Bernard Manning - Noam Chomsky - Ancient Aliens TV - Michelangelo - The Washington Post TV - Ring of Power 2008 - New World Order: The Devil in the Vatican - Uki Goni - Penn & Teller TV - The SS TV - Conspiracy Test TV - A Fourth Reich in the Sun? TV - Bill Cooper - Dave Hunt - Thomas Paine - Bill Maher - Encyclopaedia Britannica - Malachi Martin - Adolf Harnack - J S Malan - Pope Paul VI - Our Lady of the Roses TV - Jonathan Levy - Jordan Maxwell - Illuminating Angels and Demons - John Follain - Jim Marrs - Mystery of the Lost Catacombs TV - FT online - Vatican: Hidden World TV - Secret Access: The Vatican TV - Secrets of the Vatican TV - Brad Meltzer TV - Simon Sebag Montefiore TV - Chris Everard - Richard D Hall TV - Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 2006 - Simon Reeve TV - Christopher Hitchens - Inside the Vatican Vaults TV - Pope vs Hitler TV - Vatican Inc TV - Conspiracy: Murder at the Vatican TV - Jamie Theakston’s Forbidden History TV - Panorama TV - Inside the Vatican TV - Conspiracy TV - Vatican Girl: The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi TV - Play for Today TV - Satanic Vatican documentary - The Vatican Financial Empire: A Hidden History 2024 - Alien Files Unsealed TV -
As the Pope once said to Michelangelo, You’d better come down, I think we’ll have it wallpapered. Bernard Manning, The Big Send Up, 1977
The Communist Party was labelled ‘extremist’ and ‘undemocratic’ by US propaganda ... The Vatican announced that anyone who voted for the Communists in the 1948 election would be denied sacraments, and backed the conservative Christian Democrats under the slogan ‘O con Cristo o contro Cristo’ (‘Either with Christ or against Christ’). A year later, Pope Pius excommunicated all Italian Communists.
A combination of violence, manipulation of aid and other threats, and a huge propaganda campaign sufficed to determine the outcome of the critical 1948 election, essentially bought by US intervention and pressures. Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy
In 2008 the Vatican made an announcement that some say might threaten its own existence: the chief observer at the Vatican Observatory, Father Gabriel Funes, acknowledged the possibility that alien life exists on other planets. Ancient Aliens s1e6: The Return, History 2009
The vault of the Sistine chapel is a triumph ... but at what price? Michelangelo: Heart and Stone starring Rutger Hauer & Massimo Odierna & Giancarlo Giannini et al, Sky Arts 2013
I’ve finished that chapel I was painting. The Pope is quite satisfied. Michelangelo, letter to father October 1512
Here they make helmets and swords from chalices, and by the handful sell the blood of Christ; his cross and thorns are made into lances and shields. Michelangelo, letter to friend October 1512, cited Seamus Cashman
The Vatican this week attacked America’s nuns for spending too much time working to help the poor and fight poverty, and not spending enough time attacking same-sex marriage. The criticism, considered formal disciplinary action against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), which represents over 55,000 nuns in the United States, also labeled as ‘grave and a matter of serious concern’ that the nuns are not sufficiently denouncing abortion ... and women’s ordination. The Washington Post article 19th April 2012, ‘Vatican Attacks US Nuns For Fighting Poverty Instead of Gay Marriage’
The Vatican City is in fact a state. The smallest principality in the world. It lies on the banks of the Tiber completely surrounded by the City of Rome. Ring of Power, 2008
The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschilds in Britain, France and the USA, and with giant oil and weapons corporations. ibid.
One method was to put a price-tag on sin … by selling indulgences. ibid.
Between 1095 and 1291 A.D. the Pope launched seven blood-baths called the Christian Crusades – torturing, burning, beheading, and mass-murdering hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Jews in the name of God. The Pope’s brutal soldiers were called Knights Templar, or Knights of the Temple of Solomon. And evolved into today’s secretive brotherhood called the Freemasons. ibid.
During World War II the Vatican was criticised for supporting Hitler and his Nazi regime. To this day the Vatican is still under investigation for plundering Nazi gold from the Swiss bank accounts of Jewish holocaust victims. Over the past five decades more than one thousand five hundred bishops have been identified in the sexual assault of tens of thousands of boys and girls in their trusting congregations and orphanages. Why is this filthy rich institution preaching spiritual values of poverty and chastity while cardinals, bishops and priests cover up their crimes of sexual abuse? Why has the Church fought and resisted the compensation claims of their sexually, emotionally and spiritually traumatised victims? ibid.
Why in the world would the Vatican, the fortress of puritan Christian values, erect a monument symbolising the pagan god Ah-Mun and sexual intercourse right in its own front-yard? ibid.
Within a few days of Paul VI’s return to Rome the Pope let it be known that Rome was ready to take a new look at secret societies. The stage was now set for full papal approval of membership in secret societies. On 27th November 1983, Pope John Paul II issued the papal bull which legalised secret society membership for Roman Catholics. Pope VI continued to promote the New World Order until his death. New World Order: The Devil in the Vatican, Youtube 2011
In the early evening of Saturday, 26th August 1978, hundreds of thousands of people rejoiced to see the white smoke emanating from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. Shortly thereafter 7:18 p.m. Pericle Cardinal Felici stepped out on the balcony above the main doors of St Peter’s Basilica and announced Habemus papem [We have a Pope] and announced his name: Cardinal Albino Luciani, who took the name of Pope John Paul I ... He only served thirty-three days. ibid.
The Lateran Treaty: The Agreement signed in 1929 by Italy and the Holy See which recognised the Vatican City as a sovereign and independent papal state. On 11th February 1929 Pius XI was the first Roman Catholic Pope to become King of Vatican City. ‘And there are Five Kings’. Five have fallen. ibid.
The bent cross is a grotesque emaciated depiction of Jesus Christ, the only son of God. Its occult ramifications and connections cannot be disregarded. This bent crucifix is a Satanic symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century. ibid.
With his bright intelligence and naive fearlessness John Paul I penetrated to the heart of this maze of corruption within weeks of his coronation. On the evening of 28th September 1978 he called Cardinal [Jean] Villot, the leader of the powerful Curia, to his private study to discuss certain changes that he proposed to make public the following day. Among those whose resignations would be accepted by the Pontiff the following day were the head of the Vatican Bank and several members of the Curia who were implicated in the activities of Sindona and P2 and Villot himself. When Pope John Paul I retired to his bedroom on the evening of 28th September clutching the paperwork that would expose the Vatican’s financial dealings with the Mafia and purge the Curia of those responsible, a number of very ruthless individuals had a great interest in seeing to it that he would never awaken to issue these directives. ibid.
But to get the passport you not only need the entry permit signed with your name you need somebody to certify that that’s exactly who you are, and that’s where the Vatican provides a service. So the Vatican would send one of its priests along. Uki Goni, author The Real Odessa
Behold Vatican City. The papal crypt. God’s Las Vegas. Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s7e10: Vatican, Showtime 2009
Making life hell for the billions of the rest of us: from the Crusades to the Inquisition, from condoning slavery to denying the holocaust, for nearly two thousand years Muslims, Jews, Gays, Women, Africans, Children, the Poor ... have all borne the brunt of the Vatican’s irresponsible abuse of its powers. ibid.
In Rome the Vatican Secret Service is thought to have played a key role in securing SS men a safe passage to freedom. The SS: The Mystery of the Odessa
His [Bishop Alois Hudal] support for SS war criminals was confirmed by his secretary. ibid.
In 1985 a German reporter tracked down a man he believed to be Alois Brunner who had organised Jewish deportations from France. The encounter took place in Damascus. The man was guarded by Syrian police. He claimed his name was Georg Fischer ... Officially, Brunner disappeared after the war. It was rumoured that Vatican contacts had helped him escape to the Middle East. Conspiracy Test: Fugitive Nazis, 2007
They were allowed to flee, and they fled with the International Committee of the Red Cross ... And with the help of Pious XII and the whole organisation within the Catholic Church and the Vatican. A Fourth Reich in the Sun? Gerrard Williams
Probably the most notorious Freemason Lodge is the P2 Lodge in Italy. This group has been implicated in everything from bribery to assassinations. P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta, and to the US Central Intelligence Agency. It is powerful and dangerous. The P2 Lodge has succeeded in infiltrating the Vatican and has scored a coup of tremendous significance: the Pope John Paul II has lifted the ban against freemasonry. Many high-level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons. Bill Cooper, Secret Societies/New World Order
The Vatican has been infiltrated over many years by the Illuminati. This is easily proven by the fact that in 1738 Pope Clement XII issued a Papal Bull which stated that any Catholic who became a Mason would be excommunicated, a very serious punishment. In 1884 Pope Leo XIII issued a proclamation stating that Masonry was one of the secret societies attempting to ‘revive the manners and customs of the pagans’ and ‘establish Satan’s kingdom on Earth’. Piers Compton in his book The Broken Cross traces the infiltration of the Catholic Church by the Illuminati. He has found the use of the all-seeing eye in the triangle by leading Catholics and by the Jesuits. It was used in the seal of the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress in 1976. It was on a special issue of Vatican stamps in 1978, announcing the final Illuminati victory to the world. Mr Compton claims that Pope John XXIII wore the ‘all-seeing eye in the triangle’ on his personal cross. Compton is adamant that several hundred leading Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals are members of secret societies. He quotes an article in an Italian Journal that lists more than 70 Vatican officials, including Pope Paul VI’s private secretary, the director general of Vatican radio, the Archbishop of Florence, the prelate of Milan, the assistant editor of the Vatican newspaper, several Italian bishops, and the abbot of the Order of St Benedict. Those are only the ones that are known and only the ones known in Italy. It is widely believed that this Pope, John Paul XXII, is a member of the Illuminati. I believe, according to my research, that it is true. The best indication of infiltration is that on November 27 1983 the Pope retracted all of the Papal Bulls against freemasonry and allowed Catholics, after several hundred years, to again become members of secret societies without fear of excommunication. The goal of the Illuminati to elect one of their own to the Papacy appears to have come to fruition. If that is the case, the New World Order is just on the horizon. Now is the time. ibid.
The first US Ambassador to the Vatican was William Wilson, a Knight of Malta. His appointment was probably illegal and, for a fact, was highly unethical. Wilson could not possibly have represented the US when his allegiance was sworn to the Pope. ibid.
Moreover the Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others. The Vatican’s intelligence service and its field resources are second to none. Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
The Vatican is a dagger in the heart of Italy. Thomas Paine
That’s really the Vatican. I should know – I just got thrown out of it. Bill Maher, Religulous, 2008
Does that look like anything Jesus Christ had in mind? ibid.
In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1941 edition
Archbishop [Emmanuel] Milingo is a good bishop and his contention that there are Satanists in Rome is completely correct. Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the Prince of Darkness has had and still subjugates in the court of Saint Peter of Rome. Malachi Martin, Fatima Crusader article