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Nazis: Hitler, Adolf (II)
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★ Nazis: Hitler, Adolf (II)

An estimated 60 million lives were lost during World War II, the most destructive conflict in human history.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial I: Origin of Evil, caption, Netflix 2024


The historic Nuremberg Trial marked the first time national leaders were prosecuted by an international tribunal for war crimes.  ibid.


And not only the German leaders had no sense of responsibility, there was not a word said by any of them when they were arrested of being sorry for their crimes.  ibid.  William Shirer    


How quickly they have become broken miserable men.  ibid.


Germany in 1918 is turned into a liberal democracy.  ibid.  historian  


Hitler suddenly revealed a ferocious energy and drive.  All the warped ideas which had been bubbling in his strange mind since the lonesome days of hunger in Vienna now found an outlet.  ibid.  Shirer  


He talks about making Germany great again.  ibid.  historian  


For Hitler, war was not an if, but when.  ibid. 


He [Shirer] starts to question how this mass movement came about and how it captured the German people so effectively.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial II: The Third Reich Rises


The Weimar Republic was a progressive liberal democracy.  ibid.  historian  


The Hitler myth: this was the idea that Germany needed a saviour.  ibid.


And it is this common ground between the traditional right and the new far right that helps bring the Nazis into power.  ibid.  


I have set myself a goal: namely to sweep the 30 political parties out of Germany.  ibid.


To my surprise I found that few Germans seemed to mind that their individual liberties had been taken away, and they seemed strangely unaware of how Hitler was tricking them.  ibid.  Shirer       


The Night of the Long Knives was a turning point in the history of Nazi Germany.  ibid.  historian  


Triumph of the Will opens with Hitler flying above the clouds and descending to Nuremberg.  ibid.  


They easily believed anything he [Hitler] said.  ibid.  Shirer   



Hitler was in such a powerful position after the consolidation of the Nazi regime that he [Hitler] could afford to spend weeks, months, away at his holiday resort on the Berghof.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial III: Hitler in Power, historian


Membership of the Hitler Youth became compulsory.  ibid.


In 1935 Hitler and the Nazis attempt to codify the status of Jews in Germany.  ibid.


They introduce conscription in 1935.  ibid.     


German Troops Enter Rhineland.  ibid.  Evening Standard headline Saturday 7th March 1936  


Four-year plan: Germany must be ready for war within the next four years.  ibid.  historian   


Hitler wasn’t interested at all in bureaucratic procedure.  ibid.


Hitler is eyeing Austria hungrily in his preparations for war.  ibid.


The German troops are greeted as heroes.  ibid.


We flew over the Alps to Switzerland: sanity, civilisation, freedom after the barbarian Nazi nightmare.  ibid.  Shirer


No-one can say that Adolf Hitler did not give full warning of the barbaric world he intended to make.  ibid.  



For Hitler and the Nazis it is to put more pressure on Jews to leave.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial IV: The Road to Ruin, historian


A few months after the Munich Agreement, Hitler moves in and takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia.  ibid.   


The Poles began to realise they were next on the menu.  ibid.


There were a number of false flag operations staged along the border to make it look as if the Poles had attacked Germany.  ibid.  


Hitler and Stalin had agreed they would carve up Poland.  ibid.


War for Hitler was a fundamental human activity.  ibid.


He’s going to have to plunder, he’s going to have to steal.  ibid.


The Nazis enslaved over 12 million people across Europe.  Many German firms including Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Hugo Boss and Volkswagen greatly benefitted from the use of slave labour.  ibid.  caption 


Germany v Russia: The largest military confrontation in history.  ibid.  historian



Hitler declares war on the United States.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial V: Crimes Against Humanity, historian   


They are out not only only to conquer our world but to smash it … They will stop at nothing.  ibid.  William Shirer


In September the elements start coming into play … There is the mud period … and then comes the winter.  ibid.  historian     


1941 Kiev: They retaliate by calling upon the remaining Jewish population, 33,000 men, women and children to assemble, and those people are led to a ravine …  ibid. 


They use alcohol to compensate.  ibid.


It would taken ten, twenty minutes for people to die.  ibid.      


Not a word of sympathy or grief [Hitler] … This was a man now doomed, and by his own folly.  ibid.  Shirer


Oh take a look.  Jews are frying now.  We couldn’t do much to help them.  ibid.  woman witness to ghetto pogrom  


He [Hitler] always overestimated the power and resources of Germany.  ibid.  Evans  


Although he had escaped death by a miracle, Adolf Hitler was never the same after July 20th 1944 … His language grew increasingly violent … This was the beginning of the end.  ibid.  Shirer



Every day a German factory town is pounded to rubble … the fate of the Germany that used to be.  Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial VI: The Reckoning, Shirer


Hitler was convinced right to the end that he would win this war.  ibid.  historian       


He believed above all in himself.  ibid.  Evans


They [Russians] began to rape women on an extraordinary scale.  ibid.


Ultimately, he doesn’t care about the human beings he is playing with.  ibid.  historian


He refused to visit bombed-out families.  ibid.  Evans  


He began showing symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.  ibid.  



Wolfsschanze, the Wolf’s lair, Hitler’s former headquarters in East Prussia now preserved in Poland.  It was here 35 years ago on July 20th 1944 the attempt by Claus von Stauffenberg took place to put an end to the Nazi tyranny.  If Stauffenberg’s bomb had achieved its aim, who knows how many lives would have been saved … Men who had become traitors to Hitler.  Inside Story: Traitors to Hitler, BBC 1979


Hitler ordered that the conspirators be brought before a special session of the People’s Court.  ibid.  


Roland Freisler: Thwarted in his ambition to become Minister of Justice, from 1937 to 1944 he sentenced over 5,000 people to death as the red-robed president of the People’s Court.  ibid.     


So I conclude it as [Major General Henning von] Tresckow’s idea but carried out by Stauffenberg.  ibid.  court interrogation


A special July 20th Commission … were horrified at the extent of the conspiracy.


Witzleben had been retired in 1942 but he remained an active conspirator.  ibid.


To kill Hitler or arrest him  it was an acute moral dilemma for many of the conspirators including the man who would have become the new Chancellor of Germany if the coup had succeeded, Carl Goerdeler.  ibid.



May 10th 1940, an extraordinary coincidence: the same day Hitler launches his lightning war on Europe, Churchill is named Prime Minister of Great Britain, as if fate had a hand in the decision.  Hitler & Churchill: The Eagle & The Lion I, History 2024 


Between 1940 and 1945 Hitler and Churchill devoted every minute of their existence to the other’s destruction.  ibid.


These larger-than-life leaders seem to fuse with their nations.  ibid.  


The two intrepid soldiers distinguished themselves on the battlefield.  ibid.



Churchill finds himself isolated, facing an army that has already vanquished a large portion of Europe  Churchill refuses to surrender.  Hitler & Churchill: The Eagle & The Lion II     


These two diametrically opposed enemies will do battle and both promise their people victory.  ibid.  


Hitler has made a terrible mistake: changing his military objectives allowed the Royal Air Force to regroup and go on the offensive.  ibid.  


Hitler begins his fall.  He becomes more and more mystical and inscrutable.  ibid.