Mark Miodownik TV - Boardwalk Empire TV - Alice Roberts TV - David Attenborough TV - Oceans TV - Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words TV - Arthur Miller & Death of a Salesman TV - Rie Oldenburg - Kenny Everett TV - Mark Williams TV - Benjamin Franklin - Confucius - Ancient Impossible TV -
With copper they could make strong tools better than they’d had before. Mark Miodownik, Metal: How It Works I, BBC 2017
Grab your tools and get to work. Boardwalk Empire s5e1: Golden Days For Boys and Girls, screw to Chalky White, HBO 2014
Our hands have changed because of something we’ve done ... The tools we have created have shaped our hands. Alice Roberts, Origins of Us 1/3: Bones BBC 2011
No group of animals living out of water have developed a wider range of techniques and indeed tools for collecting that food than the birds. David Attenborough, The Life of Birds IV: Meat-Eaters, BBC 1998
Brown-tufted capuchins combine manual dexterity with considerable intelligence. And they have learned to use tools: hammer-stones with which to open palm-nuts. Some of the stones are nearly half the weight of the monkey. Without tools opening these nuts would be an impossible task. Tool-using was a major breakthrough in primate evolution. David Attenborough, Life e10: Primates, BBC 2009
So here is a fish that uses tools. David Attenborough, Blue Planet II e1, BBC 2017
Chimps use up to twenty different types of tools. 60 Years in the Wild II: Understanding the Natural World, BBC 2012
These tools show how our ancestors learned to exploit the Red Sea. Oceans III: Red Sea, BBC 2008
Goodall’s revelation came when she observed for the first time chimps making and using tools. Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words 1/3 Human, All Too Human, BBC 2011
A man who can’t handle tools is not a man. Death of a Salesman 1985 ***** starring Dustin Hoffman & John Meldovich & Stephen Lang & Kate Reid & Charles Durning & Louis Zorich et al, director playwright Arthur Miller
The men would be taking care of their tools. Rie Oldenburg, ethnologist, re Inuit settlers of Greenland
Just before we start I’d like a say a few words about looking after your tools. The Kenny Everett Television Show, DIY man sketch, ITV 1981-88
Machine tools are the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution. Without them the spectacular feats of nineteenth century engineering would not have been possible. Mark Williams, More Industrial Revelations s2e10: Machine Tools, Discovery 2005
Man is a tool-making animal. Benjamin Franklin
The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. Confucius
What incredible power-tool might the ancient Egyptians have used to create this mysterious cylinder known as Core 7? What precision instruments did they have to create some of the greatest treasures of the ancient world? Who created the world’s first multi-tool? And an ancient Chinese machine that would start the world’s first industrial revolution. Ancient Impossible s1e6: Power Tools, H2 2014
The world’s first multitool was in fact invented by the Romans 1,800 years ago. ibid.