Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror 1942 - This World TV - America’s Book of Secrets TV - Gunpowder 5/11: The Greatest Terror Plot TV - Wikileaks: US Cables - Alan Naim - Dan Quayle - George Shultz - Reverend Santiago - Green & Siegel 2002 - Misha Glenny - Nighthawks 1981 - Erica Jong - Secret History: The Good Terrorist TV - Robert Fisk - Dispatches TV - Panorama TV - Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick 2014 - Abby Martin & Chris Hedges - One Day in September 1999 - If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front 2011 - Tonight TV - Liquid Bomb Plot TV - The Corbett Report - Real Crime TV - The Newburgh Sting TV - The Angry Brigade 1973 - Persons Unknown 1980 - States of Terror TV - Exposure: Gaddafi & The IRA TV - Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Dilemma TV - Four Days that Shook Britain TV - Breaking History: New Age of Terror TV - Morgan Freeman TV - Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Dilemma TV - Nato’s Secret Armies TV - Retour aux Sources TV - Donald Trump TV - Stalin: Inside the Terror TV - House of Cards US 2013-2018 - The Fifth Estate TV - Active Shooter: America. Under Fire TV - In Search of … TV - Carlos 2010 - Lamentations 2:22 - Unraveled: The Stalker’s Web TV - Worlds Collide: The Manchester Bombing TV - 1972: Munich’s Black September TV - Simon Reeve TV - Crimes that Shook Britain TV - Adam Curtis TV - Joseph Conrad - World in Action TV - London Bridge: Facing Terror TV - American Bombing: The Road to April 19th TV - The Wednesday TV - Seconds to Disaster TV - The Terror Routes 2011 - Political Deception: Years of Lead: An Italian Conspiracy TV - Crimes that Shook Australia TV - Forensic Investigaors TV - CIA Confidential TV -
Germany broadcasting! Germany broadcasting! People of Britain, greetings from the Third Reich! ... This is the voice of terror. Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror 1942 starring Basil Rathbone & Nigel Bruce & Evelyn Ankers & Hendy Daniell & Thomas Gomez & Reginal Denny & Montagu Love et al, director John Rawlins [based His Last Bow]
A small army of fanatical jihadists has seized 15,000 square miles of territory and shocked the world with its violence and brutality. This World: World’s Richest Terror Army, BBC 2015
IS: The irony is that in the deserts of Southern Iraq, America inadvertently helped create it. ibid.
In September 2013, al-Shabab and al-Qaeda linked terrorist groups from Somalia attacked a shopping mall in neighbouring Kenya. More than a hundred security cameras recorded the attack which left 71 people dead. This World: Terror at the Mall, BBC 2014
They had killed sixty-one including a dozen children and three pregnant women. ibid.
The richest and most powerful terrorist organisation in history – Islamic State – is targeting British women to join its holy war. Leaving the classroom for the battlefield, three teenage schoolgirls from London find their way to Syria. Recruited to become Jihadi brides. This World: Britain’s Jihadi Brides, BBC 2015
Islamic fundamentalism has come a long way since the bearded old men of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. ibid.
There are around 550 Western women inside the Islamic State. ibid.
In November 2015 Islamic State gunmen killed 130 civilians in Paris. This World: Three Days of Terror, BBC 2016
The war had begun ten months earlier … at the offices at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Now one year on this is the story of the three-day manhunt for the killers of Charlie Hebdo, and of the first Islamic State attack on Paris. ibid.
In Afghanistan in Al-Qaeda’s camps we were given a course … teaching you how to storm a cinema or a shopping mall and how to hold people. This World: The Attack: Terror in the UK, Aimen Dean former Al-Qaeda fighter, BBC 2017
Hundreds of terror suspects are dispersed throughout the general prison population. Many have been convicted of more minor offences as part of a police strategy of ‘disruption’. ibid.
Counter-terrorism police currently have more than 600 active terrorism investigations. This number has doubled in the last five years. ibid.
850 British citizens are thought to have gone to fight in Syria. Around 400 have already returned. ibid.
There are several hundred high priority terrorism suspects in the UK. Thirty-six police officers are typically required to keep a single terror suspect under continuous surveillance. ibid.
Although guns are relatively scarce in the UK, police seized more than 800 in a single operation in February 2017. ibid.
Political dissidents armed to kill. Dangerous outsiders full of hatred. Religious zealots plotting mass destruction. Many of them hiding in plain sight. But who are these killers in America? And what can be done to stop them? America’s Book of Secrets s3e3: American Terrorists, History 2014
Lone wolf terrorists are the hardest to track and catch. ibid.
Every November 5th for over four centuries we’ve celebrated the discovery of Guy Fawkes, the devil in the vault ... Fawkes was no lone wolf, and 5/11 was not the end of the plot. Gunpowder 5/11: The Greatest Terror Plot, BBC 2014
The most dangerous terrorist ever captured on British soil. ibid.
[Robert] Catesby’s friends were known troublemakers and no strangers to treason. ibid.
Yorkshireman Thomas Percy would become the de facto number two. ibid.
Fawkes was broken on the rack. ibid.
The Saudi Government is still one of the major supporters of terrorism around the world. Wikileaks US diplomatic cable 20 October 2005
Serious investigation of the Salvadoran murders leads directly to Washington’s doorstep. Alan Naim
El Salvador is a democracy so it’s not surprising that there are many voices to be heard here. Yet in my conversations with Salvadorans ... I have heard a single voice. Dan Quayle
El Salvador: The results are something all Americans can be proud of. George Shultz
People are not just killed by death squads in El Salvador – they are decapitated and then their heads are placed on pikes and used to dot the landscape. Men are not just disembowled by the Salvadoran Treasury Police; their severed genitalia are stuffed into their mouths. Salvadoran women are not just raped by the National Guard, their wombs are cut from their bodies and used to cover their faces. It is not enough to kill children; they are dragged over barbed wire until the flesh falls from their bones while parents are forced to watch ... The aesthetics of terror in El Salvador is religion. Reverend Santiago
A Federal Grand Jury in Detroit today charged the thirteen top leaders of the Weathermen with plotting to bomb public buildings in Chicago, Detroit, New York and Berkeley, California. The Weathermen are the militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society. Green & Siegel, The Weather Underground 2002, news broadcast
Hello, I’m going to read a declaration of a state of war. ibid. Bernardine Dohrn
Revolution is touching all of our lives. Freaks are revolutionaries and revolutionaries are freaks. ibid.
There’s no way to be committed to non-violence in the middle of the most violent society that history has ever created. ibid.
Our country was murdering millions of people. ibid. Mark Rudd
This nation is in a state of turmoil perhaps unparalleled in our history. Poverty amidst wealth, widespread racism, and bewilderment over a strange war, are the seeds of the revolution. ibid. news report
We were entering an incredible period of revolution. ibid. Naomi Jaffe
In June 1969 the organisation Students for a Democratic Society held its annual convention at the Coliseum in Chicago ... Students joined SDS by the thousand. ibid.
The Weathermen took their name from the Bob Dylan lyric: You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. ibid.
A revolution is not a spectacle! There are no spectators! Everyone participates whether they know it or not. ibid. protest poster
Bring the War Home was our slogan. ibid. Weatherman
We felt that doing nothing in a period of repressive violence is itself a form of violence. That’s really the part that I think is the hardest for people to understand. If you sit in your house, live your white life and go to your white job, and allow the country that you live in to murder people and to commit genocide, and you sit there and you don’t do anything about it, that’s violence. ibid. Naomi Jaffe
They’re not romantic revolutionaries; they’re the same thugs and hoodlums that have always plagued the good people. ibid. Richard Nixon