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Obese & Obesity
  Oak Island (I)  ·  Oak Island (II)  ·  Oakland  ·  Oath  ·  Obama, Barack  ·  Obelisk  ·  Obese & Obesity  ·  Obey & Obedience  ·  Objects  ·  Obligation  ·  Observation  ·  Obsession  ·  Occult  ·  Ocean  ·  Odds  ·  Offence & Offense & Offend  ·  Offer  ·  Office & The Office (TV)  ·  Ohio  ·  Oil  ·  Oklahoma  ·  Oklahoma Bombing  ·  Old & Old Age & Elderly  ·  Old Testament  ·  Olympics & Olympic Games  ·  Oman  ·  Opera  ·  Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File  ·  Operations & Projects  ·  Opinion & Opinion Polls  ·  Opioids & Opiates & Opium  ·  Opportunity  ·  Opposition  ·  Oppression  ·  Optimism  ·  Opus Dei  ·  Oral Sex  ·  Order  ·  Oregon  ·  Organisation  ·  Organise  ·  Orgasm  ·  Orthodox  ·  Orthodox Church  ·  Osiris  ·  Ossuary  ·  Ottomans & Ottoman Empire  ·  Ouija & Ouija Board  ·  Owe  ·  Oxycodone & Oxycontin  ·  Oxygen  

★ Obese & Obesity

Giving up sugar for good.  Saving lives during the pandemic.  The difficulty in losing weight and keeping it off.  And the drug that may provide an alternative to surgery … The UK has more overweight people than almost anywhere else in Europe.  Tonight: Giving Up Sugar For Good? II



Britain’s battle with its waistline: could a new drug be the new gamechanger required to turn the tide on obesity?  Are we pinning our hopes on another overhyped medical treatment?  Tonight: Fighting Fat: A Cure for Obesity? Deborah Cohen reporting, ITV 2022



‘Worldwide we’re looking at approximately 350 million people with diabetes.  There is no question that we’re in the midst of a diabetes epidemic.’  What the Health, Dr Robert Ratner, 2017


‘Processed meat is clearly linked to an increase in cancer.’  ibid.  television news


The World Health Organisation classifies processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen.  ibid.


Today with two thirds of Americans being overweight clearly there is a food issue: in the next 25 years one out of every three Americans will have diabetes.  ibid.


As destructive as diabetes is, it pales in comparison to heart disease … The leading cause of death around the world.  ibid.


‘The number one dietary source of cholesterol in America is chicken.’  ibid.  Dr Joel Kahn   


Countries with the highest diary consumption have the highest rates of osteoporosis.  ibid. 


How concerned do we need to be about drugs in our food?  ibid.


The very animals we were killing were killing us.  ibid.  



Today, the opium of the people of Shanghai is fast food … Now one in five Chinese children is overweight or obese.  Reggie in China III, BBC 2019



Things are really bad on the obesity frontline.  Rates in adults and in children have never been this high.  The first government strategy to tackled obesity was 30 years ago.  Yet despite hundreds of policies, they’ve never met their own targets.  Michael Mosley: Who Made Britain Fat? I, Channel 4 2022


GPs tell me they don’t have the resources to treat overweight patients. ibid.     


The Sugar Tax did have a real impact … At least the Sugar Tax itself is still in force.  ibid. 



Something which many kids eat almost every day; and that is very worrying because already more than 40% of 11-12-year-olds are overweight or obese.  And the problem is worse for kids who live in the most deprived areas.  For a burger for under a quid and a kid’s chicken box for £1.49 it’s no wonder.  I’ve come to Tower Hamlets in east London; here, 97% of resident live within a 10 minute walk of a fast food shop, and there are 42 chicken shops for every primary school … This is the infamous Chicken Mile.  Michael Mosley: Who Made Britain Fat? II



Like one in four people in Britain I’m living with obesity … Obesity puts our health at risk and the Covid pandemic has made it worse.  The government says we should slim down but that’s easier said than done.  I’ve been obese for most of my life regardless of how much exercise I did, what I ate, it just seemed to pile the weight on.  Panorama: Obesity: Who Cares If I’m Bigger, Clair Norris, actress, BBC 2020


Being severely obese can reduce your life expectancy by ten years and you can expect to spend nearly twenty more years in poorer health.  ibid. 


What I’ve discovered is that mental health does play a big part.  ibid.



Britain has an obesity crisis.  More than a quarter of adults are now obese.  A new generation of weight-loss drugs has now been hailed as a potential solution.  Panorama: Britain’s Obesity Crisis: Are Weight-Loss Drugs the Answer? BBC 2024


Are the new drugs the answer to the obesity crisis?  And are there any drawbacks?  ibid.



We’re in the grip of an obesity crisis.  Being overweight is now the norm, and around one in three adults in the UK is obese.  Now weight-loss jabs are promising to make a dramatic difference.  Panorama: Weight Loss Jabs & the NHS, BBC 2025



When we eat fat when happens inside us? ... Living without fat will affect their body and mind in unusual ways.  Dr Saleyha Ahsan, The Truth About Fat, BBC 2015



If you were born any time after the ‘80s, the odds are the entirety of your lived experience has been one of crisis.  Why the United States Can’t Handle Crisis, Youtube 16.17, Second Thoughts 2021


Obesity causes nearly one in five deaths in the US.  That’s a crisis.  ibid.  



The high-fat deep-fried food culture here is delicious.  But has deadly consequences … The United States is the world’s fattest developed nation.  Fault Lines: Fast Food, Fast Profits, Al Jazeera 2010


One in three Americans is expected to have diabetes by 2050.  ibid.