In a series of embarrassing revelations in the 1970s and 1980s the British author Martin Short established that the Scotland Yard Vice Squad and senior CID officers were all Masons, and taking bribes from pornographers in London’s Soho. Martin Short estimates that 1 in 6 British police officers are Masons. And that there are approximately 600,000 Freemasons in Britain today. Many Freemasons occupy highly paid jobs at local borough councils across Britain which often have Masonic temples inside council buildings maintained at the taxpayers’ expense. ibid.
After the exposure of local authority frauds involving corrupt Masonic solicitors and counsellors, British Freemasons went underground. And now rarely march in view of the public. The public image of freemasonry has been damaged by the revelation that super-criminal Kenneth Noye and the men responsible for the Brink’s-Mat Gold Bullion Robbery were all Masons. ibid.
Knight says that the Palace of Westminster, home to the British parliament, is used as a meeting place for at least two Masonic lodges. ibid.
Many researchers claim British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a high-ranking 33rd degree Freemason. This is this highest rank of Mason, and this elite cabal of British freemasonry has its own headquarters at Number 10 Duke Street which some claim is connected to Number 10 Downing Street via a secret underground tunnel. Inside the Duke Street headquarters of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree there is a Red Room, a Black Room and a Chamber of Death which Masons use for macabre rituals based on ancient Jewish mysticism and Enochian Magic. Once initiated into the 33rd Degree, Masons are told they are superior beings, and the human population are referred to as being profane goyen which means cattle. If Tony Blair is indeed a 33rd Degree Freemason, then he is following in the footsteps of previous prime ministers who have all been members of either freemasonry, the Knights Templar, or the Round Table which was started by Sir Cecil Rhodes following his economic conquest of Zimbabwe during the 19th century. Winston Churchill was also a 33rd Degree Freemason initiated into the Studholme Lodge at the headquarters of the 33rd Degree in May 1901. ibid.
Winston Churchill was also a member of the Order of Druids who often meet at Stonehenge during the Spring Equinox, whilst members of the public are forcibly restrained from this ancient megalithic site by thousands of police officers. The ancient druid rituals at Stonehenge can be considered harmless when compared to the murderous Satanically inspired ceremonies of freemasonry. ibid.
There is a secret word – the name of the true Masonic god. Which none are allowed to say in public. This name is Jahbulon. The Masonic god is not the same god as the Bible, which the Masons called Adone. Jahbulon has been described by Christian minister Canon Brian Brindley as an unholy compound of the Hebrew name of God Jehovah with the heathen names for Baal and Osiris. The highest ranks of freemasonry utter Jahbulon as the one secret and mysterious name of God. ibid.
Presenter to David Icke: Are we being ruled by politicians who consult with Baphomets and demons? ibid.
‘The horrendous rituals that goes on at places like Balmoral.’ ibid. Icke
‘We cannot allow our sons and daughters to be sent to die in a banksters’ war.’ ibid. Anthony J Hilder
Illuminati’s tarnished crown: British aristocracy. ibid. caption
The father of the Duchess of Kent was an SS Officer. To be a member of Hitler’s SS, families had to be pure Aryan with their German ancestry clearly traceable to the Teutonic Knights of Medieval Germany. Like most of the British royal family, the Duchess of Kent is descended from German blood. Her German ancestors have throughout history been members of the Illuminati secret society network. The British royal family’s name is not Windsor: their real family name is actually Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. ibid.
One of the most influential secret societies spawned by the Bavarian Illuminati is The Order of The Golden Dawn. It was founded in 1887 by a Freemason William Wynn Westcott, who claimed to have deciphered a coded alchemical script containing initiation rituals of a secret German occult order ... Westcott already had plenty of experience conducting occult rituals. ibid.
The Golden Dawn was plagued with scandal as rival high-ranking Masons wrestled for control of this influential Victorian secret society. ibid.
At the Old Bailey in 1901 two Golden Dawn associates Mr and Mrs Horos were tried for rape. ibid.
The Golden Dawn was nothing more than freemasonry with added semi-Satanic and sexual mysteries. The Golden Dawn still survives to this day. ibid.
The Golden Dawn’s most notorious member was a self-confessed Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who styled himself as The Beast. ibid.
In 1912 Crowley became the British leader of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the OTO, which was a direct descendant to the original Bavarian Illuminati. The OTO was a hardcore satanic secret society, and Crowley devised the initiation ritual around the 33rd degree ceremony of Scottish Rite freemasonry. Crowley claimed the formation of the OTO was reconstituting freemasonry back to its German Illuminati roots. Crowley wanted nothing less than to dance with the devil. He was impatient with the politeness of Masonic ritual. ibid.
Rats: How to become president of the United States in ten easy steps: Have a grandfather who made a fortune arranging loans for Hitler; have a billionaire father who is a member of the world’s most feared secret society; be the scruffiest kid at school; and the dumbest kid at school; dodge the Vietnam draft; become an alcoholic; join America’s most satanic secret society; get corrupt corporations to give you money; pretend that you are Spanish [viz video]; erase 1000s of your opponents’ supporters from the electoral register, especially if they are black voters; get your dad’s buddies to do a recount; declare you’ve won before the vote is finished; make sure your brother is in charge of the recount; pray the people don’t find out. Congratulations! You have become president. ibid. captions
The Skull and Bones Secret Society was originally called the Brotherhood of Death. George Bush junior, his father George H W Bush, and his grandfather Prescott Bush, have all been initiated into this macabre fraternity, which was established in 1832 at Yale University by William Huntington Russell, whose family were America’s biggest opium smugglers. George W Bush was initiated into the Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death in 1968. The ceremony took place at the Society’s headquarters which is a stone building with almost no windows. This mausoleum-type building is known as The Tomb. Welcome to the sick world of the Bush Family. ibid.
The Skull & Bones headquarters is on the campus of Yale University. Yale is also home to other less societies. ibid.
In the Hollywood movie The Brotherhood of the Bell we see an initiation ceremony which is a common occurrence on the campuses of America’s Ivy League secret societies. ibid.
In the 170 years since the formation of the Skull & Bones society it has members in the most influential jobs all over the world. New initiates seem to fall effortlessly into high-paid jobs within banks, media organisations, government agencies, and huge corporations which earn vast profits from government defense contracts. ibid.
The Skull and Bones brotherhood of death recruits members from America’s billionaire aristocracy. Multiple generations of the Bush family have taken part in sick Satanically inspired rituals ... Once the will of the candidate has been broken and they have divulged all their sexual secrets to the elder Bonesmen, they stand naked and are reborn in a mockery of the Christian baptism, with elder Bonesmen dressed as the Pope and the Devil conducting the ritual ... The Pope wears a white monogrammed slipper which rests upon a stone skull. Each initiate is led into a chamber where fellow members shout obscenities and abuse the new initiate. The initiates are told that they are superior beings, and are part of a privileged elite who use war, terror and famine to control Earth’s human population. ibid.
Aleister Crowley: ‘After I am dead people will say I gave birth to the 20th century.’ Chris Everard, The Illuminati II, Youtube 1.54.32
The USA are sacrificing children for oil. ibid.
If you wish to search for the Anti-Christ, I suggest you start at the Pentagon. ibid.
If you look at an aerial picture of the Pentagon you’ll see that it’s a pentagon inside a pentagon inside a pentagon inside a pentagon. And this is symbolic ... The death management centre is the Pentagon. ibid.
‘I have met with the Anti-Christ … He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me.’ ibid. Adolf Hitler, 1938
The Book of Revelation warns of an age of destruction where planet Earth will be writhing in pain like a mother giving birth. The Book of Revelation prophecies the birth of the Anti-Christ, who will emerge to wield great political power across the planet. The plan of the Anti-Christ is very simple: Famine, Plague, War, Total Annihilation of all living creatures. There will not be just one Anti-Christ. ibid.
Still to this day it is unclear who exactly wrote the Holy Bible. But in the Bible texts we see that the Anti-Christ will seek to kill the coming second messiah. This will be done apparently by mass killings of children around the world. ibid.
Politicians are advancing a global plan. The plan of the Anti-Christ. This is the doctrine of Lucifer, which Freemasons, Knights Templar, and members of the Illuminati global network of secret societies follow. Their goal is the total spiritual and ecological destruction of the world. ibid.
The Illuminati is a global network of witch covens, black magicians and Freemasons. They use a secret code of numbers and words to communicate the plan to one another. They hold rituals right in the heart of the British parliament and Washington DC. The Illuminati have designed the United States as the headquarters for their barbarous plan to bring about the apocalyptic prophecies of the Anti-Christ. This film is the true story of the Luciferian elite. The true history of the ancient Illuminati. Who have created a global fascist dictatorship. This is the true plan of those who serve the Anti-Christ. ibid.
The Free Tibet campaign is a worldwide movement of volunteers who wish to highlight the illegal killings and imprisonment of Tibetan people. The Free Tibet campaign displayed flags during the state visit of the Chinese premier in London. The Free Tibet flags were confiscated by British police officers. The peaceful protesters were often arrested and dragged away for no apparent reason; some were even assaulted and beaten by British police officers. ibid.
Freemasonry is more than just a secret society. Freemasonry is actually a religion. Freemasons pray to a tri-pantheon god. One facet of which is the warmongering Baal deity. Freemasonry is the most popular cult religion amongst police officers, judges and barristers such as Mr Tony Blair. ibid.