspiracy Files: The Third Tower



Who was in the building?  Well, we have the CIA, the IRS, the Department of Defense, the Securities and Exchange Commission which by the way lost thousands of files relating to hundreds of active cases against Wall Street companies such as Enron ... Could al Qaeda have gotten into this building to plant the explosives?  Richard Gage, architect, lecture University of Manitoba


What have we shown in Building 7?  Well we have shown direct evidence of explosives because we have sights and sounds produced by explosions with eyewitnesses ... A rapid onset of destruction at the base, the clap of thunder with the building coming down, those huge dust clouds billowing ... The cutter charges or pools of molten iron from Thermite ... Squibs or explosive charges visible at the upper seven storeys on the right side ... Demolition waves, removing the column supports simultaneously all around the building, floor by floor synchronistically timed ... a straight down symmetrical collapse ... at freefall speed ... expert corroboration ... Foreknowledge of the collapse ... Plenty of video documentation as you have seen all of which support the hypothesis of a controlled demolition.  ibid.



How did a few little fires cause Building 7 to crumble?  Eric Hufschmid, Painful Deceptions


The fires were on the lower floors not near the roof.  However, the Penthouse is the first part of the building to collapse.  How could the fires cause damage to the Penthouse without damaging all the floors in between?  ibid.



Sadly, by this time virtually all structural steel from Ground Zero had been recycled; and no steel was recovered from Building 7 for investigation.  Loose Change  Final Cut



Some of these professionals have quit their jobs or been fired.  Tony Rooke, Incontrovertible, Youtube 2015


Building 7: not struck by any aeroplane or engulfed by a raging inferno it had the ground within seven seconds.  ibid.


‘We gotta get back; Seven’s exploding!’  ibid.  firefighter  


‘The evidence that the World Trade Centre Building 7 was brought down with explosives on 9/11 is real and proven.’  ibid.  Adrian Mallett, firefighter


Tenants of World Trade Centre 7: Floor 9 US Secret Service; Floor 11 & 12 & 13 Securities & Exchange Commission; Floor 23 New York City Office of Emergency Management; Floor 25 Internal Revenue Service, Department of Defense, The Central Intelligence Agency …  ibid. 



Building 7: This is the first and only skyscraper in the world to have collapsed because of fire.  The Conspiracy Files: 9/11: The Third Tower, BBC 2008


Its destruction is never mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report.  ibid.


The alarm system for the entire Building 7 was placed on test because of routine maintenance.  ibid. 



The struggle that NIST went through for years to establish a fire-based theory and how unusual the final theory was.  Kevin Ryan, lecture University of Hartford 26th March 2011, ‘Investigate Building 7


The destruction of WTC 7 was unprecedented; the steel evidence was destroyed or unexplained; NIST’s final theory followed years of failed hypotheses; NIST’s final theory could not have been predicted; NIST’s report is self-contradictory and contradicts other known facts; NIST’s report is deceptive; NIST’s final theory for collapse initiation is unscientific and false.  ibid.



There’s even someone who heard a countdown moments before the building [Building 7] collapsed.  September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, 2013


The symmetry of the collapse: the entire top section of the building falls as a single piece.  ibid.