‘That’s a bad habit; that’s an expensive habit.’ Drugsland s1e2: Heroin Love Story ***** addict, BBC 2017
‘Making money – go to score – do the drugs.’ ibid.
‘I do enjoy it – that’s the problem.’ ibid.
There are over one million heroin addicts in the United States. Facing the Habit, caption, 2007
‘Once you get the taste of heroin it’s very hard to stop.’ ibid. Dave
‘I can get a hard-on but I can’t keep it.’ ibid.
After years of struggling as a heroin addict, Dave turns to Ibogaine. ibid. caption
Jimmy’s World: 8-Year-Old Heroin Addict Lives For a Fix. Washington Post article Janet Cooke, cited The Newspaper Man: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee, Pulitzer Prize 1981 fabricated story
All this used to be opium poppy as far as you can see. We have made tremendous progress. Traffik I, bloke in helicopter to Lithgow over Pakistan, Channel 4 1989
I can give you a lot of names. I will tell you the whole network. I will tell you who finances the whole thing. I will go to court. ibid. captured courier with seventy kilos
I grow opium, not heroin. ibid. grower
He [Tariq Butt] is too well connected. He has a lot of money and that buys him immunity. ibid. daughter of official
I have orders to destroy the crops. ibid. Pakistani army bloke
Cheap high quality heroin from Pakistan: Now it accounts for 80% of the UK market. Now that has to stop. Traffik II, Lithgow
It’s Caroline. She’s been arrested. ibid. Mrs Lithgow
Heroin. I can’t believe you was so stupid. ibid. Lithgow to Caroline
You don’t understand. She tries to stop. But she goes through awful pains. ibid. Mrs Lithgow to Lithgow
You don’t know anything. You don’t see anything. ibid.
You disgust me! You disobey the teachings of Islam! You idle scum! You should be beaten and thrown in prison! Traffik III, Tariq Butt to drinking son
You are coming off heroin. I don’t care what it takes but that is what is going to happen. ibid. Lithgow to daughter
We’re still in service. There’s always a price to pay. ibid. Mrs Fazal to Fazal
Heroin is power. ibid. Fazal
That’s why kids shoot up in alleyways in the middle of winter: because it makes them feel wonderful. Traffik IV, Caroline
Watch me and learn how I do business. ibid. Tariq to Fazal
In late autumn I used to sow the poppy seeds: spring came and the plants always grew. ibid. Fazal
There’s very little provision for any kind of long-term drug treatment. ibid. doctor to Lithgow
My name is Jack Lithgow. And my daughter is a heroin addict. Traffik V, Lithgow back in Pakistan
Tariq is an evil man. If I stay here, I’ll become like him. ibid. Fazal
Opium is simply another thing to be traded. ibid. Pakistani guide
Stop the traffickers and leave the farmers alone. ibid.
I can’t sign this. ibid. Lithgow
What if I fail? What if it doesn’t work? Traffik VI ***** Helen
Suddenly I had to score every day. I’d wake up in the morning and start crying. Because from the moment you open your eyes it’s like someone dropping a ton of bricks on you. ibid. Caroline
You’re psychologically addicted from the first time you have it for the rest of your life. ibid.
I was told it’ll calm my nerves. Thought I’d give it a go. This is England 90 IV, Kel to Harvey, Channel 4 2015
I’m Sirus. I do a bit of gear. I deal a bit of gear. And the thing about heroin is it’s pretty moreish. Hackney’s Finest aka London’s Finest 2015 starring Nathanael Wiseman & Arin Alldridge & Enoch Frost & Marlon G Day & Rajan Sharma & Neerja Naik & Malcolm Tomlinson & Sean Cronin & Jeanette Rourke et al, director Chris Bouchard
We went to Afghanistan twice in the last six months … They said we’d never be able to find out who’s backing the drug trafficking business in a country’s that’s had a Nato military presence for 14 years. That’s what they said, and it wasn’t easy but we did manage to achieve our objective. Afghan Overdose, RT 2015
We’re back in Afghanistan to find out why a non-intervention policy for heroin still exists. ibid.
The police say there are about 700,000 people like them in the city; that’s almost 18% of Kabul’s population. ibid.
A staggering fifty tons of opium and heroin are confiscated at this checkpoint alone each year. Hefty prices are put on the heads of the most zealous police officers. ibid.
Why do the international forces that have fought Taliban radicals in Afghanistan for 14 years continually overlook their main source of income: namely, drugs? ibid.
Every 11 minutes someone in the US dies of an opioid overdose. Death on the I-95: The Rise of Fentanyl, statistic: Center for Disease Control, BBC 2018
More than 70,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2017. The worst year on record. ibid.
Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans under 50. ibid.
‘It’s not heroin that’s killing our people, it’s Fentanyl.’ ibid. frontline worker
For decades Interstate 95 has been notorious for its role in the illegal drug trade in America. Stretching from Florida to Maine. ibid.
‘It steals their dreams. It steals their lives.’ ibid. mother of addict
‘I ain’t never found the right track since, I don’t think.’ Drug Lords s1e7: Frank Lucas & The Country Boys: Heroin Kings of New York, Lucas, Netflix 2018
‘I wanted to be the richest black man in the world.’ ibid.
New York 1971: Addicts and prostitutes roam Times Square. But American Gangster Frank Lucas is at the top of his game … the king of Harlem heroin. ibid.
‘I was doing the most dope of anybody in the world.’ ibid. Lucas
‘I’m good at cutting.’ ibid.
As Frank’s reputation grows, so does his list of enemies. ibid.
Demand is so high that Frank can hardly keep up. ibid.
The Country boys are out of business. ibid.
‘I wasn’t allowed to talk to the police. That is the code of the Australian underworld.’ Drug Lords s1e8: The Pettingill Clan: Australia’s Heroin Dynasty, Kath
Melbourne 1985: Australia’s second largest city is in economic and financial overload. But a rapid heroin epidemic is sweeping the city of three million fuelled by a nearly endless supply of cheap product from south-east Asia. Kath Pettingill and the lawless members of her offspring are capitalising on the thriving market. ibid.
‘I was never aware that Dennis was a police informant.’ ibid. Kath