Annie Machon - Marta Anderson - Paul van Buitenen - Core of Corruption: In the Shadows 2009 - The Real Value of Your Personal Data 2013 - Alex Jones - SHTFPlan online - Richard D Hall TV - Edward Snowden - Ian R Crane - Josh Fox TV - The Office US TV - Susan Bardocz - Crime Stories TV - Anonymous Whistleblower - Michael Moore - Barack Obama - Misha Glenny - Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner - Harry Markopolos - John Pilger - Citizen Four TV - The Corbett Report - Sibel Edmonds - War on Whistleblowers - Storyville: Anonymous: Chasing Edward Snowden TV - We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks TV - Risk 2016 - The Insider 1999 - Panama Papers: The Shady World of Offshore Companies TV - Abby Martin 2018 - Julian Assange: Risk TV - National Bird 2016 - The Secrets of the IS Files TV - The Fifth Estate: The Strange World of Julian Assange TV - Storyville: Inside Lehman Brothers: The Whistleblowers TV - The Whistle Blower 1985 - Chris Hedges - Panorama TV - Mail online - The Atlantic online - Associated Press - Crime of the Century TV - Richard Bilton TV - Frontline TV - Official Secrets 2019 - Thoughtcrime 2017 - This World: Whistleblowers: Inside the UN - The Secrets of Doping: How Russia Makes Its Winners TV - Masha Gessen - Washington Post - The Imprisonment of Julian Assange TV - Four Corners TV - Downfall: The Case Against Boeing TV - A Game of Secrets 2022 - Ancient Aliens TV - The Life of Dave 2025 -
It’s not an easy decision, there’s a lot of heart-searching that always goes on for anyone who goes public about the intelligence agencies because of the extremely high price you have to pay. Annie Machon, former MI5 intelligence officer, cited Secrets of the Spies III: Manipulation
Brussels Laid Bare: How the EU Treated its Chief Accountant When She Refused to Go Along With its Fraud and Waste. Marta Anderson
Blowing The Whistle: One Man’s Fight Against Fraud in the European Commission. Paul van Buitenen
This Visa program was only introduced in Saudi Arabia, while no other such privilege was or has ever been extended to any of the Allies or Western European friends of the United States. Michael Springman blew the whistle and stated that state department officials were issuing Visas to terrorists which he knew were terrorists but he was being gagged. Core of Corruption: In the Shadows, 2009
Six months ago the American whistleblower Edward Snowden first revealed how the NSA has access to personal data stored with internet companies like Google and Facebook. In fact as it turned out, these companies actively cooperate in sharing your data with the authorities. The Real Value of Your Personal Data, VPRO 2013
A string of congressional investigations has uncovered more than 20,000 secret tests that were carried out against the American people between 1910 and 2000. One well known Eugenics study, the Tuskegee Syphilis Project, killed hundreds of blacks that spanned forty years until whistleblowers exposed it in 1972. Alex Jones, Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
It turns out that there are whistleblowers – hundreds of them. But any attack on the establishment is met with either a full-one counter-attack that targets the credibility of the individual bringing forth the information and marginalizes the content of the message by dismissing it as the ravings of a lunatic or disgruntled employee, or it’s simply erased from public view by the very institutions tasked with investigating such activity. SHTFPlan online article
Whistleblowers such as Stan Deyo, Dr Edward Teller, they were looking at anti-gravity propulsion. Richplanet TV with Andrew Johnson checktheevidence online, Richard D Hall, Showcase 2
Dan Sherman’ testimony: Anti-Gravity secret space program ... Edgar Fouche & Stan Deyo whistleblowers: Anti-Gravity secret space program … Fouche disclosed information about a craft – secret craft – called the TR-3B. Richard D Hall, Richplanet: Western Super Mare 23rd June 2011
Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give to an American. Edward Snowden
Sean Hoare lost his life – this is the whistleblower ... On the News of the World hacking scandal probably lost his life because he had nothing else that could be taken away from him. Ian R Crane, interview On the Edge, AlexG
The Whistleblower: Weston Wilson – In 2004 the EPA was investigating water contamination incidents due to hydraulic fracturing across the country, but a panel rejected the Inquiry stating that although hazardous materials were being injected underground the EPA did not need to investigate. Weston Wilson, a twenty-year veteran of the EPA, wrote a letter to Congress objecting. Josh Fox, Gasland ***** 2010
I saw all your hard drives and guess what? [gestures to Ryan] You’re not a photographer. [gestures to Kelly] And you definitely can’t fit into a size two. Darryl, man, you’re on Facebook. Why you been telling people you’re not on Facebook? People want to be your friend, man! Alright? And you. [points to Andy] This guy, you’re the one who told the press. You wrote an email to the editor. I saw it, and I also saw a QuickTime movie of your little printer’s fire-test on your hard drive. This guy’s the snitch, he’s the snitch. So that’s it. Check it out. [gives everyone the finger and leaves] The Office US s6e26: Whistleblower, Nick, NBC 2010
How to destroy the whistleblower’s credibility: set up a committee of ‘senior scientists’ to investigate his/her misdemeanour; release the damning findings of the committee to the press but without publishing them in full; repeat this at the national level and recruit senior establishment figures to tell the media why they should not believe the whistleblower scientist.
The scientist is untrustworthy because he/she is: unreliable, too old and confused; not properly qualified; driven by ulterior motives of seeking publicity and fame; the scientist is dishonest; because he/she misappropriate others’ date; because he/she falsified some crucial data; because he/she invented/fabricated data.
The results cannot be trusted because: the design of the experiments was flawed; the methods were unsatisfactory and/or biased; inappropriate controls were used; conclusions were not supported by the results; the results were unpublished or published in a journal of low scientific standing; there are other better (but unspecified) data which contradict the results; the results are not statistically significant or obtained using poor statistics; the results are unrepresentative; therefore the study needs to be repeated with more refined design and methodology. Professor Susan Bardocz, Alternative View II conference, re sacking of Dr Arpad Pusztai
Can the oil companies silence one man who dares to speak the truth? His enemies began a campaign of dirty tricks. They even sent women to try to entrap him. Can one man stand up for what he believes? Chuck Hamel was about to find out. Crime Stories: The Whistleblower, 2004
The more Hamel dug the more he found: according to Alyeska insiders, the company was also secretly dumping toxic waste into the pristine Alaskan waters. ibid.
An industry riddled with dirty secrets ... Intentional air and water pollution; worker safety violations; severely corroded pipeline; and a faulty system for detecting leaks. ibid.
The oil companies have been lobbying Congress to drill in America’s largest wilderness – the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. ibid.
Alyeska was about to take desperate measures to silence the oil man who had turned against them. ibid.
Congress was shocked. ibid.
We say in this nation that we are looking for people with honesty, integrity, drive and dedication, and then when we find such people, we take them out and whip them. Anonymous Whistleblower
One thing I learned as a journalist is that there is at least one disgruntled person in every workplace in America – and at least double that number with a conscience. Hard as they try, they simply can’t turn their heads away from an injustice when they see one taking place. Michael Moore, Here Comes Trouble
Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama
Special Agent Matthew Fogg ... testified in Congress in 1989 that his boss, Ronald Hein, was a racist and should not be appointed to the prestigious position of US Marshal for the DC Superior Court ... Fogg’s courage in speaking out as whistle-blower was eventually vindicated in 1998 when a jury awarded him $4 million plus full back-pay. Misha Glenny, McMafia
The realm of high finance and the world of Sumo both demonstrate that the illusion of purity can not only hide corruption it can help to make it possible. In Sumo when whistleblowers stepped forward to expose corruption they were not treated kindly. Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner, Frekonomics
Two weeks before the press conference both men died in the same hospital, on the same day, from the same mysterious respiratory ailment. ibid.