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hiss! hiss! hiss!

Chrissy shan’t miss

her pet snake.


It slithered and it wriggled




that wicked fellow John.


It looked at her longingly,

Chrissy’s pet snake

hiss hiss! he he!


She hit it with a broom 

 in the living-room,

Chrissy’s pet snake.


‘For Pete’s sake!’

(for that was his name)

‘You’ve squashed his brain!’

I appealed to her better nature.


‘Tish-pish!’ Though not deterred a jot.

‘I should have shot

both you and the snake,’

she hissed to me.


ha ha! he he!

Chrissy shan’t miss

her pet snake.


hiss hiss!

bah! humbug!


These dark days I hide in the cupboard

Away from the living-room.

Sure as Hell Chrissy don’t miss

Her pet snake.  [1997]



