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The Sopranos TV - Virgil - Romans 14:1 - Saint Augustine - A P Herbert - Steven Pinker - Samuel Butler - Voltaire - William Penn - Aristotle - Allen v Farrow TV - Best of Enemies 2015 - Download: The True Story of the Internet TV - Cold War Armageddon TV - Jeremy Paxman TV - Ken Loach TV - John Pilger - Bobby Sands: 66 Days TV - Dominic Sandbrook TV - American Experience: The Mine Wars TV - Plutocracy: Political Repression in the USA 2015 - Andrew Marr TV - Ian Hislop TV - Dan Jones TV - Amanda Vickery TV - Panorama TV - Ford’s Dagenham Dream TV - Made in Dagenham 2010 - With Banners & Babies: Story of the Women’s Emergency Brigade TV - Sarah O’Connor: Ireland’s Deadliest Feud TV - Abby Martin: The Empire Files - Storyville: Lance TV - Melvyn Bragg - Tory! Tory! Tory! Path to Power TV - Our World TV - Lisa Hilton TV - Harlan Country 1976 - Ken Loach - Fighting for Our Lives 1975 - This World: South Africa: The Massacre that Changed a Nation TV - TV Eye TV - Play for Today: The Rank & File TV - The Burston Rebellion TV - Ken Loach: Days of Glory TV - Depp v Heard TV - Wapping: The Workers' Story 2024 - Strike: An Uncivil War TV -




They bring certain modes of conflict resolution back from the old country.  The Sopranos s5e9: Unidentified Black Males Meadow to boyfriend, HBO 2004



It’s not in my power to decide such a great dispute between you.  Virgil, Eclogues



Doubtful disputations.  Romans 14:1                                   



If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don’t accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend.  Saint Augustine



The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.  A P Herbert  



In any dispute, each side thinks it’s in the right and the other side is demons.  Steven Pinker  



It is not he who gains the exact point in dispute who scores most in controversy – but he who has shown the better temper.  Samuel Butler



A long dispute means both parties are wrong.  Voltaire



It were endless to dispute upon everything that is disputable.  William Penn



How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms.  Aristotle



The Plaza Hotel 18 August 1992: I am greatly saddened … [by] allegations instigated by her of child abuse on my part.  Allen v Farrow I, Woody’s press conference, Sky Documentaries 2021


For the longest time I’ve been trying to set the record straight.  ibid.  Dylan Farrow   


That’s the great regret of my life that I wasn’t perceptive enough.  It’s my fault.  I brought this guy into our family.  You know, there’s nothing I can do to take that away.  ibid.  Mia   


I had seven children and he didn’t want to meet them at all.  ibid.  Mia   



Sometimes there’s a murder or mystery or something but it’s basically always an older guy trying to deal with this younger woman and him dealing with that.  Allen v Farrow II, Richard Morgan, journalist, or unused film scripts


Both Allen’s doorman and the building manager testified in court to having seen Soon-Yi visit Allen many times during her senior year of high school and first year of college … Several months after Soon-Yi graduated high school, Mia discovered explicit photos of her in Allen’s apartment.  ibid.  caption  



The private lives of Woody Allen and the Farrow family would become very public in August of 1992.  A series of investigations and law-suits followed which generated tens of thousands of court and police documents most of which were never made public.  Allen v Farrow III


‘Mr Allen’s behaviour toward Dylan was grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her.’  ibid.  trial judge


Woody Allen denies ever having been sexually inappropriate or abusive with Dylan and was never criminally charged.  ibid.  caption



How would you know?  So I never brought them home.  Allen v Farrow IV, re further boyfriends



During the Republican and Democratic conventions of 1968 ABC News hired the conservative William F Buckley and the liberal Gore Vidal for ten nightly debates on national television.  Best of Enemies ***** 2015


ABC was the third of the three networks … ABC needed something provocative, a media event.  ibid.  observer


Bill Buckley was the first modern conservative intellectual to see that ideological debates were cultural debates, and what he did was to put conservatism on the march: and that’s the creation of the movement we have today.  ibid.  Sam Tanenhaus, Buckley’s biographer


National Review is the most influential magazine of our time.  Why?  The magazine attached to a movement.  ibid.  


For Buckley, Vidal was the devil.  He represented everything that was going to moral hell, that was degenerative about the country.  ibid.  Fred Kaplan, Vidal’s biographer  


Gore Vidal is a whore of debate when it comes to values of our country and of historical forces.  The man is brilliant.  And the man is fun to watch.  But there is always a residue in my opinion when I watch him of nausea.  ibid.  Reid Buckley


I knew Buckley would have done no research.  ibid.  Vidal


They really do despise one another.  Each thought the other was quite dangerous.  ibid.  Hitchens


Debate 2: Tonight the key question for every patriot is can an ageing Hollywood juvenile actor with a right-wing script defeat Richard Nixon, a professional politician, who currently represents no discernible interest except his own.  ibid.  Vidal


Buckley was his generation’s greatest debater.  He knew very well how to make an argument, but he was even better at dismantling your argument.  ibid.  Sam Tanenhaus  


He’s always to the right I think and almost always in the wrong.  And you certainly must, Bill, maintain your reputation as being the Marie Antoinette of the right wing, and continually imposing your own rather bloodthirsty neuroses on the political campaign.  ibid.  Vidal      


A philosophy and an economy of stagnation but also a spiritual world of stagnation.  ibid.  Buckley of Vidal


It’s very hard to stand up carrying the weight of what I know.  ibid.  Buckley’s response to panel question about thinking on your feet  


Freedom breeds inequality … Unless you have freedom to be unequal, there is no such thing as freedom.  ibid.  Buckley to Vidal 


In the interval between Miami and Chicago I read Myra Breckinridge [Gore Vidal].  It attempts heuristic allegory but fails, giving gratification only to sadist homosexuals and challenge only to taxonomists of perversion.  I thought and thought about it.  There is nothing left to say about Myra.  ibid.  Bill Buckley     


Gore Vidal was correct in prophesying that we would become an empire.  That is our present dilemma.  ibid.  Reid Buckley  


These ad hominem attacks were not at all characteristic of Bill.  ibid.  Linda Bridges, Buckley’s personal assistant


Buckley couldn’t let it go.  ibid.  Tanenhaus


On Experiencing Gore Vidal: Can there be any justification in calling a man a queer before ten million people on television?  ibid.  Bill Buckley, essay Esquire magazine


Distasteful Encounter with William F Buckley Jr: Can there be any justification in calling a man a pro crypto-Nazi before ten million people on television?  ibid.  Gore Vidal, essay Esquire magazine


One of the longest lawsuits between two American public intellectuals that has ever been.  ibid.  Hitchens 


If I had a pill which would reduce my age by twenty-five years I wouldn’t take it.  Because I’m tired of life.  ibid.  Buckley, television interview      



The furore over the Napster/Metallica war boosted Napster’s popularity even more.  Its user base was exploding.  Download: The True Story of the Internet series, Science 2008



In the decade after World War II the USA and the USSR are locked in a battle for global supremacy.  It’s a bitter fight between two rival ideologies: capitalism and communism that stretches from Berlin to Havana and beyond.  Cold War Armageddon s1e3, Discovery 2016


By February, Castro is sworn in as prime minister of Cuba … less than 90 miles from the USA.  ibid.


Sputnik … strikes dread into the West … The space race between East and West has started.  ibid.


The Cold War in Berlin is a story of families forced apart.  ibid.