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★ Nazca & Nazca Lines

Nazca & Nazca Lines: see Peru & South America & Giants & Aliens & Ancient Astronaut Theory & Archaeology

Chris White - Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked 2012 - Ancient Aliens TV - Andrew Marr TV - Erich von Daniken - In Search of … Ancient Astronauts TV 1973 TV - The Outer Space Connection TV - In Search of … Ancient Aviators 1977 TV - Giorgio A Tsoukalos & In Search of Aliens TV - Gerald Hawkins - Weird Travels: Signs TV - Chris Everard - Arthur C Clarke TV - The Nazca Lines Mystery TV - Alien Contact Investigated TV - Olly Steeds TV - David Childress - Ancient X Files TV - Viktoria Nikitzki - History's Greatest Mysteries TV - Graham Hancock TV -   




Nazca Lines … the lines are sometimes several miles long … it would be a pretty inefficient spacecraft if it took fifteen miles for it to take off, or in the alternate explanation, if it needed to drag on the ground for fifteen miles before it stopped.  Chris White, Ancient Aliens Thoroughly Debunked, 2012      


The way they were made is pretty well known.  ibid.



A new theory emerged: that aliens visited Earth in antiquity and were regarded as gods.  Ancient Aliens pilot episode Chariots, Gods & Beyond with Erich von Daniken


Chariots of the Gods attempts to prove that alien explorers had visited the Earth thousands of years ago.  ibid. 


You have to fly over  the [Nazca] signs are made for somebody who flies.  ibid.  Daniken



Also located in Peru are the famous Nazca lines.  While the origins of these ancient geoglyphs remain a mystery the area in which the lines are located suggests a major excavation took place there, perhaps hundreds of centuries ago.  Ancient Aliens: The Mission s1e3, History 2010


The so-called Band of Holes located in the Pisco Valley is a complete mystery ... The holes are about three feet apart and measure six to seven feet in depth.  There are thousands of them.  ibid.



Peru: The Nazca were a deeply religious and spiritual people.  Ancient Aliens s3e8: Aliens and Lost Worlds, History 2011


Nazca Lines: A series of enormous geoglyphs or ground drawings on to the desert floor.  The great geoglyphs are composed of dozens of spirals, triangle and trapezoids, as well as miles of zigzagging lines.  Huge drawings depict a humming bird, a spider, a killer whale and a human figure with owl-like eyes.  ibid.



Intricate diagrams carved into the surface of the Earth.  Massive depictions of animals and strange beings seen best from the sky.  And bizarre elongated skulls found all over the world.  Are the mysterious geoglyphs of Nazca really just artistic creations by ancient man, or are they evidence of other-worldly visitors in the distant past?  Ancient Aliens s5e8: Beyond Nazca, History 2013


Southern Peru 1927: What appeared to be a large network of ancient roads carved into the earth.  ibid.  


The lines were formed by the careful removal of the reddish iron-oxide pebbles that make up the desert’s surface.  ibid.


Why did the Nazca people make these elaborate massive drawings?  ibid.  


In the 13th century the Inca empire thrived in the Andes mountains of South America.  According to legend, the mysterious Incan creator god Viracocha commissioned the Nazca lines and glyphs in the distant past.  ibid. 


One of Nazca’s most mysterious figures, one that has become known as El Astronauto.  ibid.



Other-worldly visitors who made contact with early civilisations, teachers who came from light-years away, and powerful entities revered as sky-gods and star-beings. Ancient Aliens: Origins s1e3: Sky Gods & Sky Beings, History 2025


In culture after culture our ancestors tell us that visitors from the sky descended to impart knowledge.  ibid.  Giorgio  


Cahuachi, Peru: 2,000 years ago this ancient settlement served as the religious and cultural capital of the Nazca people.  ibid.   



The Nazca were great engineers and artists.  Andrew Marr’s History of the World III, BBC 2012



You fly over this desert and you see some lines.  The lines look like airstrips ... So I asked the Russian University, Please take some samples of this: what is this?  And they analysed it in their big microscope, and out comes  crystalline glass ... The next step would be digging.  And we are not permitted.  Nazca is like a holy place.  Nobody may change or do anything.  Erich von Daniken, author Chariots of the Gods?



The giant drawings must have been directed by someone hovering high above.  In Search of … Ancient Astronauts, 1973


Nazca: a remote desert plain in the Peruvian Andes may hold the key to an ancient puzzle.  On January 5th 1973 we reported the possibility that the lines and figures etched on the mysterious plain, market the site of a landing made by astronauts thousands of years ago.  Since then, the strange drawings visible only from the air have been photographed by aerial survey, satellite and the Skylab astronauts.  ibid.


There are marks that have been left by past civilisations to indicate the presence on Earth of explorers who came across the divide of space.  Did those colonists inspire the legends of gods who came from the skies?  ibid.



They have been to Earth and left their mark in many ways in many places.  Figures etched on the plain of Nazca tell a story of explorers from outer space.  The Outer Space Connection, 1975



On a desolate plain near the Peruvian Andes is evidence that thousands of years ago man may have known how to fly.  Huge drawings are etched in the ground; they make sense only when viewed from a great height.  Miles of what look like modern runways score the desert.  In Search of s1e3 … Ancient Aviators, 1977  



Looking at Nazca from the air, it looks like an airport.  Giorgio A Tsoukalos, Legendary Times magazine



The Band of Holes ... here thousands of holes of varying dimensions and depths have been dug into the Earth in an interesting pattern.  In Search of Aliens: The Mystery of Nazca s1e9


So many of the native people ... had large elongated skulls.  ibid.



The longest line on record that I personally know about is about twenty to twenty-two miles long.  And they can go even further than that.  And they are perfectly straight.  There are triangles.  There are radiating triangles.  And there are zig-zags.  In fact it is a maze and it is quite a problem to begin to study this textbook on the surface of the desert.  Gerald Hawkins, American astronomer, six expeditions to map the desert floor



I dont see any errors here.  Gerald Hawkins



Here we have a spider – and that line does indeed point to Orion.  Here we have a condor bird – and this line does indeed point to the rising of the sun at mid-summer and mid-winter.  Gerald Hawkins.



Whatever these lines point to, it is going to be a mixture – there is no one particular object.  The only thing that connects the lines together is that they probably point to god objects, and they probably are pathways connected with these gods.  And so the only common denominator is that these are pathways to the gods.  Gerald Hawkins



Its one of the driest most sparsely populated places on Earth, and home to one of the Earths most spectacular puzzles: the Nazca Lines.  Just over 80 years ago locals and visitors alike had no idea these lines existed.  Though scholars date these lines and figures to between 200 B.C. and 600 A.D.  Weird Travels: Signs, Travel 2005



Nazca in Peru is one of the largest archaeological sites in the world.  Thousands of earthworks have been etched into the rock of the Nazca desert.  The summits of entire mountains have been scraped away to make space for parallel lines and giant pictograms of creatures which can only be seen from the air.  Skeletons with elongated skulls like a grey alien have been found near Nazca.  Chris Everard, Secret Space II


Dutch geometrist Gilbert de Jong has detected zodiac symbols in the Nazca Mandala.  ibid.



A fantastic picture-book of shapes and lines.  Lines so strange and enigmatic that some have imagined they served as an airport built for ancient astronauts.  Arthur C Clarkes Mysterious World



They are a mystical wonder of the world.  Immense etchings in the desert floor that can only be truly appreciated from the air.  Yet the Nazca lines were crafted up to a thousand years before aircraft were invented.  Enormous animals, people and geometric shapes covering hundreds of square kilometres.  The Nazca Lines Mystery


Their civilisation thrived for almost a thousand years.  But by the year 700 A.D. the Nazca had vanished.  Their magnificent lines were the only obvious sign that they had ever existed.  Why did they craft these vast geometric lines and intricate animal designs in the desert floor?  Now new grim evidence is emerging from under the arid desert soil.  Evidence that points to ritual sacrifice and slaughter – perhaps the last resort of a desperate people trying to save their civilisation.  ibid.


Today scientists believe that the lines were built as open-air temples to pray for water and survival.  But the puzzle of Nazca is far from solved.  Every year new geoglyphs are discovered, more than sixty in recent times.  ibid. 



Here in the Peruvian desert about 400 kilometres south of Lima is a plain covering nearly 322 square kilometres.  It contains a series of perfectly straight lines.  This grand geometric form is on a scale so large it can only be truly appreciated from the air.  The longest line goes 15 kilometres across the plain.  And around the lines are strange symbols and pictures of beasts.  Alien Contact Investigated