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Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)
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★ Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)

Not offensive because it’s nature, educational.  The Office US s2e2: Sexual Harassment, Michael



Not offensive because that’s how they talk in movies.  The Office US s2e3: Office Olympics, Michael    



There are ten rules in business that you need to learn.  Number one: you need to play to win but also have to win to play.  The Office US s2e4: The Fire  



We’re really interested in most in jobs that take Dwight out of state.  The Office US s2e5: Halloween, Jim



Where is my desk?  The Office US s2e6: The Fight, Dwight  


Michael tends to procrastinate a bit whenever he has to do work.  ibid.



He [Michael] loves the way he looks in those jeans.  I know that’s why he’s started casual Fridays.  The Office US s2e7: The Client, Pam  


They just don’t get much work done when I’m not here.  ibid.  


Do you do her?  ibid.  Dwight to Michael, re Jan  


This is just our first fight.  ibid.  Michael to Jan



Did you learn that on the streets?  The Office US s2e8: Performance Review, Michael to Stanley


I heard they made out and had sex.  ibid.  Kevin  


lease don’t smell me, Michael.  ibid.  Jan



The IT tech guy and me did not get off to a great start.  The Office US s2e9: E-mail Surveillance, Michael


There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county.  ibid.  Dwight


He is a good guy, not a terrorist.  ibid.  Michael, re IT guy  



Christmas bonus.  Three thousand Gs.  I got this for helping save the company money.  The Office US s2e10: Christmas Party, Michael



This is not just another party; this is a leadership training exercise.  The Office US s2e11: Booze Cruise, Michael  



You burnt your foot on a Foreman grill?  The Office US s2e12: The Injury, Jim to Michael


I just want to be treated normally today.  ibid.  Michael


You’re job is being my friend, Pam.  ibid.



Meredith  men’s room, make sure you replace the urinal cakes, they’re worn down.  The Office US s2e13: The Secret, Dwight’s chores assignments


And that is why I intend on keeping that secret for as long as I possible can.  ibid. 



I get ten vacation days a year and I try to hold off taking them for as long as possible.  And this year I got to the third week in January.  The Office US s2e14: The Carpet, Pam 



Studies show that today’s woman, the Ally McBeal woman as I call her, is at a crossroads.  The Office US s2e15: Boys and Girls


Judging by her outfit, Jan aspires to be a whore.  ibid.  Angela



Me in New York?  I own that city.  The Office US s2e16: Valentine’s Day  


What is a business?  ibid.  Michael’s management presentation



I don’t like to be cooped up in that office, in that box, all day long … because I need to think.  The Office US s2e17: Dwight’s speech, Michael 



This is Creed and he’s in charge of … something.  The Office US s2e18: Take Your Daughter to Work Day, Michael



Raise your hand if you want to get rich? … It’s not a pyramid scheme.  The Office US s2e19: Michael’s Birthday, Michael



I like the people I work with generally.  With four exceptions.  The Office US s2e20: Drug Testing, Dwight  



ID badges are long overdue.  The Office US s2e21: Conflict Resolution, Dwight  


With win-win-win we all win.  ibid.  Michael


Cage matches  they work; how can they not work?  ibid.



I’m a roulette expert.  The Office US: s2e22: Casino Night, Pam


Mike, I am not having fire-eaters in a paper warehouse.  ibid.  Darryl



Toby: He’s attracted to other men.  


Michael: OK.  A little too far.  Crossed the line.  The Office US s3e1: Gay Witch Hunt


You don’t call retarded people retards.  ibid.  Michael  



I want you to look into how much a little Chinese baby would cost.  The Office US s3e2: The Convention  


Did you hear?  Pam’s back on the market again.  ibid.  Kevin



Movie Monday started with training videos.  The Office US s3e3: The Coup, Pam


I want the branch.  ibid.  Dwight to Jan  



I’ll be in my office in case anyone wants to drop by and cheer me up.  The Office US s3e4: Grief Counseling 


Today at 4 p.m. we will be meeting in the parking lot to have a funeral for this bird.  ibid.



Never ever ever sleep with your boss.  I am so lucky that Jan and I only got to second base.  The Office US s3e5: Initiation


And just as you have planted your seed in the ground I am going to plant my seed in you.  ibid.  Dwight to Ryan down on the farm



Indians do not eat monkey brains.  And if they do, sign me up.  The Office US s3e6: Diwali, Michael



I am here to tell you that we are closing the Scranton branch.  The Office US s3e7: Branch Closing, Jan


It’s over.  We are screwed.  ibid.  Michael  


I am not going to take this lying down.  ibid.



I am fast.  To give you a reference point I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose.  And a panther.  The Office US s3e8: The Merger, Dwight


You are very exotic looking.  Was your dad a GI?  ibid.  Michael to new female arrival


People hate people who are different from them.  That’s natural.  ibid.  Michael


Dwight may have won the battle but I will win … the next battle.  ibid.  Andy  



Why did the convict have to be the black guy?  It’s such a stereotype.  The Office US s3e9: The Convict, Michael


I had Martin explain to me three times what he got arrested for because it sounds an awful lot like what I do here every day.  ibid.  



We Schrutes use every part of the goose.  The Office US s3e10&11: Benihana Christmas, Dwight  


Michael: Carol, you walk out that door and it’s over.


Carol: I know.  ibid.  



You are not as much fun as your Jamaican brothers, mon.  The Office US s3e12: Back from Vacation, Michael to Stanley


That’s all I’m going to say … Sex … We had sex.  ibid.  Michael  


My psychiatrist thinks that I have some self-destructive tendencies.  ibid.  Jan to Michael 



Well guess what, I’m not falling in a chocolate river.  The Office US s3e13: Travelling Vacation, Andy


You know what they say  Fool me once, strike one.  ibid.  Michael



How would I describe myself?  Three words.  Hard-working alpha-male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable.  The Office US s3e14: The Return, Dwight’s job interview


I think we should celebrate Oscar’s Mexicanity.  ibid.  Michael