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★ Discrimination

Discrimination: see Racism & Sexism & Equality & Inequality & Women & Minority & Oppression & Repression & Cruelty & Control & Terror & Dissent & Empire & Capitalism & Protest & Intolerance & Persecution & Hate & Jew & Black People & Disability & Prejudice

Marilyn Manson - The MacPherson Report - The Sopranos TV - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine TV - Carl T Rowan - The Catherine Tate Show TV - Charles Perkins - Russell McGregor - John Pilger - Stephen Roberts - Joseph Smith - Home Office guidance - James Wentworth Day - George Wallace - Paul Foot - Enoch Powell - Clarence Darrow - Trading Places 1983 - Pathe News - Unity Mitford - Susan Sontag - Glenn Beck - Robert Kennedy - Rabbi Maimonides - Loving v Virginia 288 US 1 1967 - Thurgood Marshall - Christopher Hitchens - Made in Dagenham 2010 - Anne Finch - Gloria Steinem - John Stuart Mill - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Lydia Maria Child - Margery Corbett Ashby - Victoria Claflin Woodhull - Christabel Pankhurst - Andrew Marr TV - Mary Wollstonecraft - Susan B Anthony - Zora Neale Hurston - Bertrand Russell - Dorothy L Sayers - Nelson Mandela - Martin Luther King - Richard Dawkins - Michael Moore - Kofi Annan - Yes Minister TV - Amanda Vickery TV - Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner - Sylvia Woods & Seeing Red 1983 - I Am Not Your Negro 2016 - Rise Up: The Movement that Changed America TV - Gattaca 1997 - Abby Martin: The Empire Files - Too Gay for God? TV - The Trump Dynasty TV - Reggie Yates TV - Panorama TV - Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests TV - George Alagiah TV - Glenn Greenwald - Eagle Scout - World in Action TV - Fergal Keane: The Story of Ireland TV - Defiance: Fighting the Far Right TV -                                     




The media has unfairly scapegoated the music industry and so-called Goth kids and has speculated, with no basis in truth, that artists like myself are in some way to blame.  This tragedy was a product of ignorance, hatred and an access to guns.  I hope the media’s irresponsible finger-pointing doesn’t create more discrimination against kids who look different.  Marilyn Manson, re Columbine School Massacre



The collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin.  It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.  The MacPherson Report: The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry



I’ll tell you what it is – anti-Italian discrimination.  The Sopranos s4e3: Christopher starring James Gandolfini & Lorriane Bracco & Edie Falco & Michael Imperioli & Dominic Chianese & Steven van Zandt & Tony Sirico & Robert Iler et al, Silvio at table in street


They discriminate against all Italians as a group.  ibid.  Silvio at wheel



Do you realise that caste-based discrimination goes against the Federation charter.  If Bajor returns to the d’jarra system I have no doubt that its petition to join the Federation will be rejected ... I had a feeling Winn would see it that way.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e17: Accession, Kira



It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.  Carl T Rowan



There will always be those who just can’t bring themselves to accept people who are ... ginger.  The Catherine Tate Show s2e1, rozzer, BBC 2005


They’ve been trained [at the ginger refuge] to work with ginger people.  ibid.


[Refuge supervisor] You’re safe now.  Come through.  Welcome to Russet Lodge ... The ginger gene can skip a generation.  Helen is what’s known as a carrier ... And that’s why we’re here.  We have all sorts of gingers here – gingers in denial, confused gingers, even militant gingers.  But they have one thing in common – they don’t need to fear the outside world.  ibid.


Gingers out!  ibid.  protest outside refuge



Is this fair?  Enforced segregation?  Hours of basket-weaving with nothing to look forward to but a self-esteem workshop with Mick Hucknell.  The Catherine Tate Show s3e7: Gingers For Justice


I am Ginger.  ibid.



The real game is the poverty-stricken situation of Aboriginal people.  The lack of courage on the part of this government to say sorry.  The determination of a part of minority section in Australian society to accept aboriginal people and the reality of history.  Thats the real game.  And the next part is to bloody well do something about it.  Charles Perkins, Aboriginal leader



Indisputably, in my view, ‘breeding out the colour’ was policy, in that it was a systematic course of action endorsed and pursued by those charged with authority over Aboriginal affairs.  However, it was policy initiated not by parliament or minister but by senior members of the bureauc-racy.  Russell McGregor, Breed Out the Colour



Just one of the disgraces that has given Australia the distinction of being the only developed country whose government has been condemned as racist by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.  John Pilger, re plight of Aborigines



Aborigines were commonly regarded as less than human.  They were not citizens.  They had no vote.  Unlike the sheep they were not even counted.  When I was at school history books either ignored them or compared them to half-wild dogs, animals of prey who devour their own species.  While the Olympics provided a facade of triumph and civilisation, aboriginal families were being torn apart by deliberate government policies that led to a former slavery ... Most died in their thirties and forties.  Their tragedy represents the epic suffering of the Aboriginal people whose living conditions are so bad that their life expectancy is among the lowest on Earth, worse than much of Africa.  John Pilger, Welcome to Australia, ITV 1999



I remember the boys dressed in army surplus, the girls in hessian, their silhouettes framed in beach shanties, staring across an abyss.  You were not meant to talk about them.  They were not counted in the census, unlike the sheep, and anyway were dirty and feckless and dying off.

You were not meant to disturb the surface of our great southern idyll, sun-kissed and God-blessed, in circumstances that might raise questions of race.  At high school, I studied a celebrated historian, Russel Ward, who wrote: ‘We are civilized and they are not’.  They were the first Australians.  At least he mentioned them.  Other text books simply left them out.  John Pilger, New Statesman article, ‘Return to a Secret Country’



This Aboriginal man died three hours later.  No police officer was prosecuted.  John Pilger, Utopia ***** ITV 2013


The other Australia – a secret battleground where the first people of Australia fought the invading British.  This was their land.  ibid.


The equality of man, said Barton, was never intended to apply to those who werent British.  And white skinned.  ibid.


The same shacks.  The same lack of basic services.  The same diseases.  ibid.


Almost one third of Aboriginal people are dead before the age of 45.  ibid.  caption


Aboriginal people were not counted in the Census unlike the sheep.  A school textbook explained why: ‘We are civilised, and they are not’.  ibid.


A genocidal history that’s barely recognised in white Australia.  ibid.


Today, black Australians are among the most imprisoned people on earth.  ibid.  caption


Rape and sexual exploitation were used by whites against black women and children.  ibid.


All over Australia black children are being taken from their homes. ibid.



Its quite useless to treat the Aborigines fairly because they are completely amoral, and incapable of sincere and prolonged gratitude.  Sir Stephen Roberts, historian, school textbook until early 70s



Last year there were over 35,000 racial hate crimes recorded in England and Wales.  Stephen Lawrence – 20 Years On: Tonight, ITV 2013



For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and just, for even now their females are more virtuous than the gentiles.  Joseph Smith, revelation Missouri 1831



It’s such a pity that a Chinaman is fastidious.  He will not take a battered old prostitute of the seaport but wants something young, attractive, above all clean and free from venereal disease.  UK Home Office guidance



The Negro is said to be more largely developed than the white man, and a woman who has once been with a Negro is said to find no satisfaction with anything else.  Home Office memo to Foreign Office 1925



The black man ... has a different set of standards, values, morals and principles.  In many cases their grandfathers were eating each other.  James Wentworth Day   



Segregation now.  Segregation tomorrow.  And segregation for ever. George Wallace, Alabama governor