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★ Gangs & Gangsters US: New York (III)

Gangs & Gangsters US: New York (III): see Gangs US: New York (I) & (II) & Mafia: US etc. & New York & CIA & FBI & Crime & Violence & Mob & Motorbikes & Heroin & Cannabis & GBH Films & Drugs & Heists: US etc. & Smuggling & Robbery & Secret Societies

Drugs Inc TV - Kojak: The Marcus-Nelson Murders 1973 - Between Love & Honour 1995 - Klute 1971 - Night & the City 1992 - Shaft 2000 - Force of Evil 1948 - The Poughkeepsie Tapes 2007 - Mean Streets 1973 - Staten Island 2009 - Black Caesar 1973 - The Mob 1951 - Revenge of the Green Dragons 2014 - The Pope of Greenwich Village 1984 - Henry’s Crime 2011 - On Dangerous Ground 1952 - Tracers 2015 - Buffalo 66 1998 - Uncut Gems 2019 - Bright Lights Big City 1988 - Premium Rush 2012 - The Troublemaker 2014 - The Curse of the Jade Scorpion 2001 - The Muskateers of Pig Alley 1912 - Mickey Blue Eyes 1988 - Regeneration 1915 - Coogan’s Bluff 1968 - Wait Until Dark 1967 - Sweet Smell of Success 1957 - Kiss of Death 1947 - Alphabet City 1984 - Harlem Nights 1989 - Tower Heist 2011 - Little Tough Guy 1939 - Lights of New York 1928 - The Gangster 1947 - Gangs of New York 2002 - Brooklyn Rules 2007 - The Hot Rock 1972 - Dead End 1937 - Railroaded! 1947 - Fear City: New York vs The Mafia TV - Empires of New York TV - Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead 2007 - The Anderson Tapes 1971 - Inside Man 2006 - Shaft 2000 - Narco Wars TV - Nighthawks 1981 - Drug Lords: The Takedown TV - Get Gotti TV - How to Become a Mob Boss TV - Cop Land 1997 - Truth & Lies: The Last Gangster 2022 - American Gangsters: The Five Families TV - Very Scary People TV - Gangland Chronicles TV - 




Its made a long trip so it can get into my arm.  Drugs Inc s3e4: Drugs Kings of New York, heroin addict Peter, National Geographic 2012


Heroin has been around New York since the early 1900s.  ibid.


The evolution of premium drug delivery services.  ibid.


Between 2004 and 2008 more than 1000 people on Long Island died after overdoses of either heroin or prescription opiates.  ibid.


You’ll find a multi-layered drug industry that is continuously evolving to meet the city’s high demand.  ibid.




The countdown to New Years Eve is on.  On December 31st the citys drugs gangs go into overdrive for the busiest party of the year.  Drugs Inc s6e7: New Year’s Eve NYC, National Geographic 2014



With an estimated 150,000 users in the Big Apple, cocaine is big business.  Drugs Inc s7e6: Big Apple Coke



The flow of heroin into Staten Island … Staten Island is home to one of the fastest growing heroin epidemics in the US.  Drugs Inc s7e12: Heroin Island New York


30% of Staten Islanders work in blue-collar jobs.  ibid.  


The young get hooked by raiding their parent’s medicine cabinets.  Every five days one person overdoses on Staten Island.  ibid.  



What you are about to see is a dramatisation of one of the most controversial and bitterly debated police investigations preceding the Supreme Court’s landmark Miranda Decision of 1966.  Kojak: The Marcus-Nelson Murders 1973 [Kojak pilot episode] starring Telly Savalas & Ned Beatty & Marjoe Gortner & Jose Ferrer & Allen Garfield & Lorraine Gary & Roger Robinson Harrriet Karr et al, director Joseph Sargent, caption


Well I ain’t rich but at least I dress well.  ibid.  Kojak


Brooklyn law enforcement is on trial; that’s what they mean.  ibid.


The truth doesn’t count for much in a courtroom.  ibid.  Jake



1972 Brooklyn New York 4:00 a.m.  Between Love and Honour 1995 starring Grant Show & Geza Kovacs & Maria Pitillo & Nigel Bennett & Costin Manu & Joseph Coren & Robert Morelli et al, director Sam Pillsbury, opening scene


I hate victims who respect their executioners.  ibid.  Joey Gallo


Steve Collura never saw Maria Caprefoli again.  He resigned from the NYPD and left New York.  He has never married.  ibid.



For an hour I’m the best actress in the world.  I’m the best fuck in the world … You just lead them by the ring in their nose in the direction that they think they want to go in … You control it and you call the shots.  Klute 1971 starring Jane Fonda & Donald Sutherland & Charles Cioffi & Roy Schneider & Dorothy Tristan & Rita Game & Nathan George & Vivian Nathan & Morris Strassberg & Barry Snider & Betty Murray & Jane White & Shirley Stoler & Fred Burrell & Jean Stapleton & Robert Milli et al, director Alan J Pakula, Fonda to Shrink


You were terrific.  A real tiger.  Are you upset because you didn’t make me come?  ibid.


I don’t really give a damn.  What I would really like to do is be faceless and bodyless and be left alone.  ibid.



Boxer Cuda Sanchez Charged With Assault.  Night and the City 1992 starring Robert De Niro & Jessica Lange & Alan King & Jack Warden & Cliff Gorman & Eli Wallach & Barry Primus & Henry Milligan & Regis Philbin et al, director Irwin Winkler


I’m tired of being an asshole and being a schmuck and being laughed at and everybody making fun of me ... Why can’t I have a piece?  Why can’t I be the man for once.  ibid.  Harry


I’m as serious as cancer, Jim.  ibid.  Harry


You couldn’t promote a pillow fight.  ibid.  old boy to Harry


I’m a dead man too now.  ibid.  Harry



A sex machine with all the chicks … Who is the man?  Shaft! Shaft 2000 starring Samuel L Jackson & Vanessa Williams & Jeffrey Wright & Christian Bale & Richard Roundtree & Pat Hinge & Busta Ryhmes & Dan Hedaya et al, director John Singleton, intro music


You are gone from this precinct.  ibid.  head rozzer to Shaft


Two Years Later: ‘If it was me I’d never come back.’  ibid.  Shaft in bar


I’m cool.  I quit.  ibid.  Shaft



I think torturing and murdering turned him on.  And I think these tapes are something of a homemade porn film.  The Poughkeepsie Tapes 2007 starring Stacy Chbosky & Ben Messmer & Bobbi Sue Luther & Samantha Robson & Ivar Brogger & Ron Harper & Iris Bahr et al, director John Eric Dowdle, Felton Lewis FBI profiler


There are somewhere 25 and 50 active series killers in America alone.  ibid.  geezer


They had been raped post-mortem.  ibid.  mortician



You don’t make up for your sins in Church.  You do it in the streets.  You do it at home.  The rest is bullshit and you know it.  Mean Streets 1973 starring Harvey Keitel & Robert De Niro & David Proval & Amy Robinson & Richard Romanus & Cesare Danova & Victor Argo & George Memmoli & David Carradine et al, director Martin Scorsese, opening scene


Lord, I’m not worthy to eat your flesh, not worthy to drink your blood.  ibid.  Charlie in church


Joe Black – I owe money.  ibid.  De Niro


What’s the matter wid chu?  ibid.  De Niro



Welcome to Staten Island ... The largest population of mobsters in all five boroughs.  That’s right.  Staten Island is the most popular home for mobsters in New York City.  And the grand Staten Island forests also happen to be the choice body dumping ground for mobsters for the tri-state area.  Staten Island 2009 aka Little New York staring Ethan Hawke & Vincent d’Onofrio & Seymour Cassel & Julianne Nicholson & Ian Brennan & Lynn Cohen & J D Daniels & Michael Hogan et al, director James DeMonaco


In our world there are rules: don’t rat on your associates; don’t get high on your own supply; don’t piss in someone else’s pie.  ibid.  mobster Tommy to tortured man


You broke into my home.  You put a hole in my mother.  ibid.


The Resilient Mobster And His Endless Pursuit Of Everlasting Glory.  ibid.  banner


I do have some good news.  We finally found one of the guys who hurt you.  ibid.  Tommy to mother on dog n bone


I want to take control of Staten Island.  I want to take the whole thing.  Run the show.  I don’t want to give anything any longer to any other crews.  I want it all.  Everything.  ibid.  Tommy


I stole the money so our child wouldn’t be like me.  ibid.  him to her


It hurts like a knife in the heart but I have to go.  ibid.  him to her


Why is a reputed mobster sitting in a tree?  ibid.



I’ve got a built-in disguise: they never look at me, they never look at my face, my nose, my lame foot, all they know is I’m black.  Black Caesar 1973 starring Fred Williamson & Art Lund & Julius W Harris & Gloria Hendry & D’Urville Martin & Minnie Gentry & Philip Roye & William Wellman junior & Don Predro Colley, director Larry Cohen, dude to Mafia guy


Everybody’s a liberal these days ... Get with it.  ibid.  dude to bent rozzer