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Illuminati (I)
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★ Illuminati (I)

Aleister Crowley: ‘After I am dead people will say I gave birth to the 20th century.’  Chris Everard, The Illuminati II, Youtube 1.54.32


The USA are sacrificing children for oil.  ibid.  


If you wish to search for the Anti-Christ, I suggest you start at the Pentagon.  ibid.


If you look at an aerial picture of the Pentagon you’ll see that it’s a pentagon inside a pentagon inside a pentagon inside a pentagon.  And this is symbolic ... The death management centre is the Pentagon.  ibid.


‘I have met with the Anti-Christ … He is cruel and intrepid.  He frightened me.’  ibid.  Adolf Hitler, 1938  


The Book of Revelation warns of an age of destruction where planet Earth will be writhing in pain like a mother giving birth.  The Book of Revelation prophecies the birth of the Anti-Christ, who will emerge to wield great political power across the planet.  The plan of the Anti-Christ is very simple: Famine, Plague, War, Total Annihilation of all living creatures.  There will not be just one Anti-Christ.  ibid.   


Still to this day it is unclear who exactly wrote the Holy Bible.  But in the Bible texts we see that the Anti-Christ will seek to kill the coming second messiah.  This will be done apparently by mass killings of children around the world.  ibid.


Politicians are advancing a global plan.  The plan of the Anti-Christ.  This is the doctrine of Lucifer, which Freemasons, Knights Templar, and members of the Illuminati global network of secret societies follow.  Their goal is the total spiritual and ecological destruction of the world.  ibid.     


The Illuminati is a global network of witch covens, black magicians and Freemasons.  They use a secret code of numbers and words to communicate the plan to one another.  They hold rituals right in the heart of the British parliament and Washington DC.  The Illuminati have designed the United States as the headquarters for their barbarous plan to bring about the apocalyptic prophecies of the Anti-Christ.  This film is the true story of the Luciferian elite.  The true history of the ancient Illuminati.  Who have created a global fascist dictatorship.  This is the true plan of those who serve the Anti-Christ.  ibid.


The Free Tibet campaign is a worldwide movement of volunteers who wish to highlight the illegal killings and imprisonment of Tibetan people.  The Free Tibet campaign displayed flags during the state visit of the Chinese premier in London.  The Free Tibet flags were confiscated by British police officers.  The peaceful protesters were often arrested and dragged away for no apparent reason; some were even assaulted and beaten by British police officers.  ibid.


Freemasonry is more than just a secret society.  Freemasonry is actually a religion.  Freemasons pray to a tri-pantheon god.  One facet of which is the warmongering Baal deity.  Freemasonry is the most popular cult religion amongst police officers, judges and barristers such as Mr Tony Blair.  ibid.


The spiritual master and head of state in Tibet is the Dalai Lama ... Even though the Dalai Lama is a man of peace, he speaks good English and is recognised for his statesmanship.  He was refused an audience with Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain.  However, the British Royal Family who have members that are active Freemasons greeted the leader of the murdering Communist Chinese government with a full state ceremony.  ibid.  


The Kabbalah is a collection of magical Jewish texts which were given to mankind via psychic communion with a fallen angel ... one of a pantheon of so-called fallen angels who serve the light-bringer Lucifer.  The Kabbalah describes the many angels and demons who inhabit the spiritual realm.  The Kabbalah gives Kabbalists a road-map called the Tree of Life, which explains how to invoke and communicate with these powerful spirits.  The magical information in the Kabbalah originates from Babylon and Ancient Egypt at the time of the pharaohs.  ibid.       


The collection of texts called the Kabbalah were eventually transcribed by Rabbi Isaac the Blind, in Provence, in the south of France, during the Twelfth Century.  For the first time in its six-thousand year history, the ancient magical techniques of invoking fallen demonic angels and killing someone using the evil eye were put down on paper.  The Kabbalistic writings of Isaac the Blind fell into the hands of a group of nine French noblemen.  These noblemen became known as the Knights Templar.  ibid.


The Knights Templar arrived in Palestine with one main goal: to stop the Muslims from gaining any knowledge about the Kabbalah.  Historical Islamic oral accounts from the twelfth century testify to a sickening crusade of plunder, torture, murder and sexual depravity.  The Knights Templar once they had discovered the magical teachings of the Kabbalah were dedicated utterly to destroying its origin so that they might hold its secrets exclusively.  ibid.   


The so-called Holy Grail is actually a set of higher magical teachings; it is not an object, but a piece of information.  Utterly Kabbalistic in its origin, the Holy Grail is the highest Kabbalistic secret.  That is that physical matter can be transformed molecule by molecule by the use of incantations of ancient Hebrew letters and numbers.  And that the nature of reality is really an illusion.  ibid.


After two-hundred years of Kabbalistic magic, and bloodthirsty crusades, wantonly murdering children, women, and engaging in ritualised sodomy, the French Knights Templar were rounded up, tortured and executed.  ibid.   


Many Knights Templar bribed their way out of prison and escaped to Scotland and the Mediterranean Island of Malta.  They first renamed themselves the Sovereign Knights of Malta.  And then after establishing trade routes to North America long before Christopher Columbus they re-emerged in Scotland calling themselves Freemasons.  All versions of freemasonry  Rosacrucianism, the Skull & Bones, the Palladian Right of freemasonry, Co-Masonry, Scottish Rite Masonry, the Ku Klux Klan, and Crowleys Ordo Templi Orientis  are derived from the original Kabbalistic rituals of the Knights Templar.  ibid. 


During the 1930s and the 1940s the OTO Lodge in California was headed by a brilliant young rocket designer called Jack Parsons.  Jack Parsons developed patented rocket technology which is still in use by NASA to this day.  NASA named a crater on the dark side of the moon in honour of Jack Parsons ... At night Jack Parsons would hold sex magic rituals in his house in Pasadena and initiate fellow scientists at the Los Alamos Atomic Bomb Laboratory ... Once installed as head of the OTO’s American operation, Jack Parsons conducted a giant satanic ritual aided by a fellow OTO member with the code-name Frater H ... So who was the mysterious Frater H?  None other than the author and inventor of the new cult religion of Scientology, Mr L Ron Hubbard.  Former initiate of Aleister Crowley’s OTO, Hubbard wrote a so-called sacred text called Dianetics, which now has an inspired following of evangelical millionaires in Hollywood.  ibid.


A golem is an artificially created humanoid usually made from dead human body parts, which is animated by the magician chanting incantations and mantras.  These magical voice sounds are what Kabbalists call Twilight Language.  ibid.


Alex Jones and his cameraman Mike Hanson infiltrated Bohemian Grove, a gigantic private forest owned by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco.  For 130 years the Bohemian Club has been holding rituals for 2 weeks each summer in a private 2,000-acre redwood forest.  ibid.


The Groves own internal annals brag that the Manhattan Project for the plan to create the A-bomb was hatched inside this building known as the Chalet.  The Strategic Defense Initiative, better known as Star Wars, and also the brain-child of Grove members, and was born inside the Chalet.  ibid.  Alex Jones


When it came to create the modern equivalent of the Philosophers Stone, to master alchemy at its highest level, changing one element into another, changing uranium into plutonium, one of the highest secrets of alchemy, where did the S1 Uranium Committee of the Manhattan Project meet?  Well, they of course consummated their alchemical knowledge in the Bohemian Grove.  Amongst ancient trees grown men listened to the manic laughter of Satan, wearing owl masks and black robes.  It was here at Bohemian Grove that the consummation of thousands of years of alchemical atomic research took place  nothing less than the birth of the bomb.  ibid.


American author Michael Hoffman in his book Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare speculates that the golem foetus may have been placed inside a giant 25-foot long, 12-feet in diameter canister which was photographed at the Los Alamos atomic bomb test range.  This mysterious canister was nicknamed Jumbo.  It was made of solid lead and cement.  It is conceivable that the foetus was placed in the centre of the canister, and then irradiated with the blast of the worlds first atomic bomb, thus infusing the demon child with what Kabbalists call the demonic force of atomic fire.  ibid.


Robert Oppenheimer and his Jewish scientists, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, named the first atomic bomb Trinity.  ibid.



The Bavarian Illuminati infiltrated the upper echelons of freemasonry.  Preaching a secret doctrine of a New World Order.  A global super-state where compassion and democracy would have no place.  Chris Everard, The Illuminati III


Masonic lodges existed in several royal palaces.  Most notably in Kensington Palace which was home to the Royal Alpha Lodge.  ibid.



The American and British war machines are commanded by men who have all sworn allegiance to the murderous demon gods of the Illuminati.  Chris Everard



In recent times an evil group of people who communicate with the spirits of baphomets and demons have been destroying the very spirit of planet Earth.  This global network of black magicians, Satanists, Luciferians and occultists are called the Illuminati.  Chris Everard, Spirit World I


The Illuminati control most of the world’s corporations.  They are collectively destroying the bio-diversity of planet Earth, hurling mankind into a permanent state of fear.  Disconnecting us from the knowledge of our higher spiritual self.  ibid.



The 9/11 attack on America was so much like a formula action-packed Hollywood disaster movie that it had Made in the USA written all over it.  The only difference is it used real props and real people.  Ring of Power I: 9/11: The Untold Story, 2008


Put options bet on the decline of 9/11-related airline and insurance stocks sky-rocketed by a whopping 600% just before 9/11.  ibid.


When George W Bush started his first oil company, who helped fund it?  Osama bin Laden’s brother and brother-in-law.  ibid.  


The Bush administration ignored all of the advance warnings of the 9/11 attack.  ibid.  


Why were they in Florida instead of Boston the night before their suicide flight?  ibid.   


In less than forty-eight hours the names and mugshots of nineteen accused Muslims were flashed across TV screens.  ibid.  


It has since been proven that the Anthrax came from a US Army lab and was never mailed by Muslims.  ibid.  


Zionist extremists believe that Hebrew Jews are God’s chosen people with a God-given right to the land of Israel.  ibid.


60 Eastern-looking Israel men who were also taken into custody and held under great secrecy.  ibid.