50 years ago, the British aristocrat Lord Lucan disappeared on the night that his children’s nanny was murdered. Since Lucan went on the run, British police and journalists have scoured the world looking for the fugitive Lord. Now a builder called Neil believes he’s found him. Lucan I, BBC 2024
Lucy died 50 years ago on that night. ibid. Friend
In 1979 I was asked to be involved in arranging for Lord Lucan’s children to go to visit him in Africa. ibid. friend
He [Aspinal] had arranged for him [Lucan] to go to Africa. ibid.
Scotland Yard had drawn up their own intelligence report. Written in 2002 it drew together credible intelligence that Lucan had got away to Africa. ibid. reporter Glen
This is the story of a son’s 17-year search for the truth. Lucan II
In October 2012, Neil’s collaborator, journalist Glen Campbell, went looking for John Crawford in Mozambique. And he brought in help. ibid.
On my birth certificate it is advertised as Derek Crowther. Lucan III ***** Lucan suspect
And the last image 88.5% match. ibid. Neil
Professor Hassan Ugail’s cutting-edge algorithm comes to the conclusion with high statistical probability that the man in Australia with five names IS Lord Lucan. ibid.
I’ve tracked him down again to a place near Bundaberg. ibid.
I looked straight at this bloke, and I knew straightaway – that’s Lord Lucan. I swear on my mother’s grave – that is Lord Lucan. ibid. John, with Neil
Five years before the murder: if he was on stage in Canada in 1969, how could he be Lord Lucan? ibid. Glen
We’ve got three facial recognition companies saying it’s Lucan. ibid. Neil