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★ Depression

I expect you feel depressed.  I’ll give you some tranquillizers.  Three of these four times a day; if it gets really bad, two of the little while ones, six of the black …  Play for Today: Dog Ends by Richard Harris, doctor to Arthur, BBC 1984 



Well, she doesn’t … well, eh doesn’t want me to be myself.  She objects.  She objects to everything I do.  She, she dislikes my friends.  She thinks I have drinks.  She criticizes me all the time …  The Wednesday Play: In Two Minds by David Mercer, director Ken Loach, Kate, BBC 1967


Do you listen to her, Mrs Winter?  ibid.  researcher  


I really am wicked.  ibid.  Kate to researcher 


Anyway, when I came back the door was locked …  ibid. 


Researcher: Abortion.


Mother: Don’t say that word to me.  ibid.     


It would have been me that would have been lumbered with it.  ibid.  mother


When I get better I don’t have those feelings of being somebody else.  ibid.  Kate      


So you asked to go back to the hospital?  ibid.  researcher


I’ve been a good father, and what have you done?  You’ve pushed it all back in my face.  Because you’re self-willed.  Your mother and me, I mean, she’s a good woman, and I can’t stand to see the effect of what you’re doing, what you do to her  undermining her health.  I’m ashamed of you.  ibid.  father    



People don’t fake depression … they fake being OK.  Remember that.  Be kind.  Robin Williams