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Heroin (I)
  HAARP  ·  Habit  ·  Hair  ·  Haiti  ·  Halliburton  ·  Hamlet (Shakespeare)  ·  Handicrafts  ·  Hands  ·  Hanging  ·  Happy & Happiness  ·  Harm & Harmful  ·  Harmony  ·  Harvest  ·  Haste  ·  Hat  ·  Hate & Hatred  ·  Hawaii  ·  Head  ·  Heal & Healing  ·  Health  ·  Health & Safety  ·  Health Service & National Health Service  ·  Hear & Hearing  ·  Heart  ·  Heat  ·  Heaven  ·  Hedgehog  ·  Heists UK: Belfast Northern Bank, 2004  ·  Heists UK: Great Train Robbery, 1963  ·  Heists UK: Kent Securitas, 2006  ·  Heists UK: London Baker Street, 1971  ·  Heists UK: London Bank of America, 1975  ·  Heists UK: London Brink's Mat at Heathrow Airport, 1983  ·  Heists UK: London Hatton Garden, 2015  ·  Heists UK: London Knightsbridge, 1987  ·  Heists UK: London Millennium Dome, 2000  ·  Heists UK: London Security Express, 1983  ·  Heists US: Bank of America, San Diego, 1980  ·  Heists US: Boston Brink's Armored Car Company, 1950  ·  Heists US: Boston Isabella Gardner Art Museum, 1990  ·  Heists US: California Laguna Niguel United Bank, 1972  ·  Heists US: Florida Loomis Fargo, 1997  ·  Heists US: Hollywood Bank of America, 1997  ·  Heists US: Illinois First National Bank of Barrington, 1981  ·  Heists US: Kansas City Tivol Jewelry Store, 2010  ·  Heists US: Las Vegas Loomis Armored Car Heist, 1993  ·  Heists US: Los Angeles Dunbar Armored Heist, 1997  ·  Heists US: Miami Airport Brink’s Heist, 2005  ·  Heists US: New York Lufthansa at Kennedy Airport, 1978  ·  Heists US: New York Museum of Natural History 1964  ·  Heists US: New York Pierre Hotel, 1972  ·  Heists US: Ohio Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1994  ·  Heists: Antwerp Diamond Centre  ·  Heists: Banco Central, Fotelesa, 2005  ·  Heists: Buenos Aires Bank, 2006  ·  Heists: Ireland  ·  Heists: Mitsubishi Bank 1979  ·  Heists: Rest of the World  ·  Heists: UK  ·  Heists: US (I)  ·  Heists: US (II)  ·  Helium  ·  Hell  ·  Help & Helpful  ·  Hendrix, Jimi  ·  Henry II & Henry the Second  ·  Henry III & Henry the Third  ·  Henry IV & Henry the Fourth  ·  Henry V & Henry the Fifth  ·  Henry VI & Henry the Sixth  ·  Henry VII & Henry the Seventh  ·  Henry VIII & Henry the Eighth  ·  Heredity  ·  Heresy & Heretic  ·  Hermit  ·  Hero & Heroic  ·  Herod (Bible)  ·  Heroin (I)  ·  Heroin (II)  ·  Higgs-Boson Particle  ·  High-Wire Walking  ·  Hijack & Hijacking  ·  Hindu & Hinduism  ·  Hip-Hop  ·  Hippy & Hippies  ·  History  ·  Hittites  ·  Hoax  ·  Hobby  ·  Hole & Sinkhole  ·  Holiday & Vacation  ·  Hollywood  ·  Hologram & Holographic Principle  ·  Holy  ·  Holy Ghost  ·  Holy Grail  ·  Home  ·  Homeless & Homeslessness  ·  Homeopathy  ·  Homosexual  ·  Honduras  ·  Honesty  ·  Hong Kong  ·  Honour & Honor  ·  Honours & Awards  ·  Hood, Robin  ·  Hoover, Edgar J  ·  Hope & Hopelessness  ·  Horror & Horror Films  ·  Horse  ·  Horseracing  ·  Horus  ·  Hospital  ·  Hot  ·  Hotel  ·  Hour  ·  House  ·  House Music  ·  House of Commons  ·  House of Lords  ·  Houses of Parliament  ·  Human & Humanity & Human Being (I)  ·  Human & Humanity & Human Being (II)  ·  Human Nature  ·  Human Rights  ·  Humble & Humility  ·  Humiliation  ·  Humour & Humor  ·  Hungary & Hungarians  ·  Hunger & Hungry  ·  Hunt & Hunter  ·  Hurricane  ·  Hurt & Hurtful  ·  Husband  ·  Hutterites  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Hydrogen  ·  Hymns  ·  Hypnosis & Hypnotist  ·  Hypocrisy & Hypocrite  

★ Heroin (I)

Bloods in other cities have started cutting their low-grade product with a deadly opioid – Fentanyl.   ibid.


Fentanyl deaths are up 540% in the last three years.   ibid.


Overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under 50.  ibid.



Baltimore: the heroin capital of America.  In 2015 Freddie Gray died in police custody sparking riots across the city.  Looters raided dozens of pharmacies hunting for synthetic opioids.  Two years on, an overdose epidemic is raging.  Dope s2e2: Once You See It, You Can Never Unsee It


Fentanyl is the new killer ingredient that’s responsible for America’s current overdose epidemic … The addition of Fentanyl effectively hides the other cheap chemicals he uses to bulk out the raw heroin.  ibid.


80% of heroin users become addicted through the use of opiates.  ibid.


In 2016 over 600 people died of drug overdoses in Baltimore, double the murder rate.  ibid.


Carfentanyl is an elephant tranquillizer.  ibid.



Rozzer: Heroin, right?  When did it start?


Cora: Five years ago.  The Sinner s1e2: Cora Part II, Netflix 2017  


I would sleep with guys for fixes.  ibid.  Cora to rozzer


You don’t know how to do it, do you?  ibid.  rozzer to Cora with heroin kit



‘There’s too much money to be made.’  Our World: America’s Opioid Crisis, critic, BBC 2019


‘When they first entered life, your first breath of air came along with withdrawal symptoms.’  ibid.  addict


‘There is no other medication that kills so many people as opioids.’  ibid.  critic


One in eight children in America live with a parent who suffers from a substance use disorder.  And they all have secrets they need to share.  ibid.  


Every eleven minutes someone dies of a heart attack.  ibid.


America’s greatest health crisis.  80% of heroin users started their path to addiction on prescription painkillers.  And now pharmaceutical companies have been blamed for igniting this epidemic.  ibid.


It was in the 1990s that this opioid epidemic began.  ibid.


It was Purdue Pharma, with their painkiller Oxycontin, that revolutionised how they were marketed.  ibid.


Purdue Pharma has earned more than $35 billion from Oxycontin sales.  The company is wholly owned by the Sacklers.  In 2016 the family’s net worth was $13 billion.  ibid.


‘Some of these Pharmaceutical companies they’re just too big to care.’  ibid.  critic



I do it because I remember that this didn’t exist before.  So, my kids, we gladly bring these to all of you.  The Trade s1e1, gangsta with toys, Sky Documentaries 2020


I’ve never seen this kind of epidemic before.  We’re seeing folks that are struggling across the border in Mexico who would love to have that American dream, and they see what the drug trade has to offer – thousands of dollars a day, and that thirst takes over.  ibid.  border officer 


31/32,000 vehicles a day that come into the United States – and quite frankly they can’t screen every vehicle.  ibid.


There’s two kids in the back of the car.  ibid.  local rozzer stops vehicle with dope    


I never thought that I would be like this – a junkie.  When I was younger I was just hanging out with friends, skateboarding, you know just a normal suburban life.  When I first started using, it was pain pills you know on a weekend – kind of like a party thing … a neighbour of mine was using heroin … I may as well try it out: I was seventeen …  ibid.  addict with distressed withdrawing partner 


We have lost trust in the government so we fend for ourselves.  We are always alert because the price of poppies keeps rising.  ibid.  Mexican gangsta          


I’d like to see my children grow up without weapons, without hitmen killing family upon family.  ibid.



Oh, my God there’s stuff coming out of her mouth, coming out of her nose!  The Trade s1e2, distressed father’s 911 call          


Ashleigh’s case is my first fatal case and it weighs on you.  It’s important that I find out who gave Ashleigh the heroin that killed her so I can bring them in before they kill someone else.  ibid.  rozzer


I would love it if it was all calm and we could live in peace.  ibid.  Mexican gangsta  


Addiction is a son of a bitch.  And I need to stop the cycle now because I don’t want my kids looking in a casket.  ibid.  mother  



The courier that we arrested said that he was picking up money from an Hispanic female.  He says she runs a stash house for the cartels, and that the stash house is part of a larger cell here in Columbus.  The Trade s1e3, US rozzer     



I’ve never thought of myself as a leader.  I have defended my family and my town from Los Rojos.  And through these actions we’ve won over the people.  The Trade s1e4, Mexican gangsta


Hope After Heroin.  ibid.  protest march   


Rozzer: What I need to know, Edith, is how many kilos come at one time to this house?


Edith: Maybe two kilos …


Rozzer: … At least twenty were here …  ibid.


Sick and tired of being sick and tired … I knew I could change.  ibid.  addict   


Edith and her co-conspirators pleaded guilty and are now in prison.  ibid.  caption    



America’s overdose crisis is worse than ever before because of the synthetic opioid Fentanyl.  The Trade s1e5, television news


Overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of fifty.  ibid.    


This horrible cycle that we’re stuck in … The heroin death rate is going up.  ibid.  rozzer