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★ Gangs & Gangsters US: New York (III)

He was one of the biggest celebrities of the 1980s.  His expensive suits and swagger earned him the nickname the Dapper Don.  But in reality John Gotti was a man to be feared.  Very Scary People s4e11: John Gotti: It Was Kill Or Be Killed I, CI 2022


He would actually go out on hijackings.  ibid.  comment



He was one of the most notorious Mafia Dons in American history.  Born in the Bronx, raised in Brooklyn, John Gotti clawed his way to the top of the organisation by an means necessary.  Very Scary People s4e12: John Gotti: There Were Fatal Consequences


If you crossed John Gotti, you would probably be dead within twenty-four hours.  ibid.  comment                  


Shortly before Christmas, the FBI and the Justice Department indicted him on a whole bevy of charges that could lead to a life sentence.  ibid.  Raab


He’s betraying me behind my back.  ibid.  Gravano  



Gangs rule their territories through ruthless enterprises, fear and a strict code.  Deviate from this code or challenge their power and retribution soon follows, epecially for the violent and powerful Gambino crime family.  Gangland Chronicles s1e1: The Gambino Family: The Gotti Years, History 2024


The new boss’s celebrity status shines a light on the Gambino family’s operations.  ibid.    


The Gambino crime family is the largest, wealthiest and most brutal among them.  ibid.


Castellano wants a bigger and bigger take.  ibid.


Breaking Omerta: Sammy the Bull Gravano takes the stand during John Gotti’s trial.  


Teflon’s Gone.  ibid.  Daily News headline 1992