They were the men interested in the establishment of the gold standard money system and right of the bankers to manage the currency and credit of every nation in the world. G G McGeer
The private banking system literally makes money out of nothing. The Money Fix
When you suggest to people that their money should be gold or silver coin as it says in the constitution they sometimes stare at you with a blank expression. Jaeger, Fiat Empire: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution, 2006
Why does the Constitution clearly state, Article 1: The Congress shall have power to coin money? ibid.
If there were no Federal Reserve, there may have been no need for an income tax. ibid.
The Mandrake Mechanism ... created out of thin air. ibid.
Banks ... transfer wealth from society to the creators of money. ibid.
This nefarious cartel of tyrants is in a position to literally gain control over the assets of the world. ibid.
Why would major corporations ... fail to report on the detrimental activities of the Federal Reserve system? ibid.
Some 72% of world gold had been stashed in Fort Knox because they didn’t know what the outcome of World War II was going to be ... World’s largest treasure – mmm maybe we should audit it every so often. But in fact fiscal audit has not been conducted at the gold reserves in Fort Knox since 1947. – Bill Still Interview
It took me about ten years to really stumble on to the whole Federal Reserve/Fractional Reserve lending thing. ibid.
Britain’s wonderful form of debt-free money – tally sticks. ibid.
The largest banks in the world are buying US government debt; thereby they held a certain amount of power over the country. ibid.
Any dollar anywhere in the system, in the Western world at least, is created out of a debt, is created as a debt owed to a bank. That’s not the system we want. The system we want is a government can create its own money for its citizens without debt. ibid.
A great portion of this debt is in the form of government bonds. We just pay off the bonds as they become due ... Pay them off with the new money. ibid.
Through fractional reserve lending they only have to keep on hand 10% of the money they lend out. ibid.
It’s always in the politician’s benefit to borrow. ibid.
The Jekyll Island thing played a big role – the whole Federal Reserve scheme ... They just changed their name to the Federal Reserve Act ... and it passed. Of course they passed it on Christmas Eve 1913 with not many people in the House. ibid.
The system is doomed to failure. ibid.
Ludwig von Mises Institute: advancing the Austrian School of Economics ... Money must be something of value. ibid.
Ron Paul and his insistence on this return to gold-backed money – it’ll never work. ibid.
The nation state is the essential thing that keeps the world free. ibid.
The Second Great Pillar is that the banks should not be allowed to lend money that they don’t have. ibid.
Banks continue to remove money from the money system. ibid.
Historically gold has never worked ... Gold only works for the richest guys ... Plutocracy ... It does not empower democracy. It does not empower freedom. ibid.
We don’t print money – we borrow money. ibid.
Government is the only thing that stands in the way of serfdom. ibid.
What’s going on with the American economy? Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is sky-rocketing, and it looks like this may only be the beginning. Bill Still, The Secret of Oz 2009
Could it be that all these problems are foreseen a hundred years ago by L Frank Baum, the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? ibid.
There isn’t enough stimulus money in the entire world to get us out of this hole. ibid.
Honest Americans have fought against this bank-controlled debt money system throughout American history. But unless we change it soon most of our freedoms will soon be lost in a tidal-wave of debt. ibid.
All our money is created out of debt ... We are borrowing it to give it away. ibid.
All that matters is who controls its quantity. ibid.
The wealth of the nation was quickly concentrated into the hands of the richest Romans once again. ibid.
So in Rome we learn that with cheap, government-issued money the Roman Republic flourished, but under the gold money it perished. ibid.
Henry [I] created a unique form of government-issued money called tally sticks. ibid.
Without the crushing weight of debt-based money England flourished into the greatest power on Earth. ibid.
Once tally sticks were killed and the nation became indebted to bankers it got worse. ibid.
The Bank of England: this put the banking community back in control of manipulating the quantity of English money. ibid.
Just seventy-five years later England’s war debts consumed 75% of its budget. ibid.
By the outbreak in the revolution in April 1775 the colonies started printing a new form of paper money to finance the war – it was called Continental Currency. ibid.
It doesn’t matter what backs your money; all that matters is who controls its quantity. ibid.
Congress finally agreed to give a group of bankers a monopoly on creating US money by loaning it to the government. ibid.
The National Debt is roughly the same as the national money supply. ibid.
An assassin tried to shoot President Jackson. ibid.
Jackson got us out of debt but twenty-five years later Abraham Lincoln would do even more: return to government-issued debt-free money. He called them greenbacks, the inspiration for the Emerald City of Oz. ibid.
1866-1876: two-thirds of America’s money had been called in by the bankers. ibid.
An 84% decline in just twenty years: 1866-1886. The people suffered terribly in a protracted severe depression. ibid.
Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1873 and the minting of silver dollars abruptly stopped. ibid.
Garfield understood the ability of the very wealthy to manipulate gold money ... President Garfield was assassinated. ibid.
William Jennings Bryan: the man who would become known as the Lion of the Free Silver Movement. ibid.
The Panic of 1893: it all started when European investors demanded payment only in gold. ibid.
People wanted silver money legalised again so they could escape the stranglehold the money-changers had on gold-backed money. ibid.
The presidential campaign of 1896 would see the explosive money issue dominate the election. ibid.
The [Swedish] debt-based bankers attacked the savings banks. ibid.
Iceland: the government privatised the savings banks, similar to the Swedish savings banks twenty years earlier. ibid.
When the crash came in 2008 the big Icelandic banks quickly failed. ibid.
93% of the people voted not to bail out the bankers. ibid.
Instead of creating bonds or debt the government could and should be creating dollars interest free. ibid.
Right now the banks have the power. ibid.
We can make this the new civil rights movement, the new human rights movement. ibid.
This system has got to go. ibid.
Within a few weeks $3 billion of wealth simply seemed to vanish. Without a year $40 billion had been lost. But did it really disappear or was it simply consolidated in fewer hands? And what did the Federal Reserve do? ... The Fed continued to brutally contract the money supply further. Bill Still, The Money Masters
Tim Woodman ... joined the ranks of those unemployed in the depression of the 1890s, a victim of the unwillingness of the eastern gold bugs to countenance an increase in the stock of money through the addition of silver. Hugh Rockoff, The Wizard of Oz as a Monetary Allegory
Baum is following history in suggesting that the movement was started first by the western farmers, was joined ... by the working man, and then, once it was well under way, was joined by Bryan. The roaring lion is a good choice for one of the greatest American orators. ibid.
Coxey was a greenbacker, and his ideas were simple: the federal government should build public works and pay for them by printing money. ibid.
It is not surprising that the layout of the Emerald Palace should reflect the numbers seven and three. The Crime of 73 was a crucial event in populist monetary history. ibid.