Their woman [Clinton] didn’t make it and so much was riding on her. ibid.
That’s what’s extraordinary about this: Trump has got this far. ibid.
Obama came in in a blaze of imagery … He managed to con the African-American population … He took the entire top bureaucracy of the Pentagon … and transferred them … Obama was almost perfect: of course he was a disaster for the rest of the world. ibid.
People are aware … but they don’t know what to do about it. ibid.
He [Trump] clearly has a problem with China. ibid.
Austerity is applied globally … A kind of Darwinian economics … Those in the bottom are discarded. John Pilger, Going Underground Special, interview RT 2018, Youtube 26.41
Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power ... It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth but the wealth of the whole world.
To achieve this they were perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were committed to overthrow all existing governments and the establishment of a central world-wide dictatorship. W Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist 1970
The word Government actually appears in the Treaty in this context for the first time that I’ve ever seen it ... All in the name of saving the planet for a problem we know is not really a problem. That’s exactly their ambition. They want nothing less than total world domination, to use the old phrase ... They want it by a stealthy bureaucratic coup-d’état. Christopher Monckton, interview Alex Jones, re Treaty of Copenhagen
Accordingly, globalisation is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes. Ulrich Beck
I realised that this was part of a bigger project: a project that the British political elite were engaged in along with the elites from the other European countries – and that was to take something that we’d been told was common market – the European Economic Community – but actually, surreptitiously, without ever telling the truth or giving anyone a say, to turn that into a political union ... We have a political class across the world that are basically aiming for a form of global governance. Nigel Farage, interview Alex Jones December 2009
As Globalisation threatens France with austerity ... Marine le Pen: ‘The European Union, we can see today, has been a total failure.’ Quell Catastrophe! France with Robert Peston: This World, BBC 2015
The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a ‘League of Nations’ or a ‘Federated Union’ to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the ‘New International Order’, ‘The New World Order’, ‘World Union Now’, ‘World Commonwealth of Nations’, ‘World Community’ etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual. Excerpt from Memorial addressed to House of Bishops, House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of Protestant Episcopal Church General Convention October 1940
I have covered over seventy global meetings ... Everything is in place for a world government structure. We have a global body growing in power ... They have literally branched out into every area of government ... The whole agenda of the United Nations is to change how people think. Joan Voen, author United Nations’ Global Straitjacket
As the world’s major powers began to trumpet the revolutionary significance of globalisation in the early 1990s, they skimmed over its inconsistencies. When countries opened up in the hope of greater cooperation with the mighty Western economies, the EU and US and Japan demanded that these emerging markets accept the sale of European, American and Japanese goods. At the same time, they insisted on low corporate tax rates in exchange for new investments as the vogue for ‘outsourcing’ production to keep down labour costs took hold among Western corporations. Misha Glenny, McMafia
But the extent of the internationalisation of organised crime and the role that Israelis played in it would not have been possible without globalisation – and one aspect in particular, the deregulation of international financial markets. ibid.
This has created a huge market for the transfer of people, driven by the demand of Western business for cheap, untaxed labour. ibid.
But if economic globalisation has enabled this huge expansion, cultural globalisation has also played a part, advertising the pleasures offered by narcotics in regions that were opening up as markets. Rave culture, for example, and the accompanying use of drugs such as amphetamines and Ecstasy, swept across the world, reaching Japan. ibid.
There is much more that is managed in globalisation than its authors and advocates care to admit. ibid.
It is not globalisation in itself that has spurred the spectacular growth of organised crime in recent years, but global markets that are either insufficiently regulated, especially in the financial sector, or too closely regulated, as in the labour and agricultural markets. ibid.
A one-world government, a one-world economy, a one-world military, a one-world society, a one-world religion. New World Order: One World Government Conspiracy aka Illuminati: Illuminati Plans 2016, End of the World Youtube
The Rothschilds were busy funding both sides of the war of 1812. The modern financial system, started by the Rothschilds, has been funding both sides of every war for 200 years. ibid.
Soon after Adam Weisphaupt died, Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini was appointed to be the head of the Illuminati in 1834. Mazzini became a 33rd degree mason while attending Genoa university. The most important thing about Mazzini is that he formulated the Mafia. ibid.
While attending university, Lenin became a Mason. ibid.
The idea of global governance and a new world order has been around for centuries. Welcome to Truth: Satanic New World Order Illuminati Conspiracy, Youtube
‘Globalisation has economically destroyed the world.’ Globalist Conspiracy Plans for the New World Order, Dr Robert Bowman, Youtube, Tarpley
Global Governance … this is Hitler’s dream come true. This is a nightmare. This is the tombstone upon all sovereignty for all nations for all time. The United Nations must fall for freedom to live. Secret Agenda of the Illuminati and New World War III, 2015 Toutube, Hilder
The message of anti-globalisation we see now is global. Trump’s America: A Newsnight Special, BBC 2016
All of these wars are part of the same design … The Project for the New American Century which is this blueprint of global domination which was published before the succession of Bush to the White House. It is essentially a blueprint; it identifies the stages in this war … The war on Iraq was already planned … Iraq is first, then Iran … To secure access, control and ownership over these reserves. Michel Chossudovsky, lecture McMaster University Ontario 25th September 2003, ‘War and Globalization: The Truth Behind September 11’
The idea that globalisation could be a bad thing is always dismissed as a crazy loony lunatic left-wing fringe idea. The Corbett Report, 37 Globalisation is Not Your Friend, James Corbett online 2008
Joseph Stiglitz, the former chief economist of the World Bank: ‘The ways that the IMF and World Bank knowingly instituted the IMF riot in country after country as they undermined the sovereignty of these nations by bribing the dictators in charge into handing over the assets of the country.’ ibid.
Multinational companies are at the root of the problem. ibid.
An encroaching move towards regional and eventually global government or governance which is explicitly not democratic … and will protect corporate interests over that of everyday citizens. ibid.
Some of the globalist lies being told … GMO food is perfectly safe … The lie of quantitative easing … The Benghazi Incident … The phony War on Terror … Benjamin Netanyahu’s cartoonish props … The Corbett Report: Globalist Lies Exposed, James Corbett online 2021
These globalists are very much out in the open with their agenda … An almost magical ability that a lot of these people have to put the most extraordinary statements in the most ordinary plain boring rundown three-piece-suit language. The Corbett Report: Still Listening to the Enemy, James Corbett online April 2012
There is no left and right in American politics … This political charade … just a selection between pre-selected candidates … About choosing between Coke and Pepsi. ibid.
Bioethics is very much founded on and springs from Eugenics. ibid.