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Codex Alimentarius – the silent stalker of your health freedom. Never heard of Codex? That’s exactly what they want. Agenda: only low potency me-too supplements available that will do nothing for your health; all or most foods genetically modified; beneficial supplements unavailable or sold by prescription only. National Health Federation
Codex Alimentarius: Elitist top-down-driven agenda; anti-natural foods and supplements; pro-drug; anti free-market; creakingly slow to react to changes in knowledge; captured. Scott Tips, Health Freedom, The European Union and Codex Alimentarius
Creating Standards and Guidelines based upon Junk Science: Vitamin and Natural Food Guidelines; GM Food Labelling; Aspartame and Aluminium Additives; Melamine Contaminants in Foods. ibid.
Official health warning on the risk of vitamin supplements. The Times online feature headline
Vitamin pills increase risk of early death. The Telegraph online feature headline
When they [vitamins] were discovered we didn’t know what chemicals they were so they just got letters. James Burke, Connections s2e19: Better Than The Real Thing, BBC 1994
Britain is in the middle of a health revolution ... Every day millions of people take vitamin supplements convinced that their power to keep them healthy. Horizon: The Truth About Vitamins, BBC 2004
[Linus] Pauling became convinced that vitamins could not only prevent deficiencies’ diseases, they could do something far far bigger. He believed they had the power to prevent diseases that had nothing to do with deficiencies at all. ibid.
Does Vitamin C really prevent the common cold as Linus Pauling believed? What is the actual scientific evidence? ... Vitamin C does have an effect on the common cold once you’ve caught it. ibid.
Scientists still do not fully understand why beta-keratin appears so beneficial in food but seemed to have such a devastating effect on smokers when taken in a high-dose pill. ibid.
So tablets [of Vitamin A] that people take every day to improve their health might actually be slowly silently weakening their bones. ibid.
I don’t take any vitamins. But I want to find out if I should. And if I did, what would they do for me? Horizon: Dr Giles Yeo, Vitamin Pills: Miracle or Myth? BBC 2018
The big discovery was diseases could be caused by being deficient in vitamins and minerals. ibid.
‘On average as a nation we are meeting our vitamin requirements through our diet.’ ibid. doctor
This is a big, big, big part of their agenda. Basically, the food that most of us are eating is shite. Do you know what, the farmers in this country feed their animals better than we feed ourselves, because livestock is expensive and you have to look after it. People need to be sick. Because people are a revenue stream for the pharmaceutical companies ... It’s a Club of Rome committee: but it’s GM Crops. All of the nutritional value is being sucked out of crops. You know, the minerals are being sucked out, the nutrients are being sucked out: basically, you might as well eat cardboard ... And look at what’s happening in Iraq. A couple of years ago – three years ago now – the US government forced the new government of Iraq to sign legislation making it illegal for the Iraqi farmers, where civilisation started, to save their seeds – they have to buy their seeds from Monsanto, and each of the Monsanto seeds they buy has the suicide gene in. And this is what is coming! How are they going to remove organic farming? Simply, by removing the requirement for labelling ... The Codex Alimentarius Commission are forcing the EU and other trade groups around the world to basically reduce the criteria for what is classified as organic ... So that any food that travels is irradiated. So basically you’re eating junk. And who is there to the rescue? The pharmaceutical companies. You know, it’s a symbiotic relationship – the food companies get you ill, the pharmaceutical companies keep you ill. But in keeping you ill, they also help you to live longer. Ian R Crane, New World Order lecture Liverpool 2008
Codex Alimentarius goals and objectives: international (global) harmonisation; abolition of organic farming; introduction of GM food and livestock; removal of all ingredients labelling; restriction of all natural remedies, to include all supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, flower remedies etc. Ian R Crane, lecture Codex Alimentarius
These natural alternatives represent billions of dollars in lost profits each year for the pharmaceutical industry. And since there appears to be no way for drug companies to corner the market on nonpatentable agents, a new strategy is emerging: take control away from the consumer.
Spearheading this effort is a little-known international agency called the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a Rome-based organization established in 1961 by the United Nations. Codex Alimentarius is Latin for ‘food and nutrition code’. But under the guise of protecting public safety through standardization of food, nutrient, and botanical codes, the commission is regarded by many as a means for the pharmaceutical industry to eventually make all supplements available by prescription only. Nathaniel Mead, article September 1998, ‘The Codex Conspiracy’
By the proper intakes of vitamins and other nutrients and by following a few other healthful practices from youth or middle age on, you can, I believe, extend your life and years of well-being by twenty-five or even thirty-five years. Linus Pauling
Taking pre-natal vitamins can minimise birth defects and can lower the chances both of morning sickness and premature delivery. Heidi Murkoff
In 1999, Hoffmann-LaRoche paid a $500 million criminal fine for leading a worldwide conspiracy to fix prices for certain vitamins. Bernie Sanders
I must admit that when I chose the name vitamine I was well aware that these substances might later prove not to be of an amine nature. However, it was necessary for me to choose a name that would sound well and serve as a catchword, since I had already at that time no doubt about the importance and the future popularity of the new field. Casimir Funk, 1922
My course of multivitamins was a complete waste of time and money. The Truth About Health Eating, BBC 2019
London 1974: A 48-year-old health food enthusiast was found dead after drinking excessive amounts of carrot juice. The coroner ruled his death that of lethal amounts of Vitamin A. The scientist consumed 70 million units, or 38 litres, of Vitamin A in just 10 days. The World’s Strangest Mysteries III, Amazon 2024