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In the face of death, he [Eichmann] had found the cliché used in funeral oratory.  Under the gallows, his memory played him the last trick; he was ‘elated’ and he forgot that this was his own funeral.  It was as though in those last minutes he was summing up the lesson that this long course in human wickedness had taught us – the lesson of the fearsome, word-and-thought-defying banality of evil.  Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem 1963 p252



And what if you tracked down these men and killed them?  What if you murdered all of us?  From every corner of Europe hundreds, thousands would rise to take our places.  Even Nazis can’t kill that fast.  Casablanca 1942 ***** starring Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman & Paul Henreid & Claude Rains & Conrad Veidt & Sydney Greenstreet & Peter Lorre & Curt Bois et al, director Michael Curtiz, Laszlo to Nazi



A murky world of fascist toffs, disaffected foreign aristocrats and spies.  Churchill and the Fascist Plot, Channel 4 2013


The Right Club would pose as big a threat to his [Churchill’s] position as Adolf Hitler.  ibid.


By January 1938 [Archibald] Ramsay had become a fanatical anti-Semite.  He was not alone.  ibid.


Archibald Ramsay was released in 1944.  He never changed his anti-Semitic views.  He died in 1955.  Anna Wolkoff was released in 1947.  She died in a car crash in 1983 while visiting a former Right Club member in Spain.  ibid.  caption



The Nazi belief in these ancestors was to form the foundation of Germany’s new religion.  A religion with Adolf Hitler as its High Priest.  Inspiring Hitler’s evil crusades was a belief that pure Aryan blood was being contaminated be so-called inferior races ... To prove their superiority the Nazis would leave no myth or religion unexplored.  In effect borrowing from any belief that could adapt to the Aryan cause.  As a foundation for this new faith Hitler needed to eliminate competing religions.  Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy      


From the ashes of World War One Adolf Hitler attempted to build a sinister new world order.  Led by a so-called race of Aryan supermen.  Spreading a reign of terror unlike any the world had ever known.  Many believed the Nazis conjured strange spirits and followed occult practices that had lain dormant in Europe for thousands of years.  Now documents prove that their beliefs were based on a perversion of ancient pagan law, a twisting of mythic battles between the forces of light and darkness.  ibid.


At the foundation of this new religion was an ancient cult legend that tells the story of a continent somewhere in the north Atlantic.  There lived a race of super-beings who had fallen from grace through evil and vice.  A great flood wiped these beings off the face of the Earth.  But before they could all be destroyed certain priests escaped by boat eventually finding their way to India and the high peaks of Tibet.  These escaped priests believed by mystics to be the original race of Aryan god-men were said to be the ancestors of all Indian and European people.  The land was called Atlantis.  ibid.      


With racist philosopher Alfred Rosenberg, Hess was a supporter of one of the more prominent groups – the Thule Society – which actively sought a Germany messiah.  And was dedicated to the revival of a so-called Aryan master race.  ibid.


Hitlers bid for power began on November 9th 1923 with an attempted overthrow of the Bavarian government.  Leading a private army called Stormtroopers he launched a surprise attack on a beer hall where government leaders were meeting.  With Hess and Rosenberg at his side, Hitler brashly announced the formation of a new government.  Then took to the streets marching three thousand Stormtroopers through Munich.  They were confronted by police; shots were fired, and sixteen of Hitlers men were killed.  It was a failed coup.  But in the ten years before Hitler seized power the sixteen would become martyrs.  ibid.   


The Grail Legend: [Karl] Rahm believed it [The Grail] was hidden in the caves of southern France.  Himmler was drawn to Rahms knowledge of the occult.  And his life-long pursuit of the Grail ... Rahm would continue his quest for the Holy Grail only now as a knight of the Nazi Party.  Himmler personally funded Rahms expeditions.  ibid.      


The May Pole festival initially accepted as a celebration of fertility was transformed into a show of nationalism and military strength.  ibid.


This led Himmler to establish a top-secret institute dedicated to the ancient occult practice of pendulum dowsing.  Over maps of the north Atlantic clairvoyants would swing an object suspended from a string attempting to locate the position of Allied convoys.  German U-boat missions were dispatched based on the results.  ibid.      



Our language lacks words to express this offence, the demolition of a man.  Primo Levi, If This is a Man 1958, re year in Auschwitz



All knowledge is limited.  It’s an irony of history that at the very time this was being worked out, there should arise under Hitler and Germany and giants elsewhere a counter-conception, a principle of monstrous certainty.  When the future looks back on the 1930s, it will think of them as a crucial confrontation of culture as I have been expounding it – The Ascent of Man.  Against the throwback of despotic belief to the notion that they have absolute certainty.  Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man 11/13: Knowledge or Certainty ***** BBC 1973


There are two parts to the human dilemma: one is the belief that the end justifies the means, that push-button philosophy that deliberate deafness to suffering has become the monster in the war machine.  The other is the betrayal of the human spirit, the assertion of dogma that closes a mind and turns a nation of civilisation into a regiment of ghosts.  ibid.


When people believe that they have absolute knowledge with no test in reality this is how they behave.  This is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods.  ibid.



Could there be a more sinister explanation?  There is a new trail of evidence that leads back to secret Nazi technology.  And a post-war conspiracy to keep UFOs a mystery to this day.  Nazi UFO Conspiracy, Discovery 2008 


There is another theory: that what we now call UFOs got their start in World War II inside Hitler’s Germany.  A new investigation reveals that Nazi engineers were working on disc-shaped craft, vertical take-off and advanced propulsion systems.  After the war the US military secretly took the designs back the States, along with thousands of German scientists and engineers.  Two years later in 1947 the first wave of US sightings occurs across the United States, and then around the world.  ibid.


Hitler orders the deaths of sixty-two scientists working on the Bell Project.  ibid.


Wright-Patterson: headquarters of Project Paperclip.  ibid.


This confirmation of German saucer tests wasn’t the only link between the Avrocar and Nazi Germany ... Frost was leaning heavily on German know-how.  ibid.


In 1965 a UFO crashes in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.  It is reportedly bell-shaped.  ibid.



They [Nazis] used occult symbols.  And the Bell was supposedly covered in occult symbols.  Jerry Smith, author Roswell: The Nazi Connection



Almost all my life I’ve heard stories that the Nazis had obtained a flying saucer.  And I do believe the Nazis were in touch with non-human intelligences.  That gave them the advanced technology that they developed right up to the end of the war. Jim Marrs, author Rise of the Fourth Reich