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★ Internment

Internment: see Concentration Camp & Custody & Detention & Prison & Police & Northern Ireland & World War II & South Africa & Kenya & Arrest & Law & Court & Trial & Justice & Injustice & War on Terror & Iraq & US Empire & Control & Captivity & Totalitarianism & China & United States of America & Soviet Union

Jeremy Paxman TV - The World at War TV - Margery - Massacre at Ballymurphy TV - Andrew Marr TV - Xavier Becerra - Taking Liberties TV - Mark Thomas TV - George Takei - Scott Fujita - Michele Bachmann - Aya Nakamura - Dewitts Final Report TV - New York Post online - Ken Burns TV - Mark Steel - Paul Foot - Fergal Keane - Peter Barton - The Fifth Estate TV - Bobby Sands: 66 Days TV - Wartime Crime TV - The Troubles: A Secret History TV - Panorama: How to Brainwash a Million People TV - Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland TV -    




The authorities rounded up Mau Mau suspects thousands at a time herding them into vast internment camps.  Jeremy Paxman, Empire V: Doing Good, BBC 2012



More than a hundred thousand Japanese Americans were interned on mass, mostly those on the west coast.  Whereas the 600,000 German and Italian Americans were treated individually.  The World at War 7/26: On Our Way, ITV 1973



The worst point for me was going into camp and not knowing when we were going to get out.  Margery, American-Japanese



9th August 1971 The first day of internment: ‘The army rolled into all the Catholic areas and raided houses of a list.  People were just dragged from their beds … There was whole families were arrested and held in internment.’  Massacre at Ballymurphy, Channel 4 2018  



Over ten thousand men and women of Italian and German and Austrian origin were interned here [the Isle of Man].  Andrew Marr, The Making of Modern Britain, BBC 2009



Britain was confronted by the single most violent act on British soil since the war.  After the arrival of British troops in Northern Ireland in 1969 there had been increasing violence in the province.  When Edward Heath introduced Internment without trial for suspected terrorists, tension reached boiling point.  On the 30th January 1972 a protest march was planned by the nationalist Catholic community of Londonderry or Derry ... From behind the barricades the orders went out to the Paras, Go and get ’em, and good luck ... And then it started: in barely thirty minutes thirteen civilians were dead ... Five of them were shot in the back ... The events around Bloody Sunday remain hotly disputed territory ... Before Bloody Sunday the IRA was comparatively puny and after it the violence spread in all directions.  Within months an IRA bombing campaign was terrorising the mainland.  Andrew Marr, The Making of Modern Britain



February 19 1942 is the year in which Executive Order 9066 was signed, and this was the order that called for the exclusion and internment of all Japanese Americans living on the west coast during World War II.  Xavier Becerra 



In 1971 the British government tried to crush the IRA by bringing in a law called Internment.  This meant the government could detain suspected terrorists without charge.  But it completely backfired.  Taking Liberties, 2007 



You have one judge, no jury – boof!  You’re off!  And that was a massive recruitment for Republicans.  Massive recruitment.  There’s natural injustice.  Mark Thomas, interview Taking Liberties          



I spent my boyhood behind the barbed wire fences of American internment camps and that part of my life is something that I wanted to share with more people.  George Takei



I look at my grandparents and what they dealt with in the Japanese internment in Arizona.  That sense of perseverance, of making the best out of an incredibly bad situation, has always been something I drew inspiration from.  I always ask myself, What in the world do I have to complain about?  Scott Fujita



77,387.  If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the Census Bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps.  Michele Bachmann



77,388.  Finally getting out of the camps was a great day.  It felt so good to get out of the gates, and just know that you were going home ... finally.  Home wasn’t where I left it though.  Getting back, I was just shocked to see what had happened, our home being bought by a different family, different decorations in the windows; it was our house, but it wasn’t any more.  It hurt not being able to return home, but moving into a new home helped me I believe.  I think it helped me to bury the past a little, to, you know, move on from what had happened.  Aya Nakamura, November 2000



The Japanese race is an enemy race and while many second and third generation Japanese born on United States soil possessed of US citizenship have become ‘Americanized’ the racial strains are undiluted.  It then follows that along the vital Pacific Coast over 112,000 potential enemies, of Japanese extraction, are at large today.  There are indications that these were organized and ready for concerted action at a favorable opportunity.  The very fact that no sabotage has taken place to date is a disturbing and confirming indication that such action will be taken.  DeWitt’s Final Report: Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast 1942 and government’s brief to Supreme Court defending Executive Order 9066



October 4 2001: America’s new wall of homeland security is creating a big demand for calls to hold suspects and illegal aliens who might be rounded up.  Stocks of private companies that build and operate prisons for governments have zoomed as high as 300% in anticipation of internment camps and new prisons.  


‘Unfortunately, these are becoming good investments,’ said James McDonald, a private security analyst at First Analyst Securities.  New York Post online article Paul Tharp



Roosevelt had ordered some 110,000 Japanese aliens and American citizens of Japanese descent living along the West Coast out of their homes and into ten internment camps.  Ken Burns, The War: A Helluva War, PBS 2007



Until I read War and an Irish Town by Eamonn McCann and saw how the first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland had declared a ‘Protestant land for a Protestant people’.  How the Catholics were effectively denied the vote.  How the B Special Police had been formed from Protestant gangs.  How the Special Powers Act was considered draconian even by President Vorster of South Africa.  How the army interned hundreds of Catholics, breaking down doors and dragging men away in front of screaming kids, with no formal arrest and no trial.  Mark Steel, Reasons to be Cheerful 



In the streets a score or more of people have been killed, most of them from the nationalist section of the population.  Already, thousands of people are streaming in terror out of Belfast into primitive refugee camps in Southern Ireland.


The British government claims that it has had to introduce internment – imprisonment without trial – in order to ‘clear out the murderers’.  The British press has backed up Heath and [Reginald] Maudling by continual talk of ‘terrorists’.


Most of the killing, however, has been carried out not by the IRA but by the British army and the bigoted thugs in the Orange Order.  Paul Foot, Brian Trench, Jimmy Grealy and Chris Harman August 1971, Army Reign of Terror



Ireland remained neutral ... Germans bailing out over the South were interned.   Fergal Keane, The Story of Ireland 5/5: Age of Nations, BBC 2011



Internment … hundreds of allegations of Allied brutality.  Peter Barton, The Somme 1916 – From Both Sides of the Fence I: First Day – Erster Tag, BBC 2016



Out of the past, a secret plan to lock up thousands of Canadians whose crime was their support for radical ideas … a programme so draconian it even shocked the politician supposedly in charge of it.  A tale of paranoid security from yesterday that resonates with activists today.  The Fifth Estate: Enemies of the State, CBC 2010


Its work conducted for the most part by undercover cops and spies.  It’s about a shocking programme that we’d never heard about until recently.  A secret scheme that was in place for more than thirty years.  It’s a story about how people in authority were prepared to use fear to justify repression in the name of public safety.  ibid.  


1950: A secret gathering in Ottowa … In the time of crisis  a preemptive strike against people deemed to be the enemies of Canadian democracy … The plan was called Profunc  targeting prominent functionaries and groups believed to be pro-Soviet ... approved in its broadest outlines by the government of Canada.  ibid.   


Canada has its own dark history of internments … It didn’t take much to get on the list of targets.  ibid.  



1981 Belfast Northern Ireland: The conflict in Northern Ireland seems to be just on and on in a relentless cycle of violence, and then suddenly in 1981 it took the strangest darkest most dramatic twist when Bobby Sands and 9 of his young comrades insisting they be recognised as political prisoners went on hunger strike.  Bobby Sands: 66 Days, BBC 2017


‘The march in West Belfast was the first test of public support for this second republican hunger strike.’  ibid.  television news   


‘There was no-one to save us but the boys … At 18 and a half I joined the Provos.’  ibid.  Sands  


In 1920 Irish Republican Terence MacSwiney, the Lord Mayor of Cork, began a hunger strike against his imprisonment without trial by the British government.  ibid.


After four years in the Long Kesh Internment Camp Bobby Sands was released in 1976.  ibid.


By 1976 over 1,500 lives had been lost in the conflict.  ibid.


When Bobby Sands returned in prison in 1976 special category status had been abolished.  ibid.