I loved thee in thy springtime blush of youth,
Life ripens, green apples turn autumn gold
Crumble winter ashes — so soon to grey.
Those happy days. I love thee of a truth,
And keep thee close as when I once did hold
Thee in my arms — so soon have blown away
Those days like leaves.
Still Life retains thy love for me
To blossom, dear,
As sure my love for thee. [2002]
Now here’s the wild and wonderful thing
about mushrooms: a cascading, heavenly rainbow shower
of pulsating red angel-cells.
Eat all you can!
Yum yum!
Scrumble scrum
And then some.
Scoffing like an elf or hobgoblin.
Till you’re sick to the stomach.
Soft blows more and more showers
of iridescent red.
Jesus wants to count my many sunbeams.
Now we’re green.
Down to earth. [2007]