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Welfare & Welfare State
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★ Welfare & Welfare State

Morris also insisted that Clinton make a symbolic sacrifice of the old politics to convince the swing voters to trust him.  In August 1996 Clinton signed a bill which ended the system of guaranteed help for the poor and unemployed.  Welfare would be cut back after two years in order to force people into work.  The new system was called Welfare to Work.  It would he said be a hand up not a hand out.  It was the effective end of the guaranteed welfare system created by President Roosevelt sixty years before.  Adam Curtis, The Century of the Self, BBC 2002 



100,188.  Once public servants were set performance targets they could achieve them in any way they wanted; the old bureaucratic rules could be thrown away and they would become heroic entrepreneurs.  Adam Curtis, The Trap II: The Lonely Robot, BBC 2007


James Buchanan, economist: He argued that politicians just like civil servants were hypocrites; the idea they promoted that they were serving the public was a fiction.  In reality they too followed their self-interests.  ibid.



Whether Britain really is ready for the future state of welfare.  John Humphrys, The Future of the Welfare State, BBC 2011


As a result of that contract you would slay the five evil giants of society: Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness.  ibid.


The problem comes when the state tries to distinguish between those people who can’t work and those people who don’t want to work.  Between what would have been referred to in Beveridge’s time ... the deserving and the undeserving poor.  ibid.


The longer it goes on the greater their sense of disillusionment and the greater their sense of failing.  ibid.


The American welfare revolution happened because the public were demanding change.  ibid.


The bill for housing benefits ... The State pays huge amounts to private landlords to accommodate people on benefits.  ibid.


In his [Beveridge] day single mothers were rare.  ibid.



There was no welfare state, and people had to rely mainly on the Poor Law – that was all the state provided.  It was very degrading, very humiliating.  And there was a means test for receiving poor relief.  Barbara Castle



There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.  Jeb Bush



These officers are the sprearhead of the government’s new drive against claimants suspected of defrauding social security, known as scroungers.  World in Action: Claimant, Scrounger, Snooper, Spy, ITV 1980


Last week a high court judge said that social security fiddling was rife from one end of the British Isles to the other.  ibid.  



‘I think the level of welfare benefits is slightly too high at the present time.’  World in Action: Matthew Parris, Nottingham Tory lady at luncheon, ITV 1984  


‘You know some of the people who say they are unemployed …’  ibid.  


Matthew Parris: He’s a strong supporter of Tory policy towards the unemployed.  ibid.


Social security benefits in Britain are lower than 15 Western countries.  ibid.


World in Action challenged the member of parliament … for one week £26.80.  ibid.



We have people who are sanctioned on benefits for the slightest – slightest – transgression.  Ian R Crane, lecture Birmingham 2016, ‘The EU Hokey-Cokey’



Bastards!  They’re trying to stop my benefits.  After all these years I feel used.  Rab C Nesbitt s9e3: Candy, BBC 2010 



On January 2nd I was quietly summoned to the Pentagon to meet with the Joint Chiefs of Staff … ‘Michael,’ they said to me, ‘we don’t know what the fuck we’re doing.’  Michael Moore, Where to Invade Next, 2016


There are to be no more invasions … My advice, Send in me.  ibid.


Italy: A nice relaxing two-hour lunch … numerous weeks of paid vacation … and a strong union.  ibid.  


There was something else we could steal from France.  As usual the French offered little resistance.  ibid.  


Finland: They do better by going to school less.  ibid.


Slovenia is one of dozens of countries where it is essentially free to go to university.  ibid.


Portugal: Don’t arrest people for using drugs any more.  ibid. 


Welcome to the Norwegian prison system based on the principle of rehabilitation.  ibid.  


Tunisia: Free government-funded women’s health clinics and government-funded abortion.  ibid.   


Iceland: 1975 women’s strike … The first country to democratically elect a woman president.  ibid.



This is the day room where they’re all sort of … active.  Derek: Pilot episode, Channel 4 2012, Derek’s opening line


There’s been loads of famous people here giving us stuff.  ibid.  Dougie


I like old people.  They’re kind.  ibid.  Derek  


Get some skips in  clear the fucking lot out.  ibid.  Dougie  


What would win out of a suicide bomber and a shark?  ibid.  Derek


It’s more important to be kind than clever or good looking.  ibid.



I loves it here.  It’s brilliant.  All my favourist people are here.  Derek s1e1, Derek, 2013


It costs what it costs.  ibid.  Hannah  


These housewives  how bored are they?  ibid.  Kev 



I’ve just shat meself.  Meeting’s over.  Derek s1e2, Kev  


There’s definitely nuffin’ to nick here.  And it smells funny as well.  ibid.


Why have you got a haircut like a paedophile?  ibid.  


Hannah: What do you read?


Victoria: Twitter.  ibid.


Fifty’s the new forty.  ibid.  old bloke


When you’re their age, are you really going to start reading books?  You might not get through it.  ibid.  Dougie



Emergency, everyone.  Look.  Found a baby bird.  Hannah, found a baby bird.  Fallen out of its nest so it’s all weak and everything.  Call the RSPCA ... Call Rolf Harris.  Call Oddie.  Derek s1e3, Derek


I don’t even give to jumble sales.  Or charity shops.  They just burn it, don’t they?  Stops the pikies getting hold of it.  ibid.  Shelley


He’s overexcited today.  Been on a day trip.  Derek s1e4, Dougie, re Derek


I’d better crack on – those urinals are not going to clean themselves.  ibid.  Hannah


She [Rebecca, schoolfriend] hasn’t changed a bit – she always was a cunt.  ibid.  



This is the entertainment committee.  We’re planning cabaret night.  Derek s1e5, Derek


What would win out of a stag beetle and like a frog if it had a pair of pliers?  ibid.  


One thing the camera can’t pick up is like the smell  it smells like Oxfam.  ibid.  community service dude  



A guy claiming to be Derek’s dad called last night.  He wants to get in contact with Derek.  Derek s1e6  


Lizzy died last night.  ibid.


That's what life is – someone giving you a slapping and lots of crying.  ibid.  Dougie


I don't think it matters whether you believe in God or not ... So just be nice.  ibid.  Derek


I just have a moan instead.  ibid.



It’s like being at home really innit.  Except well everyone’s really nice.  Derek s2e1, Victoria, Channel 4 2014


Victoria: What do you want to say?


Be nice to animals.  ibid.  Derek on social media



We’re off to the zoo today.  Derek s2e4, Hannah


All animals are my favouritist animals.  Except spiders.  ibid.  Dere



I loves every dog in here.  I love every animal ... Makes me feel funny.  Derek s2e5


Yeah, I drink.  So what.  Deal with it.  I’m a drinker, it’s what I do.  It beats my reality.  ibid.  Kev



I never had a dad when I was little.  So no-one taught me to ride a bike.  Derek s2e6


I’m going on a date.  ibid.


I even like sleeping.  ibid.


I don’t know if there is a heaven.  I’m suspicious.  ibid.


It’s never too late until it is.  ibid.