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★ Dispute

Mr Matthews, I don’t want to fight this war … We are being forced by your’ and mine’ peers and masters to fight people who could be our neighbours … The working classes of England are being forced to fight and kill the working classes of another country.  Days of Hope I: Joining Up; written Jim Allen; directed Ken Loach, BBC 1975


Those who made the war aren’t fighting it; they’re sitting in desks in Whitehall.  ibid.


Brain’s too active.  That’s what comes of reading too many books.  ibid.  father      


Hasn’t the trade union movement always argued for compulsion of our trade union interests?  ibid.  trade union official  


Sergeant-Major, take these men [pacifists] to the front.  ibid.  army big knob



I couldn’t agree with you more.  But we must honestly look after our selves.  Days of Hope II: 1921, union official


A district settlement with miners competing against each other.  ibid.  Joel to Ben


While this strike lasts you are allowed to breathe.  And that’s all you’re allowed to do.  ibid.  rozzer


So tell me, are things really so bad?  ibid.  Mr Pritchard


A reduction in wages: there is no alternative.  ibid.


The cause of our trouble is the decay of our religious spirit.  ibid.


Democracy is based on the rights of property.  ibid.


I’m sorry but we’re gonna confiscate this food.  ibid.  rozzer             


You know what’s going to happen after this, don’t you?  Victimisation.  ibid.  striking miner  


My concern is the poor misguided people out there.  ibid.  union official  



A miracle.  Less than twenty years since its birth, the Labour Party forms a government with Ramsay MacDonald as Prime Minister.  Although outnumbered in Parliament by Conservatives and Liberals, Labour is the biggest party.  Many feel that the task of legislating socialism into existence can now begin.  Days of Hope III: 1924 ***** captions   


Perhaps the only thing to do is to scrap the lot, start all over again.  ibid.  Ben


Organised Labour Supports the Dockers.  ibid.  Daily Herald headline  


I shall open my mouth when I’ve something to say.  ibid.  Hargreaves MP to neighbouring Tory MP


Things will be different from now on.  ibid.     


It’s a lot of hard work joining the communist party.  ibid.  sister to Ben 


This union will strike as from February 16th.  ibid.  meeting


You spoke about legislating capitalism out of existence within the institutional framework ... You really think that the ruling class will sit back and allow itself to be liquidated?  ibid.  journalist to Hargreaves MP  


What I’m saying is that the Cossacks are all around you.  ibid.  


Josiah Wedgwood to Labour big knob: Doesn’t really matter which party’s in power, a general strike could lead to a Bolshevik-inspired revolution.  Neither of us wants that, do we?  ibid.  journalist reveals Labour leadership’s class-collaboration treachery


Big business holding the purse strings, calling the tune.  ibid.  Ben to Hargreaves MP    


They own the schools, the colleges, the army, the police, what else?  Courts, papers …  ibid.


1923: More than half the old bosses are members of the communist party.  ibid.  activists’ discussing Russia


These plans were intact when the Conservatives resumed office a few months later.  At no time were Parliament and People informed about them.  They were used as the basis of the strike-breaking force of 1926.  ibid.  captions



1926 General Strike: In 1925 the coal owners decided to reduce the miners’ wages.  The miners resisted and other unions stood with them.  On 31th July, Prime Minister Baldwin announced a subsidy for nine months while Sir Herbert Samuel held an inquiry into the industry.  The Government spent the nine months putting the finishing touches to its plans to confront the miners when the subsidy ran out.  The TUC did nothing.  The subsidy was to be withdrawn on 30th April 1926, and the miners were to be locked out of the pits unless they accepted reduced wages and longer hours of work.  On April 29th, a delegate conference of all unions was called to consider strike action in support of the miners.  Days of Hope IV: 1926 General Strike, captions


Churchill and Birkenhead sneering down at us …  ibid.  Union’ big cheese’ talk    


The TUC don’t want this strike.  ibid.  Tory big cheese’ talk


While I’m on this committee there’s absolutely no chance of any sell-out.  ibid.  TUC big cheese’ talk


Russia stands like an oasis in the desert.  ibid.  activist


We should be out there warning people against these bastards not ruddy well telling them to vote for ’em … The working classes learnt more in five days of being on them streets than they would in five years of reading newspapers and pamphlets and voting in the elections, and we’re doing nothing about it.  ibid.  Ben    


The [TUC] Council is on the point of disassociating itself from the miners.  ibid.  treachery of TUC big knob 


They were produced for the press.  They were propaganda figures … The men are going back to work, and those numbers are suspect.  ibid.             


It seems the employers have been given a free hand.  ibid.  Hargreaves


You’re a social democrat, and social democrats always betray.  ibid.  Ben to Hargreaves     


We did something, and you failed it up.  ibid.  



The John C Depp II v Amber Laura Heard trial took place over six weeks beginning in April 2002.  Depp v Heard testified two weeks apart.  Depp v Heard I: Truth on Trial, captions, Netflix 2023  


She wrote an 2018 op-ed in The Washington Post referring to herself as a public figure representing domestic abuse.  ibid.  reporter/pod comments   


Depp was the one who wanted cameras in the courtroom; she didn’t.  ibid.


She’s acting; she’s lying.  ibid.      


He wasn’t hitting her but he was doing some very aggressive stuff.  ibid. 


Remember, we were not there.  ibid.


He realized the depths of how fucking insane she was.  ibid.


She’s on tape admitting to hitting Johnny Depp.  ibid.    



Millions watched, commented and shared.  Depp v Heard II: Breaking the Internet    


My finger had been severed.  The remains of my finger.  ibid.  Depp   


Amber Heard then testified in court that Johnny Depp sexually assaulted her with a glass bottle.  ibid.  caption


Social media is clearly playing a role in this case.  ibid.  reporter/pod comments    


It’s not about truth … It’s about what the judge or jury believes.  ibid.  


I must be a monster … Can you guys frigging believe this [photo] is put into evidence?  He’s taking a frigging nap.  ibid.  


Their duelling defamation trial playing out in Virginia.  ibid.  Court TV


Amber Heard’s cross-examination led to another wave of online ridicule.  ibid.  caption  


She doesn’t know the different between donate and pledge.  ibid.  pod comment 



I don’t know what to make of it … I don’t know who to believe.  I don’t know how much of it is true.  They’re two actors.  Depp v Heard III: The Viral Verdict, Piers Morgan


I am harassed.  Humiliated.  Threatened.  Every single day.  ibid.  Heard    


Brutal, cruel, and all false.  ibid.  Depp


Borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder.  ibid.  Depp’s shrink evaluates Heard  


Those [Depp] texts were not presented to the jury.  Judge Azcarate did not allow them to be admitted to the court.  ibid.  caption


Amber Heard’s legal team shifted their questioning to addressing Johnny Depp’s character.  ibid.


As the verdict approached, the tension on social media escalated.  ibid.