A secret order of knights grows immensely rich and powerful ... A quest that leads to some of the most important archaeological sites. Secret Worlds: Templar Treasure, PBS 2015
Did the Knights Templar discover a great treasure here in Jerusalem? Did they bring it back to Europe and become more powerful than the Pope himself? And when the French King ordered their arrest and seizure of their assets why was there no treasure to be found? Where had it gone and where is it today? Jamie Theakston’s Forbidden History s1e1: The Lost Treasure of the Templars, UKTV 2013
‘Everything is possible in Jerusalem.’ ibid. Shimon Gibson
The Knights Templar remain one of the most intriguing and fascinating chapters of medieval history … Rumours that circle around them of hidden treasure, weird rituals and satanic practice. Jamie Theakston’s Forbidden History s4e4: The Dark Truths of the Templars
‘They start off as this very very small guard that’s just there to protect the pilgrims in the Holy Land, but what they then become over the years is this incredible almost the first kind of pan-national globalised corporation.’ ibid. Guy Walters
It’s estimated that by the end of the 13th century the Templars numbered 160,000, of whom 20,000 were knights. They were an undoubted superpower. ibid.
‘The Templars controlled 9,000 estates throughout Europe.’ ibid. Guy Walters
Church-appointed knights terrorised their foes, amassed a huge fortune and may have indulged in forbidden rights. Who were these monks who killed for Christ? In Search of History s2e10: The Knights Templar, History 1997
In 1096 Pope Urban II sent an army of crusading knights from western Europe to capture the birthplace of Christianity from its Muslim overlords the Saracens. ibid.
Over 20,000 Templars died in battle during the crusades. ibid.
Most princes owed them money. The Templars’ wealth made them the most prominent bankers of the age. ibid.
The shock of the Templar’ arrests had been immortalised in popular superstition. ibid.
The Knights Templar: the Crusades’ most feared and mysterious warriors, rumoured to possess God-given relics like the Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. With armies and strongholds spanning three continents they were richer than kings and popes but that’s precisely who brought them down. In 1307 the Templars were hunted to extinction and vanished. Or did they? Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail I: Holy City Holy Grail, History 2018
Royston: hundreds of mysterious [cave] images. ibid.
Zedekiah’s Cave, Jerusalem: 800 yards from the Templar’s headquarters; much of the cave system remains unexplored. ibid.
Latrun Castle: this massive castle was one of the first fortresses the Templars built. ibid.
The Templars’ first major test came in 1187 in Jerusalem when the Muslim general Saladin decimated the Templar army and occupied their headquarters. Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail II: Last Stand in the Holy Land
97% of Akra’s underground remains unexplored. ibid.
The Knights Templar were exterminated in 1307. But the team believes the order may have survived by using advanced military tactics honed during their early years. Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail III: Surviving the End
‘The Paris temple was unusual in France in that it resembled a castle.’ ibid. Dan Jones
All records of the Templar’ treasure vanished. ibid.
Friday 13 October 1307: The alleged destruction of the Knights Templar began with a wave of mass arrests. The Knights were hunted, imprisoned, tortured and executed. Most believe this marked the end of the Order. But new evidence tells a different story. Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail IV: Land of Secrets
Their best hope for salvation may have been to the west: Portugal. ibid.
Were the Order of Christ effectively the Templars under a new alias? And was this the beginning of their evolution into secret societies? ibid.
I’m here in Israel in search of the Knights Templar. These guys were the stuff of legend. So is their gold. During the Crusades these warrior monks battled for God, gold and glory. Somewhere here in the modern city of Acre lies their command centre and possibly their treasure. Lost Cities with Albert Linn s1e1: Knights Templar, National Geographic 2019
This is the new golden age of exploration. ibid.
Security was provided by a powerful band of devout but deadly monks – the Knights Templar. ibid.
All across the Holy Land archaeologists have dug up coins concealed within 53 Crusader strongholds. ibid.
Somewhere hidden just beneath the surface of this lagoon is the echoes of this ancient Templar fortress. ibid.
On the eastern frontier of the Christian world: faith, worship and blood, a new kind of conflict setting Muslim against Christian. A holy Land, a holy War. The Knights of Jerusalem’s temple. A new kind of soldier. Warriors for Christ. They were masters of the battlefields of the Middle East. Their very appearance made them icons of the Crusades. The Crusaders s1e1: The Knights Templar, History 2020
From the end of the 11th to the 15th century the Crusades rage across Europe and the Middle East. Perhaps 200,000 people answered the call of the Christian pope and left their homes behind. ibid.
For the next two centuries the Crusader kingdom thrived and survived. ibid.
The Knights Templar are amongst the most famous warriors of the Middle Ages. In the early 12th century the Knights had become the symbol of the lower nobility. ibid.
Pretty soon the Knights were indispensable: they patrolled the frontiers and kept the pilgrim routes open. The Templars made virtue of simplicity, poverty and brotherhood. ibid.
The most important posting for a Templar fighter is the Holy Land. ibid.
They and the other military orders were vital to the security of the Christian homeland. Their forces were highly respected by contemporary observers, even their Muslim enemies. ibid.
The Knights Templar defended the Holy Land. Their tools were bloodshed and prayer. Founded in the 12th century, these Christian warrior monks were an unbeatable force for nearly 200 years. Then they suffered a spectacular fall from grace: tried for heresy, they were accused of practising strange rituals. Lost Worlds s1e1: Knights Templar, History 2005
Tortosa had been handed to the Knights Templar in 1152. In return, they would protect the city and the surrounding area from Muslims who wanted the Christian settlers to leave the Holy Land … The grand scale of the castle can be revealed: double concentric walls surrounded it on three sides. ibid.
Tortosa was the gateway to a string of equally imposing fortifications protecting territory across the Holy Land. ibid.
In the heart of the city of London stands the English headquarters of the Knights Templar: Templar Church was consecrated in 1085. ibid.
By 1291 the Templars had failed in their task to defend the Christian territories of the Holy Land. ibid.
The Knights Templar: a secret society of holy warriors steeped in legend. During medieval times the poor knights of Christ became one of the richest and most powerful institutions of the era. But after 200 years the order came up against one of Europe’s most powerful kings. But the Templars live on in the legends of lost treasures and secret rituals. Secret Societies: In the Shadows s1e1: The Templars, History 2023
There were rumours that the Templars found secret or forbidden knowledge at the Templar Mount. ibid.
In their religious war against Saladin, the Templars had a very unlikely ally: the fabled Order of the Assassins. ibid.
‘I would love there to be a Templar connection.’ The Curse of Oak Island s4e1, Rick, History 2014
Twenty miles north of Oak Island Rick Lagina … continues to explore the inside walls of an old well that is located on property that researchers believe was once the site of a stone castle built more than eight hundred years ago by members of the Knights Templar. ibid.
Three ancient documents which she believes prove a connection between the Knights Templar and activities on Oak Island going back to the twelfth century. The Curse of Oak Island s4e2
The Templars might have visited the new world as far back as the twelfth century. ibid.
The new discoveries made so far by Rick, Marty, Craig and the rest of the Fellowship keep offering mounting evidence that centuries ago someone came a long way from Europe to leave something of great value hidden in the Money Pit. The Curse of Oak Island: European Connections, History 2023
Clearly there are connections between what you found in Europe and the Knights Templar. ibid. presenter
‘The Atlantic fleet of the Knights Templars went to Oak Island. And this happened long before Christopher Columbus discovered the northern continent. There’s only one proof of this – the Templar tombs in Oak Island.’ Templar grandmaster
The team was in awe as they entered the enigmatic medieval church in the town of Rosslyn. ibid.
Nearly every square foot of the Chapel’s walls and ceiling are covered with carved symbols related to the Templars. ibid.
‘The 9th level of the Money Pit didn’t contain the treasures but instead a tunnel, a tunnel that led 996 feel due west to the Enochian chamber below the edge of the triangle-shaped swamp.’ ibid. Alan’s theory
‘The Portuguese were mainly here more in the early part of the 1500s.’ ibid. Craig