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Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)
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★ Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)

I am a leader: but you can only inspire people so much in a place like this.  The Office US s8e8: Gettysburg, Andy



No, I don’t think we should be trying to make this place seem unpleasant.  I think we should let this place crush her spirit by itself.  The Office US s8e9: Mrs California, Jim, re new starter



Dwight: What about my wish that we don’t have to attend meetings that degrade our sense of adulthood?


Andy: That I cannot do, but I did get you an acre of property on the moon.


Dwight: Where?  Dark side or light side?


Andy: Light side.


Dwight: Is it by the Sea of Tranquillity?


Andy: As a matter of fact, yes.  Directly adjacent.  Beachfront.


Dwight: Thank you, Andy.  The Office US s8e10: Christmas Wishes



Let’s get high on our own supply.  The Office US s8e11: Trivia, Andy



I always thought of her [Erin] as a second Meredith.  The Office US s8e12: Pool Party, Dwight to Andy



I love maternity wards.  It’s the perfect blend of love and horror.  The Office US s8e13: Jury Duty, Gabe



My first task as Special Project manager Dwight Schrute  assembling a crack team.  The Office US s8e14: Special Project  


Because I feel like I’m in a place with my gambling rehab that I can finally start going to dog racing again.  ibid.    



So stop looking at my breasts and start looking at my penis.  The Office US s8e15: Tallahassee, Nellie



We managed to fill forty hours somehow.  The Office US s8e16: After Hours, Nellie  


A real man swallows his vomit when a lady is present.  ibid.  Dwight to Nellie



I came from dirt, no lower … what’s lower than dirt?  The Office US s8e17: Test the Store


Begging For Mercy.  ibid.  Toby’s self-defence seminar  



When can I introduce you to my grandson?  He’s a wonderful swimmer.  Shallow end, deep end, he does it all.  The Office US 8e18: Last Day in Florida, old lady to Erin  



Look at this place.  Five rooms and I get to clean them all.  The Office US s8e19: Get the Girl, Erin



Excuse me, the tone here is getting quite hostile.  The Office US s8e20: Welcome Party, Nellie   



I never allow sexual desire to influence a business decision … Buffet operates the same way.  The Office US s8e21: Angry Andy, Robert  



It is going to be a who’s-who of the northern 22nd district.  The Office US s8e22: Fundraiser, Angela  



Here we go, everybody.  May the manliest man win.  The Office US s8e23: Turf War, Jim  


That’s why I am giving you the key to my house.  ibid.  Andy’s sales call



What’s more precious to people than muffins?  The Office US s8e24: Free Family Portrait Studio, Dwight



Nothing interesting is going to happen to us for a long long time.  The Office US s9e1: New Guys, Pam with Jim to camera  



I know you don’t really exist.  The Office US s9e2: Roy’s Wedding, Creed to Nellie  


The Taliban is the worst  great heroin though.  ibid.  Creed



You don’t work here!  You’re not Jim!  The Office US s9e3: Andy’s Ancestry, Dwight  


Pretty crazy about Andy and Michelle Obama, huh?  ibid.  Pam to Nellie



Roll into the future with workbus … In this age of belt-tightening … The Office US s9e4: Work Bus, Dwight


My trouser hives are devoid of honey.  ibid.  Dwight to Jim



There’s a madman in our midst.  The Office US s9e5: Here Comes Treble, Dwight



Senator Lipton and I are having an affair.  The Office US s9e6: The Boat, Oscar


I figured I’d get that first relapse out of the way.  ibid.  brother of Andy to Andy  



Pam, remember that week in the ’90s when we had bagels?  The Office US s9e7: The Whale, Meredith  



Dwight, it’s not that kind of meeting.  Put your clothes back on.  The Office US s9e8: The Target, Angela  



Party Planning Committee emergency meeting  now!  The Office US s9e9: Dwight Christmas, Angela



Oh God, Meredith, lice!  Did you not sign a pledge to shower?  The Office US s9e10: Lice, Angela



The pen delivery went amazing.  The Office US s9e11: Suit Warehouse, Erin



Customer loyalty … what does it mean?  The Office US s9e12: Customer Loyalty, Dwight   



I’ve been working here 12 weeks: that’s a full season of Homeland.  The Office US s9e13: Junior Salesman, Clark


He’s got a natural fear of paper.  ibid.  Dwight, re Mose



I’ve really been putting in the hours on this mural.  The Office US s9e14: Vandalism, Pam


Super secret class 5 conference meeting now!  ibid.  Dwight



Andy left a carton of milk in the fridge.  So I’ve been sneaking at little bit every day for the last three months.  It’s been yummie.  But now Andy’s coming back.  So I guess it’s goodbye chunky lemon milk.  (Office & Milk)  The Office US s9e15: Couples Discount 



David: You are on very thin ice.


Andy: Vanilla.  (Office & Ice)  The Office US s9e16: Moving On   


He’s a temp.  Don’t worry about him.  ibid.  new boss to Pam


I got a tattoo for you.  ibid.  Gabe to Erin 



I am here to make amends.  The Office US s9e17: The Farm, Todd



Turns out that she’s allowed to have feelings of sexual arousal; doesn’t become a violation until she physically acts on it.  The Office US s9e18: Promos, Toby, re Phyllis



Andy Bernard  the rudderless trust-fund child/middle manager whose incompetence is emblematic of a declining American economy.  The Office US s9e19: Stairmageddon, Nellie reads review of The Office  



We’re supposed to call everything we don’t want to do ‘opportunities’.  The Office US s9e20: Paper Airplane, Jim & Pam’s report of counselling session      



She’s an uptight judgmental shrew  you know the type.  The Office US s9e21: Living the Dream, Angela  


I am so proud of you, Shrewberry Blue.  ibid.  new girlfriend to Dwight



Behind every great Regional manager is a great Assistant to the Regional manager.  The Office US s9e22&23: A A R M, Dwight


I like to begin every day with an inspirational quote.  ibid. 



Stanley as you know is retiring.  The Office US s9e23&24, Finale 


Creed faked his own death.  ibid.


I live in Poland now.  The Scranton of the EU.  ibid.  Nellie


After Dwight fired me I moved to New York to write the Great American novel.  ibid.  Toby


All good though.  The phone never rings.  ibid.  Andy  


I heard you bought a bar, Kevin.  ibid.  Dwight