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★ Island

And then it became the drugs capital of Europe.  Ibiza Narcos I: Disorganised Crime, observer, Sky Documentaries 2024


You soon realised it can be quite dark.  Gangsters, cartels, people big and strong enough to kick the fuck out of you.  ibid.  


A lot of hash smoking, a lot of acid being taken.  ibid.  early days


This was the start of the party island Ibiza was to become … The hippies were the ones who started the party scene.  ibid.   


Organised groups from France, England, Italy, they see a market, they come and take the market.  ibid.      


At the beginning the mafias were more hidden.  ibid.


They started spending money in Ibiza in an exaggerated way … We are able to see that problems are coming.  ibid.  


People started talking about this new drug  ecstasy.  ibid.    


The police targeted the hippies originally, even though the professional crime groups had started to come in, because they were easy targets.  ibid.



You could see by the way the clubs were developing, and the drugs scene was growing, that it was all gonna explode.  Ibiza Narcos II: No Sleep Till Wednesday, observer   


The rave scene was just about people who wanted to escape their lives.  ibid.


Ibiza was the best place on earth to take party drugs.  ibid.  


People started to get greedy, and things started to change.  ibid.   


Before we all came, the island was this beautiful, lovely spot.  We were the one who brought all of this club life to Ibiza.  ibid.


Ibiza is a land of inconsistencies.  As I kid I loved it.  ibid.  


None of these has been as dramatic, as drastic, and with devastating consequences as mass tourism.  To arrive in the morning and see the rivers of vomit and urine in the streets.  ibid.  islander  


It’s a pity because they were almost always young.  ibid.  Rozzer


I realised that I was damaging my mind.  ibid.  hardcore pill-taker  


The more money you were making, the more cocaine you did.  ibid.  geezer    



You come here, you are in paradise.  Ibiza Narcos III: Giving It the Absolute Big ’Un, early club promoter


If you didn’t die, you had a story to tell next day.  ibid.


Sometimes one bullet is better than twenty words.  ibid.  old-time gangster


Cocaine brought with it a new, colder type of criminal.  ibid.  journalist


Ibiza was a very loving place.  But I never went nowhere without guns and knives.  ibid.  gangster