If world Jewry drags Germany into another war, that will be the end of the Jews in Europe. Adolf Hitler
The ultimate, unshakeable goal must be the complete elimination of the Jews. Adolf Hitler
The Jew is always just a parasite in the body of other nations. Adolf Hitler
The Jewish problem can only be solved by brute force. Adolf Hitler
We will annihilate and exterminate the enemy, root and branch, systematically and mercilessly. Adolf Hitler
I must get rid of the Jews. They are the element of revolt. Adolf Hitler
People will be eternally grateful to National Socialism for the fact that I exterminated the Jews of Germany and Central Europe. Adolf Hitler
Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war then the result will not be the Bolshevising of the Earth and thus the victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. Adolf Hitler
The Jews always used to laugh. They used to think it was a joke. They’re not laughing now. Adolf Hitler
For the Jews there was deportation to Eastern ghettos and then the gas chambers of the SS. The official word was Resettlement. Most Germans preferred to believe it meant no more than that. The World at War 16/26: Inside the Reich, ITV 1973
More than 300 Dutchmen mainly Jews preferred to commit suicide. The World at War 18/26: Occupation
There were 140,000 Jews in Holland. ibid.
Himmler it is who refines the philosophy of Nazism. Its ideas on politics and on race. The World at War 20/26: Genocide
The SS were Hitler’s instrument of terror in the creation of the new order. It was only logical they should run the camps. ibid.
Not many countries opened their doors to the Jews. ibid.
It was decided that all the Jews in Europe would be gassed. ibid.
On the platform to greet them: an SS reception committee. New arrivals were divided into two columns: a quick medical inspection by the camp doctor – those fits to work were put to one side. In the other column all the rest. ibid.
Across the Baltic states people start organising pogroms against Jews. World War II: The Apocalypse: Origins of the Holocaust aka Apocalypse – The Second World War: Shock, France 2 2009
Nazis were boycotting all Jewish businesses in Germany. Third Reich: The Rise I, History 2010
Jews were no longer German citizens; marriage between Germans and Jews was now outlawed; sexual intercourse between Jews and Germans was now outlawed. ibid.
On 9th November the Nazis unleashed a two-day orgy of violence against Jewish businesses, places of worship, and Jews themselves. Third Reich: The Fall II
Across Germany 1,200 synagogues and prayer rooms were destroyed. 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps. ibid.
During the Third Reich close to 300,000 German Jews applied for American visas. Only one third of these were granted. ibid.
Nearly one million Jews had been murdered in the east. ibid.
Along with their anti-Semitism went the belief that violence was an indispensable part of the political process. The Nazis: A Warning From History: Helped into Power, BBC 1997
In the mid-1920s the Nazi party was small but radical. Their party programme promised that if the Nazis came to power, German Jews would be stripped of German citizenship and could even be expelled from the country. ibid.
Himmler now announced an extension of the cleansing in the East. Since the Nazis thought that every single Jew was a supporter of Bolshevism they now said that every single Jew was a military threat. So women and children in the newly conquered territories were killed as well. The Nazis: A Warning From History: The Road to Treblinka
Thousands of Jews emigrated from Germany during the 1930s realising that there could never be a fair or safe place for them in Germany society while the Nazis ruled. The Nazis: A Warning From History: Chaos and Consent
Goebbels asked for Hitler’s permission to let loose the Storm- troopers in an act of vengeance against the innocent Jews of Germany. Hitler agreed. And so began Kristallnacht – the Night of Broken Glass. ibid.
As of November 1939 all Jews have to wear a white armband with a blue Star of David. Chronicle of the Third Reich, H2 2013
So to begin: we have a storage problem in Germany with these Jews. Conspiracy 2001 starring Kenneth Branagh & Stanley Tucci & Colin Firth & Ian McNeice & Kevin McNally & David Threlfall & Ewan Stewart & Brian Pettifer & Nicholas Woodeson et al, director Frank Pierson
Reichsmarschall Goering prepared a Directive ... I hereby charge you with making all necessary preparations in regard to organisational and financial matters for bringing about a complete solution of the Jewish question. ibid.
Conspirator: Do they even have a Hell?
Heydrich: They do now. We provide it. ibid.
We do not just surrender our prerogative to decide Jew questions. ibid. Klopfer
No Jews. Not one. ibid. Heydrich
Let us have some refreshment in here and pretend we are the directors of I G Farben. ibid.
If there are decent Jews ... First degree exempted will be sterilised; no more children and eventually no more mixed blood once and for all. ibid.
For perspective – we have already been using sterilisation for mentally defectives since 1939 in our T-4 programme. ibid. Eichmann
Death is the most reliable form of sterilisation. ibid. Heydrich
Deal with the reality of the Jew and the world will applaud us. ibid. Stuckart
There are no shortages of meat hooks on which to hang enemies of the state. ibid. Heydrich to Stuckart
We will now discuss method – who would like to speak on this? ibid.
Mass shootings by our groups create moral problems. Especially when the Jew is a German Jew. ibid. conspirator
Using gas is much cheaper and less public. ibid. Heydrich
We have three camps where permanent gas chambers will be operational. ibid. Heydrich
Sixty thousand Jews a day every day go up in smoke. ibid. conspirator
You certainly know how to throw a party. ibid. Klopfer to Eichmann
Colonel Eichmann carefully edited the stenographic record of the conference. Copies were distributed to the participants to be read and then destroyed. General Heydrich flew back to his headquarters in Czechoslovakia, where in a few terrible weeks he had earned the nickname the Butcher of Prague. ibid. commentary
Martin Luther’s copy of the Wannsee Conference minutes was discovered in the files of the German Foreign Office by American investigators in 1947. It is the only record of the meeting that survives. ibid. caption
The source of Hitler’s later pathological anti-Semitism is much debated. Mystery Files: Hitler, National Geographic 2011
Over 100,000 Jews fight in the war for Germany [World War I]: with over 30,000 receiving decorations for bravery. ibid.
In September 1935 Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws, which isolated the Jews and deprived them of their citizenship. Hitler: The Rise of Evil II 2003 starring Robert Carlyle & Stockard Channing & Jena Malone & Julianna Margulies & Matthew Modine & Liev Schreiber & Peter O'Toole & Zoe Telford & Terence Harvey et al, director Christian Duguay, caption
The first use of poison gas to murder Jews took place in Poland on December 8, 1941. ibid.
Langer believed that Hitler found a way to deal with the terrible psychological consequences of his perversion by adapting a political ideology which was a prevalent and powerful part of mainstream culture – Anti-Semitism. Timewatch: Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler, BBC 1995
Adolf Hitler: I will be a prophet today. If Jewish finance, inside and outside Europe succeeds in plunging the world into war, then the result will not be victory for Bolshevism and Jewry. Hitler’s Bodyguard: Jewish and Emigre Attempt to Kill Hitler, Netflix 2009