You took an oath, Gene. There’s no retiring from this. The Sopranos s6e1: Members Only, Tony
No good deed goes unpunished. ibid. builder to Carmela
No wonder the papers are calling this the Year of the Rat. ibid. Tony
The circle of the jerk-off life. ibid. Tony to Dr Melfi
This child – constantly wanting the breast. ibid. Janice
My whole life’s in that case. The Sopranos s6e2: Join the Club, Tony to wife
You are not going to Hell. You are coming back here. ibid. Carmela to Tony
The times make the man, honey, and not the other way around. The Sopranos s6e3: Mayham, wife to Silvio
There are far bigger crooks than my husband. ibid. Carmela to shrink
Everybody keeps telling me how lucky I am. The Sopranos s6e4: The Fleshy Part of the Thigh, Tony
The answer is to accept the Lord as your personal saviour. ibid. Christian to Tony in bed
It’s does help to pray. If only to take your mind off it. ibid. Carmela
Don’t bullshit me. You’ve been bullshitting me my entire life ... I gave you everything ... You’re a fraud and a phony. And she’s even worse. She’s a whore. My mother’s a fucking whore. ibid. Pauli
It’s like my whole life is joke. A big fucking joke on me. ibid. Pauli to Tony
Christian: God created the Earth six thousand years ago ... Dinosaurs and human beings lived on the Earth at the same time.
Tony: What? Like the Flintstones? ibid.
You’re part of something big. When you gonna learn that? ibid. Tony
There was a time when I could bench-press over three hundred pounds. The Sopranos s6e5: Mr & Mrs John Sacrimoni Request, Tony in car
Is there any chance of a mercy fuck? ibid. Tony to Dr Melfi
He’s my nephew goddamnit. Why would I shoot him? ibid. Uncle Junior
People misinterpret – they think you’re weak, they see an opportunity. ibid. Tony to Dr Melfi
You haven’t fucked me in over a year. The Sopranos s6e6: Live Free or Die s6e6, Rachel to Vito
9/11: Bush is using it as an excuse to erode our constitutional protections. ibid. Meadow
In my business, I’m around a lot of women, and that one ain’t getting laid. ibid. Silvio
Don’t forget – I’m a strict Catholic. ibid.
He’s a come from behind kind of a guy. ibid. Tony, re Vito
Try paying your tab. The Sopranos s6e7: Luxury Lounge, Artie to Tony
No-one plays a tough ruthless hard-hearted prick like you do. ibid. Little Carmine to Ben Kingsley, with Chris
Don’t I deserve some kind of life? The Sopranos s6e8: Johnny Cakes, AJ
He’s incarceration for the rest of his natural life. So fuck him. He’s a walking corpse. ibid. Tony to son on boat
It’s the chopping off of the guy’s finger, right? ibid. Tony
His dad’s really a gangster? ibid. bird at bar
It seems to me the Church has plenty in its coffers for all those paedophilic lawsuits. The Sopranos s6e9: The Ride
Every day is a gift. ibid. Tony to shrink
You fucking blame me for something ... All your anger, your hate for me. The Sopranos s6e10: Moe N Joe, Janice to Tony
Fucking Janice attracts drama. She creams over the misery. ibid. Tony to shrink
She gets nothing ’cause I got the scars, so it’s mine. ibid.
This whole ‘God is dead’ business on the day of his confirmation. The Sopranos s6e11: Cold Stones, Carmela to Tony
When he found out his son was gay he did the right thing – he disowned him. ibid.
If Vito wanted to pursue this lifestyle, he should have done so quietly. ibid. Tony
Talk about the History Channel – you would love it here. ibid. Carmela in Paris, calls Tony
What is it you want out of life? ibid. shrink to Tony
I can’t stop thinking about fucking you all the time. The Sopranos s6e12: Kaisha, Chris to bird
Chris: Julie, right?
Bird: Juliana. ibid. AA
He’s connected. To the Mafia. Actually I know he is ’cause I was involved with the boss. ibid. bird to bird in supermarket
They are sociopaths. Murderers actually. ibid.
I have a warrant for your arrest. The Sopranos s6e13: Soprano Home Movies, rozzer to Tony
We’ve been building a RICO case against Tony Soprano for five fucking years. ibid. FBI
You and your sister – you are emotionally blocked. ibid. Carmela to Tony
Tony is not a vindictive man. ibid. Carmela to Janice
Let’s spare the awkwardness – I killed my wife ... I killed her aunt too ... And the mailman. At that point I had to fully commit. The Sopranos s6e14: Stage 5, oncologist/prisoner to John in prison hospital
Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Inmates. The Sopranos s6e15: Remember When, road sign
It’s a sick fucking world. ibid. Uncle Junior
They’re all fucking murderers, for Chrissake. The Sopranos s6e16: Chasing It, Tony
There are a lot of Jews in your business, right? ibid. Tony to shrink
If you could lose, what’s the fucking point? You see, you need the risk. ibid.
You look like a Puerto Rican whore. You make me sick. ibid. Phil
I’m not some fucking social worker. ibid. Tony to kid
Let go of me, you peace of shit. ibid. Carmela to Tony
Why’s he got to take it out on us? The Sopranos s6e17: Walk Like a Man, Tony to Carmela
Stop. You’re embarrassing me. ibid. bird to Anthony
Anthony: What’s the fucking point? ibid.
Tony: Point of what? ibid.
It’s over. The truth is this therapy is a jerk-off. ibid. Tony to shrink
My son is talking suicide. So now I’m trapped here for ever. ibid.
Obviously I’m prone to depression. A certain bleak attitude about the world. But I know I can handle it. Your kids though, when they’re young and they’re sick, you’d give anything in the world to trade place with them so they don’t have to suffer. And then they think you’re the cause of it ... This miserable existence. ibid.